Page 23 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 23
ber. There have also been haves and the have-mores" also "have paid more than TOM DEVENY 14,362 American soldiers with another huge tax break $300 million in penalties since FACULTY CONTRIBUTOR wounded. And let us not for- But I do relate to $2,000. by permanently repealing the 2000 to resolve allegations of Why should you be get the other side. Innocent That is how much the estate tax, which will drain bid rigging, fraud, delivery of interested in the war in Iraq? civilians are often the ones war is costing us PER SEC- $1.5 billion per week from the faulty military parts and envi- After all, how does the war who most suffer in war. OND. And the spending on U.S. treasury. We are a nation ronmental damage." affect you? Conservative estimates put the war is causing havoc on that is like an individual who President Bush led the Every war has costs, the number of dead at almost our debt situation. The final has gone crazy using a credit nation to war citing weapons both human and economic. 26,000. The prestigious British two years of the Clinton presi- card (advice to students: do of mass destruction and On the human side, there are medical journal The Lancet dency marked the largest fed- NOT rack up credit card fomenting the idea of a con- the lives lost and lives published a peer-reviewed eral budget yearly surpluses debts). Who will pay all the nection between 9-11 and destroyed. The American article one year ago that put in history: $123 and $230 bil- interest on the debt? YOU and Sad dam Hussein. Friends Service Committee the number at over 100,000. lion, respectively. During the I (and our children) will. Does Since neither was recently sponsored the "Eyes Aerial bombing and missiles last two years, we have had anyone benefit from the war? true, one can only surmise Wide Open" exhibit at Johns killed many innocent victims. the largest yearly budget American companies like that we are at war based on Hopkins University, display- Does that have any impact on deficits in history: $378 and Bechtel and Halliburton (for- lies and deceit, or on total ing one pair of boots for each you? That our tax money- $412 billion. And many of the mer ceo: Dick Cheney), which incompetence. Unfortunately, American soldier killed in the . yours and mine--has caused costs for our overseas military increased its federal contracts the idea that they (Iraqis) war. Seeing 1900 empty boots such death and operations are off-budget. from $0.4 to $8.0 billion oyer attacked us still persists, (close your eyes and imagine destruction? Which brings us Meanwhile, the Bush adminis- the past four years. According (See "Deveny" 011 Page it!) provides a visual impact to the economic costs of the tration wants to reward the to Corporate Watch, these 10) that is somehow stronger than war. J have a hard time relat- members of what he has iden- firms, together with eight merely thinking of the num- ing to the number $196 billion. tified as his constituency, "the other American companies, War Not Ideal, But Sometimes It's Necessary stand up against injustices in Iraq's accounting for more both its actions and inactions, ANONYMOUS have the duty to. OPINION than two tons of the raw mate- CONTRIBUTOR Iraq is proving not that it is a r feel obligated to stand ment to disarm, Iraq has a rials needed to produce thou- nation set on disarmament, I am not happy about up for a war I believe in, yet I high-level political commit- sands of gallons of anthrax but a nation with something the United States fighting a don't feel comfortable stand- ment to maintain and conceal and other biological weapons. to hide. war in Irag. Nor was I happy ing up and being identified. its weapons, this is led by' This reflects the It is amazing that we have about the attacks on the citi- Why could Inot use my Saddam Hussein and his son regime's reputation for dis- been trying to remove zens, the USS Cole, our name? Qusay. honesty and constitutes a Sad dam Hussein from power embassies, and the World Professors make known Instead of full coopera- material breach of the UN since the Gulf War. In the 2000 Trade Center. Iraq invaded their political ties, and grades tion and transparency, Iraq Security Council Resolution election both candidates Kuwait and was defeated. are often affected by those has filed a false declaration to 1441, which set up the current spoke out about the need to Numerous UN resolutions views. It is the sad truth. the UN that amounts to inspections program. Iraq is deal with Hussein. Gore was were ignored, yet many still There is no mystery to 12,200-page lie. The declara- not allowing inspectors perhaps even more emphatic feel the war in Iraq is not justi- voluntary disarmament. The tion fails to account for or "immediate, unimpeded, than Bush. In 1998, congress fiable, that weapons of mass world knows from examples unrestricted access" to facili- passed, and President Clinton destruction were a lie. set by South Africa, Ukraine, explain Iraq's efforts to get ties, or people involved. By 1 feel that the ideas pre- Kazakhstan what it looks like uranium from abroad, its (See "War" 011 Page 10) sented in the constitution of when a government decides to manufacture of specific fuel the United States hold true. cooperatively give lip it's for ballistic missiles it claims Those who have the ability to weapons. Instead of commit- not to have, and the gaps pre- viously identi fled by the UN FaL~!x:~WaTLtls~~,!2~i§E-ur~!l~,~ unnatu- STAFF WRITER The hate m their eyes gores ral: It goes agamst every through your body. instinct our bodies have. So, r Imagine you're thousands of Now, you have to defend have immense respect for miles from home in a country your country. Easy enough? anyone who fights for our where nobody speaks your Pick up your gun, shoot country, especially those language: everything is for- another human being? Could already close to my heart. etgn to you. All you know is you do it; would you survive? Several members of my what the residents of the Millions of Americans have family have served country relay to you through fought for this country, and (See "Family" 011 page 10) their stares. my respect for them is IIJfill II A coin has two sides for a reason. Day and night exist for a reason. Tough issues like the war have two sides. This week's center spread explores the war in Iraq. Questions are not answered co~~letely. It's you.r job to figure out what It IS. Over There The day is coming, Their favorite toys, Drums are drumming, They're going over there. if you know one say a Someone has to die (over there, over there), prayer. It's not our job to reason Mothers crying, why (over there, over there), Fathers sighing. War is in the air. o someone has to die. Trains filling up with boys, Who have left behind, Lyrics from FX show's theme song "Over There"
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