Page 13 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 13
COMMENTARY SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 - Page 9 "The Greatest Generation" is Still To Come The 90's were a decade before you. Each generation thing you sleep through or what transpired throughout the ROB GOEKE more peaceful and successful blazes a trail beyond what the cut any more. It's where you generation. The courage they CO-EDITOR than ever. This was the de- previous did. learn how to save us and showed. The work they did. cade we grew up in. Hard- We will be better, that I yourself. We all need to play The changes they made. How J believe the greatest gen- ship like what our grandpar- don't doubt. But to be the a role. The future begins now. they responded to challenges. eration in American history ents experienced is foreign. best? Why? It depends on us. The new era they began. was born between the years of Sacrifice like what our par- Because it's not just Starting now, we can't Tom Brokaw wrote it. 1918 and 1930. They brought ents did is unfathomable. about us any more. The settle for better. Better won't "The Greatest Generation." Of America through the Great De- We had it easy. But Greatest Generation made save humanity; best will. course, he was lying. Another pression and won World War Il, we're going to have to learn America the superpower. book with the same title is be- then made the American to be hard. 2000-2040 will be Their focus was inward, There is a book about ing written now. economy boom like never be- a time of unheard change. trying to better themselves fore. They made us what we Look at what has happened and their nation. Salvation . to us in five years: attacks, from within. Now, that But we, the children born wars, storms, bombs, prob- same thing won't nearly be from 1980 to 1990, the people lems that need addressing. sufficient. growing up right now, will It's just the beginning. More We need to go outside have to be great~r. is to come. The challenges we our borders. Fight for others. will face will be greater than Save others. Our brothers VITA Drama is worldwide. A any of those. But sitting in the and sisters are in trouble in city is flooded. War is all over. front row can't be an option thousands of places besides VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Disease is maiming a whole for us soon. Watching CNN New Orleans. Our help can't for McDaniel College's Volunteer continent. A hole in the atmo- in horror won't cut it any stop after Katrina is cleaned Income Tax Program sphere is getting bigger. Twenty longer. up. Ibelieve this storm must years from now, cars may not Africa is dying of AIDS. be the start. have fuel. Israel and Palestine need And that's just the begin- peace. Terrorism is still out The city's barely breath- ning. The world that has ex- there. The gap between poor ing. Chest heaving. 80% de- Learn how to prepare relatively simple income tax returns and isted for as long as we've been and rich is bigger than ever stroyed. Most see an end. earn internship credits while you learn. Contact Susan alive will change because our and growing. Pollution is I see a beginning. Milstein in the Business-Economics Department at x2456. survival depends on it. spreading like air. Gas is run- An opportunity to rise Training will take place on 3 consecutive Saturdays-January The turning point is now. ning out. like cream. A chance to save 21, January 28, and February 4, 2006 .. The actual preparation of It's on us. Humanity's future the world. To answer the call tax returns will take place during tax season 2006, beginning will be defined in the next gen- The American philoso- of history and of humanity. Tuesday, February 14 eration. phy is to be better than those Class can't be some- ASL and Deaf Studies Draw Free Press Staff Many Students to Mclfaniel Co-Editors-in-Chief "Vriters/Reporters Rob Goeke '07 Katie Martin '06 Beth McLane '07 Pat O'Toole '07 Deaf Culture and ASLIDeaf educational experience. Cori Simpson '08 CAITLIN SCHELLHORN Literature. Each one of these These opportunities are few Meredith Adams '07 MAARET KLABER classes is instructed by an in- and far between when look- Art Director STAFF WRITERS dividual who is Deaf. ing at Deaf Studies programs ChananDelivuk '08 Ryan Chell '09 The Question that we are The premise of these around the country. Shelly Hom frequently asked is: why did we classes is to enrich the stu- We encourage other News Editor Andy Wu '06 come to McDaniel a little dents in a broad background student at McDaniel College Jill Stone '06 CoUeen Leary '06 known college far away from of cultural and lingual as- to learn about Deaf culture by Laura Hutton '09 our homes in New York? pects of the American Deaf enrolling in ASL classes. All Features Editor David Greisman '07 The answer to this ques- Culture. 111eASL Lab, which students have the opportu- Alyse Hollomon '08 Sarah Black '07 tion is the ASL and Deaf Stud- is staffed by Deaf graduate nity to become aware of the Kelsey Lindholm '09 ies minor that this school offers. students, gives all ASL stu- diverse cultures on our cam- Commentary Editor Emily Biondo '09 Little do people know that this dents innovative ways to im- pus. jeru Evans '06 Taylor Hebden '08 College has one of the best Deaf prove their language skills. Eye to Eye is an organi- Patrick Bonaduce '08 Education Graduate programs Class field trips to local Deaf zation that is run by Sports Editor Kelly Rampmeyer '07 on the East Coast. This program Schools and University are McDaniel students to raise Mike Habegger '08 Melanie Chupein '09 is known for its long existence available as well as campus campus awareness on issues and high standards. and community events in- that concern Deaf people and Jane Libert '08 As undergraduate ASL volving the Deaf Commu- their culture. To become a Page Design and Deaf Studies minors, we nity. member of this organization David Greisman '07 Advertising Manager get the opportunity to benefit As ASL and Deaf Stud- you do not have to be Deaf Lindsay Fairchild '08 Emily Funk '07 from the quality of this pro- ies minors, we are given the nor need to know ASL. Beth Mcbane '07 Rachel Bryant '06 gram. opportunity for cultural and There are interpreters Pat O'Toole '07 The classes that are re- language emersion through provided to encourage the Advertising quired for the Deaf Studies mi- the ASLHouse on campus, or participation of those who do Photography Representatives nor include five levels of a semester "abroad" at not sign. For more informa- Sarah Black '07 David Creisman '07 American Sign Language Gallaudet University. tion about the Deaf Studies Indira Gonzales '07 (ASL), Linguistics of ASL, The The opportunity to so- minor, please contact Dr. The l'weaker Educational and Life Experi- cialize with members of the Eddy Laird at: ences of Deaf People, American Deaf community adds to our Ka tie Martin '06 71le McDaniel Free Press is published biweekly. Tbe opinions expressed do not necessarily represem rhose of Tile McDaniel Free Press staff. the faculty, orthe cdminisrntors of McDaniel College. ' The edaors reserve the right to edit for clarity, length. and Jibel and to publish as space permits. Please include a name and phone number for verificruion. Names will be withheld only by the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. The McDwJiel Free Press does not discriminaie based on age, race. religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin. condition of handicap, or msunal starus. Mail to: 17w McDaniel Free Press McDaniel College, 2 College Hill westminster, MD 21 157 (410)751-800J FAX: (410) 857-2729
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