Page 17 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 17
SEE THE GAS PRICE SHUFFLE !WPl"i!iUBi!f' Wesmlnster, !vfD Vo!' 4 No.3 Read how student Katie Johns~'.I... "What do you think Seconds Asks: How to Pigeons the war in Iraq?" dent's love for the game works with pigeons for an on Find out about one stu- is the reason behind campus job on Page 5 on page four. See story on page 10 INSIDE College Peace Club Rallies and Educates McDaniel Students "Our missions are to according to the Tour's web- Auditorium, Tour members DAVID P. GREISMAN generate awareness, [as] many site, includes military "fami- conveyed their opinions on STAFF WRITER . students don't pay attention lies, veterans of the Iraq War the War in Iraq, a majority of to what is going on around the and veterans of previous them urging their audience to Inspired by the War in world; to work to help create wars," consistently question the gov- Iraq and concerned with per- unity on campus and in the The Tour launched on ernment. ceived student apathy, the community; and to be active the final day of August near The speakers deliv- Peace Club is rallying and advocates, to not just talk President Busb's ranch in ered narrations concerning Read about Jane Libert's educating students at about peace, but to work and Crawford, with Texas, and culmi- their direct experiences with the war: the United Hart Vigas, of Iraq nated for experiences when her McDaniel College. create it," explained club pres- Veterans Against the War, boyfriend was injured In only its second year ident Colleen Leary. 'Peace and Justice Mobilization described his time Iraq in the war in the center of existence on campus, the To assist in educating protest in the District of in spread. club's agenda has come to a students, the Peace Club Columbia on the weekend of while serving with the 82nd head by coordinating with scheduled McDaniel as a stop .September 24-26. Airborne; Beatriz Saldivar and national anti-war sentiment for the Bring Them Home With about two dozen Tia Steele, members of Gold Now Tour, a rolling, bus rally (See "Peace" 0/1 Page 2) and series of panels that, K.A.R.E. Formed Find out more about t- ROB GOEKE shirts and other projects CO-EDITOR designed to raise money for Katrina Victims on From a Car Wash to a page 2 . South African a Capella singing group, to coin drives to selling T-shirts, many in the McDaniel community are JAllunm doing what they can to donate to Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. "People know what damage this hurricane did," said Dean of Student Affairs Philip Sayre. "They want to bond together to help." Because so many dif- Katie Hickey has an issue ferent efforts were taken on by with a small word in Members of McDaniel's Greek organizations partipate in a car wash to raise funds for victims a myriad of student groups, a everyone's away mes- of Hurricane Katrina. K.A.R.E" which stands for Katrina Area Relief Effort, was formed to pool coordinating committee sages. Read her story on all the funds raised and then eventually contribute all that is raised towards a single charity. (See "K.A.R.E" Gil Page 2) page 9 Pigeon Zone: McDevitt Changes Ways Of Thinking muring the room so contrary Learning and Animal Lab, "[we're] uncovering she told the class what to do, EMILY BIONDO to its counterpart: G3. delves into the question of learning processes that are the but did not explain the reason- STAFF WRITER same' for all species ...[and] we ing-a move that immediately It is these two parallel "how organisms make choic- Pigeon Zone. Two worlds-amazingly different es." Students are assigned a are hoping to extend [this] to highlighted the mutual learn- words and a massive silhou- for their like purpose of learn- pigeon, whom they will fol- humans," said McDevitt. To ing between pupil and pigeon that McDevitt encourages. ette splash the street-paint yel- ing-that Associate Professor low through a series of experi- present this to her class, "[Soon] they were low sign with glossy black. of Psychology Maggie ments that document the McDevitt originally explained pecking the key lights [them- The sign is sitting loudly on McDevitt breaches daily, pigeon's progressive reactions the process then had students what the seeing the sink in the lab, forcing given to research and teaching to several choices of food in test it, but with troubling selves], were seeing," she pigeons viewers to see feather-ridden with an equal but enthusiastic the form of a lighted button. results. said. After around a week, linoleum where carpet should emphasis on understanding. Once pecked, the button caus- "I had students com- McDevitt explained the actual be. Tidy rows of glassy boxes With pigeons and discussion es food to appear, but each ing up to me saying, 'Dr reasoning to the class, and instead of wooden desks. A topics in tow, McDevitt cross- button gives varying quanti- McDevitt, my pigeon's not comprehension at what their distant murmuring vibration es the loud yellow and crisp ties. The result yields a learning as fast as it should," animal performed came to for testy silence. And, most white to educate students on greater understanding of the she said. To combat these light with almost as much importantly, that one blaring the concept of education. learning process in simple common frustrations, intensity as the bright peck- sign in place of the tiny white "In fact," she said, creatures, with a possible, McDevitt realized the problem ing-light their birds then changed her method of plaque just ten feet down the "that is my ultimate goal." exciting relation to more com- hail, prim black letters mur- Her class, the Psychology of plex beings. teaching. The next semester, (See "McDevitt 011 Page 5f
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