Page 12 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 - Page 8 FEATURES ~~!~ib~~i~~o~~o~~~!mtf!t!o5~~~~I?ek~ ~~~~~~~w hated. Four McDaniel students share what they did to pass the time and make some money in the summer heat - some got the big bucks, and another cooled off in an ice cream truck. Whatever the employment, it was an unforgettable summer for alL KACEY ASHCRAFT, '07: TERJ HAMER, '07 : Briefly describe your summer job: I was a waitress at Crab Alley in Briefly describe your summer job: Iworked as an City, Maryland. T have worked there for four years. intern for the National Institute for Neurological Disor- Most memorable moment: My most memorable mo- ders and Stroke at NIH in Bethesda. At the end of the ment would have to be when r made $400 in one night. It summer Iwrote a paper on the compiled results of the was a crazy night, but well worth the money! questionnaire and presented, a poster. Worst moment: When a table that I was waiting on Most memorable moment; T think the absolute best walked out on their check that was $200 and I had to pay was when the director of our section said he wanted to for it. get my papeT published in Neurology! Amount earned: about $6500- $7000 Worst moment: Almost fainting while observing Would you recommend this job: I would def. rec- my first Botox injection. It was only my 2nd day! ommend this job to a friend. r have had many great sum- Amount earned? $1800/mo . there and also made tons of Would you recommend this job to a friend? Ab- solutely! r learned so much in such a short period of time, and the work Briefly describe your summer job: Ice cream truck was very rewarding. 1want to go back next summer! driver Most memorable moment: Getting the sound ma- chine stuck on and having to go everywhere - the gas sta-' Briefly describe your summer job: Cocktail waitress at Trump Plaza Beach tion, grocery store, and my friend's house - blaring cheesy Bar. Serve drinks and food in a beautiful atmosphere on the beach during the music. day and a nightclub atmosphere at night. Worst moment: Not being able to give free ice cream Most memorable moment: There's so many memorable moments, but i'd out to everyone have to say that watching people get drunk and do funny things tops it off. Amount earned: $7.50 an hour plus sales Worst moment: Getting hit on by dirty old men. Would you recommend this job to a friend? Yes, it is Amount earned: It's Atlantic City... high rollers = big bucks! Would you recommend this job to a friend? Absolutely. Not only did I very relaxing. You get to drive around, see friends and give kids their meet a lot of fun people, but serving drinks and food on the beach ... it doesn't favorite thing! It does get annoying hearing "the Pianoman" over and over get any better than that. The Ups and Downs of Orientation Week 2005 pectation for Orientation. . did not seem like a more en- needed, 1 could possibly re- that some, including myself, EMlLY BIONDO I was pleasantly sur- joyable projectile. Isee the ac- fer to one as Napoleon Dyna- actually anticipated with some STAFF WRITER prised, then, when T found tors around campus now, and mite. level of excitement. ' this was not the case. Mildly for a second I'll think I know With the end of Orien- Sadly, I'H have to wait We all stood there in a impressed, even. Well, after them due to the endless intro- tation came yet another tran- four more years to ring that bell circle. Not knowing one an- the move-in part. ductions of the first week and sition, this one without the again. ButhopefuUy, it'll be just other. Not really seeing one Let me tell a little story. my uncanny ability to only re- gauntletcirde. It marked the like that first guy's swing ... a another. Because, at that mo- Once upon a time, I was call faces. Unfortunately, Ido end of social beginnings and blasting gong to end college just ment, none of us mattered. All waiting for 45 minutes on a not know them, although if the start of academia, a start the way it started-with a bang. that did was that one object, the Hill to get into college. The center of our circle. We eyed car in front of me started one another shyly, coyly, seeing smoking (along with its pas- Moon who would be the most daring senger), stopped smoking Full to approach it. Surprisingly, we (along with its passenger), Grill didn't have long to wait. and went through a barrage A guy stepped for- of on-again, off-again radio ward, with a striped linen shirt, binges before my own car ....Me. ~1- deep khaki shorts, and well- could tum into the parking ",ee worn flip-flops to match. Strid- lot to wait in yet another line. Moo .. ing coolly, he heaved and The word torture comes to swung. A deep gong reverber- mind. ated, followed by another. It But aside from that cut through the conversation; line, Orientation was abso- several people flinched and lutely gorgeous. I actually Party Inside & Out All Year Long stared. The khaki-shorts guy loved my Peer Mentor, a left the circle just as coolly as he sprightly junior with enough NFL Package Bar & Tiki had stepped in. The eyeing be- pep to kill the aspirations of gan again. And college began an entire cheerleadtng • for good. squad, and the members of MonpeGial-ltoClof>e-$5 tiGpikhm One by one, my Seminar, each with their McDaniel's freshman class rang own quirky traits. We NJCf f>hrimp $loQ5 the bell that would start their played games together and, college careers. r was in that like everyone else, attended • Tuef>e-Bu $1.2-5. 4toll. gauntlet of a circle. We had just every possible event to- ~5Gent wingf> unpacked jeans, bedding, and gether, the word of the day lives into Whiteford, Rouzer, being 'together.' r think it • and DMC, and happy, or not, was most freshmen's fear Wee- Miller Lite Bottles $1.~5 would soon start a hectic four that they would come and • days of Orientation. Happy or leave college alone, so a pre- lI1urf>e-Coorf> Lite Bottlef> $1.~5 not, we were starting the next made posse never did any • fve('j$1.0 four years of our lives. I could harm. have screamed-if I had any As for activities, the • 'i:>at.&,.'i:>un-I-3- Half17riGe Burgerf> energy left. best by far was the hypnotist. Starting COllegeis such an Ahearty tsk tsk to those who • important transition in young didn't attend-it was as Rt. 140 Reisterstown, MD people's lives that it's nigh im- good a night as could be pro- possible to be original on the duced from a whole audi- 410-526-5565 topic. Exciting blah, new blah, ence of naked freshmen and change blah blah blah ... an al- an exotic dancer named cohol course, perhaps, followed Vtoleta. Choices, too, was by some "fun" activities entail- . magnificent. I can't say Ien- ing first-years being thrown joyed having things thrown YOU NEVER KNOW WHO YOU'LL from the proverbial nest into a at me again-at the Honor lonely world of forced social- Code presentation, I was MEET AT THE MOON ization. Can me an optimist, reamed in the arm with an but this was my super-high ex- errant lollipop, and condoms