Page 20 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 20
SEPTEMBER 30, 2005 - Page 4 FEATURES Daniel Kinno Comedy The Pain of Being a Foil for Cracks and Comebacks DAVID P. GREIsMAN by while attending classes as a REVIEW fly. The crowd was eating it Oozing charisma, STAFF VVRJTER up, even when it was Kinno student or events as a journal- true stars of the night, Kinno Wood exhibited no fear of The comedian ist, I got as close to the action and Roy Wood Jr. that was hungry, ordering a crossing the line, making scanned the audience packed as possible. Kinne's routine, meal from the pub staff mid- racially related jokes and, into the pub at McDaniel What a bad idea. which spanned fifty minutes, routine. slightly more than a week College, searching for a target Daniel Kinne, the included wide-ranging obser- Following Kinno was after Katrina struck New on which to unleash his sar- opening act who has barn- vational humor on topics like Roy Wood Jr., a comedian Orleans, experimenting with donic wit. There, seated stormed the country, bringing the legalization of marijuana, based out of Birmingham, hurricane humor. directly in front of him, a man his comedy routines to college hunting and commercials for Ala., that has appeared on Wood, a graduate writing fervently, seemingly students from coast to coast, feminine hygiene products. Comedy Central, CBS's Star from Florida A&M with a not paying attention. excels at audience interaction, Search .and BET's Comicview. bachelor's in broadcast jour- J knew I should have and for a good portion of his But where Kinno truly shined Wood's forty minutes nalism, is like Kinne in that he sat in the back. time onstage, I provided a was 10 his back-and-forths were spent bringing down the spends a majority of his time I had been assigned to willing foil for his cracks and with students, improvisation- house with topical humor on playing shows on the road at a cover the comedy night for the comebacks. al moments that displayed the subjects such as fertility drugs, mixture of universities and McDaniel Free Press, and fol- With that full disclo- comic's versatility and will- strip clubs and the high costs clubs. lowing the ethic that r abide sure aside, we can discuss the ingness to make jokes on the of dating. Chess. Is a Challenging Workout For the Mind amounts of time studying and for three years I have only JOE CHILDS taking tests. began to scratch the surface of STAFF WRITER So how does chess my own potential. The earliest remem- exercise the mind? How I am a scholar of life brance of chess r have is sitting would one keep their mind in and of chess. This is the mag~ on the hardwood floor of my optimal condition? The game ntficence of life and chess; Uniontown home, 14 years has many aspects that involve there is always something to ago, hovering atop a chess different parts of the mind. learn. I always find myself in a board. Alone, in silence, T Chess does-this by uti- new position or situation, examined the position r had lizing different aspects of the much like the seven year old created. Much like one would brain-creativity, memoriza- boy I was, hovering atop a gaze at the stars, intrigued by tion, intuition, Iogic, and spa- chess board learning some- their complexity and unknow- tial intelligence. thing for the first time, capti- ingness; 1 sat there in utter The game has also vated. contemplation trying to enlightened me on a broader I invite everyone to understand what I was look- scope. Through countless come and experience the ing at. games of chess there is one game for their first or hun- This early fascination important lesson that I have dredth time. Come and work led to a passion with the game learned: the value of patience. out in our mental gymnasium. of chess that I now' hope to Impatience is the root to a sure make contagious at Mclfaniel blunder. Only will an attack ColJege. suffice when all the moves are Not too long ago the made at exactly the right time. college welcomed the T{ the move order 1tou v« ate tkt ~ McDaniel College Chess Club changes, just slightly, even to campus in which I'm the though the plan is the same, 4 CJt.edit ~? president. the outcome will be complete- More than 13 mem- ly different. So when you see a bers gathered to talk about the move that looks promising, -;?/()((t db 1~ «It? game and play. And the play- stop, and think of a better one. ing will continue - Fridays l have applied this lesson from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the many times in life, whether Freeman Room (the basement it's dealing with unmanage- AS A STUDENT OR. FACULTY of Decker). All are welcome, able people or taking an exam, faculty, staff, and students. patience has taught me that MEMBER. OF MCDANIEL COLLEGE, It is important to keep accuracy counts more than one's mind healthy in order to quantity. JOINING IS AS EASY AS A $5.00 maintain peek performance, Still, with all the especially for college students knowledge I have gained from DEPOSIT TO A FIRST FINANCIAL FCU t Free on-line banking who spend considerable seriously studying the game tc Fr~~ checking with interest and no SAVINGS ACCOUNT. FIND OUT minimum balance - Free checks Included with direct deposit WHY BEING A MEMBER. OF A t Visa®ATM/Oebit Cards Got Talent? CREDIT UNION IS ~OOL! .. Gre~t rates on auto loans and Visa® credit cards t ~~cess ~~r 30,000surcharge-free The McDaniel Free pont ATMs nationwide Press is always looking for students who love to take photos, help with page design, and do all kinds of cool artsy "stuff." JOIN THE FUN. Call Chanan: Ext. 8010
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