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Dmen mffOr SPORIS Vol. 4 No. 1 SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 Page 12 Fonner Terror Golfer Waeger Battles Cancer PAT O'TOOLE but by May 13 the coughing people around hun-a luxury ulty have been integral in his sors are also needed for each of SENIORWRITER and shortness of breath had that others do not have. effort. He wants everyone to the holes. become too muc~ to bear. "I feel lucky that r,have know that he is not letting the Dan's experience shows On October 30, the "I' Once admitted to the a gr~atsupport system ill my cancer affect him and that he that anyone can be affected by Annual Waeger C.U.P." golf hospital, physicians dtscov- fa,milY"and II_1Y~,roup of will beat it. cancer at any time, so do your tournament will be held to ben- ered that 1.5liters of fluid had fnends, he said. I am su- Everyone, golf experi- part to help. Stop by the Writ- efit the National College Ath- built up around his heart. It per thankful and grateful for ence or not, is invited to par- ing Center to pick up a brc- letes Foundation, an organiza- was soon discovered that the all of my friends, especially ticipate in the tournament. chure. tion intended to provide money insides of Dan's lungs were those at McDaniel." Corporate and private spon- to college athletes either suffer- covered in cancerous nod- While planning the ing from cancer or affected by ules, and he was diagnosed tournament, Dan is working Cancer [I cancer in their family. with "cancer of an unknown on establishing the National That announcement is primary" (also known as College Athletes easy to pass over, as we have c.u.P., as it is referred to in Foundation.' His dream is all seen charity events similar the creative title of the golf that the foundation will pro- to it. Yet this fundraiser has a tournament). vide money for athletes af- special meaning for the Many people associate fected by cancer to both fight McDaniel community and, cancer with lifestyle choices, the illness and continue their more significantly, for college but Dan's health was tmpec- education. students who have yet to find cable. In fact, he had been Through all of this, Dan their drive to fight against the training to compete in the San is continuing to coach golf silent epidemic in America. Diego Marathon. and take classes at Wagner. At 22 years of age, Dan Now 23, Dan is under- "It's inspiring that he's Waeger was building a life for going chemo-therapy. The stiU doing everything he himself in the spring of 2005 process helps to ward off the loves to do despite having to that was sure to make other col- cancer, but its side effects, in- go through chemo," Joe Meir, lege graduates rethink their ca- eluding hair loss and vomit- a McDaniel graduate and reer paths. Having graduated ing. are draining. close friend of Dan, said. from McDaniel in 2004, Dan Through it all, Dan has Emily Funk, a student Don W.C'll'" is the il1spir1"~on for the "1" A!1!1yniWa"Se'C.U.P." He 1$..,.,nh,,'" wlthjunio, EmUyFunk had recently been hired as the maintained a positive spirit. ,at McDaniel and close friend assistant golf coach at Division "I really, really believe of Dan, is inspired by his re- TOURNAMENT INFO IWagner College. While work- thateverythingisgoingtobe fusal to lie down and take ing his dream job, Dan was tak- alright," he said. "God what is handed to him. WHAT: the 1~'Annual Waeger C U.P. ing classes to earn his Master's wouldn't give me anything I "ItsI;0ws a lot about his in Finance at no personal ex- couldn't handle." character," she said. "He WHEN: Sunday, October 30 at 11:00 a.m. pense. When a family friend cares so much about other "rwould say Iwas on top approached Dan with the people. He could be sitting DETAILS: Call 717-274-2212 at stop by the Writing of the world," Dan recently idea of holding a golf tourna- around and feeling sorry for Center to pick up a brochure. said. ment to raise funds for his himself, but he's not. He's Over a period of about cancer treatment, he decided starting this program that is two weeks, however, Dan expe- that he would take that op- going to benefit so many To benefit The National College Athletes Foundation rienced increasingly Significant portunity to help others bat- other people." "Life is a series of false limits, and as athletes we have respiratory problems. His doc- tling cancer instead of him- Dan says that his to challenge those limits both on the field and off. We have tors at first told him that the self. His situation, he recog- former professors, coaches, to choose to fight. We have to choose to live." problems were due to allergies, nized. was made easier by the and other members of the fac- Football Comes Back, Stuns Bridgewater, 36-35 two points coming from a into the endzone from one the third quarter. yard attempt. MIKE HABEGGER botched snap on a punt at- yard out. . John Floyd's monster Bridgewater had plenty SPORTS EDITOR On the ensuing posses- hit on a 3rddown play forced of time to score again, but an tempt that led to a safety. The Eagles dominated sion, the McDaniel defense a punt from the Eagles. Jun- interception by Matt"Lufkin put The home fans filed out of the Green Terror in the first came up big, again forcing ior QB Tom wenrich entered the proverbial nail in the coffin. the stadium in Bridgewater, half, out-gaining McDaniel in QB Jacob Lewis into an inter- the game for an injured Brad After a few nail biting plays Va., with satisfied looks. After yards 349 to 225. Senior RB ception, the second by junior Baer and showed formidable near the end of the quarter, a 37-yerd touchdown pass to Marcus Washington scored DB Drew Abbamonte. poise. His QBsneak from the Bridgewater had one more end the first half, their team was four times in the half, seem- McDaniel drove down to the one-yard line and subse- m,"ce on a gift from the refer- up 33-14. Those who remained ingly untouched, including Bridgeweter ze yard line, but quent two-point conversion ees. On the ensuing play with inside were faithful students or an exciting kickoff return ID. then failed converting on a put McDaniel in the lead 33- no time left on the clock, Senior parents of second and third "[The first half! was dis- long fourth down play. 36. lineman Brett Rough brought string players. couraging because we knew Bridgewater kicker "[T was] very im- down Jacob Lewis. But they didn't know we could playa lot better," David Blackwell was first pressed," said Murray. "He "Number one, about the opposing team's said junior tight-end Josh team all-conference in 2004, came in and carried us to vic- Bridgewater is our rivalry. numbers 2, 7, 5, 1 and 28. They Murray. but had the worst of all pos- tory." Number two, gotta start the didn't know, because they On McDaniel'sopening sible starts to begin 2005 on Bridgewater failed to season right," said Murray. hadn't bothered to make the drive of the second half, two Saturday. His field goal at- convert a field goal on the "And we need ten wins this trip to Westminster the season straight false starts led to a' tempt failed miserably, and next possession, but a bad season to get 500. Beating prior. quick three-and-out. It took the wind out of the sails snap gave the Eagles two Bridgewater was very impor- Thanks in large part to looked as if Bridgewater had for Bridgewater, almost irre- more points on the board. tant." three rushing touchdowns by demoralized its opponent. vocably. Consequently, the home The loss snapped #2, senior tailback Broderick Early in the third quar- An exciting scramble team could win with a field Bridgewater's 23 game home Maybank, the McDaniel Col- ter, senior LB Ron Ringgold and 65 yard rush by senior goal. Bridgewater received winning streak, dating back to lege Green Terror defeated the stepped in front of a forced QB Brad Baer jumpstarted the ball after the safety and 1999. 14th ranked Bridgewater pass by Bridgewater QB the drive capped-off by converted a heart-wrenching McDaniel also defeated Eagles last Saturday, 36-35. The Jacob Lewis and returned the Maybank's third TD, making third down. Luckily for Seton Hill 28-9 this Saturday to Terror outscored the Eagles 22- ball 41 yards. A few plays the score 33-28 in favor of McDaniel, Eagles kicker go 2-0 on the season. 2 in the second half, the only later, Mayban.k scampered Bridgewater with 3:34 left in David Blackwell missed a 39
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