Page 135 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
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SENIOR TRIBUTE May 4, 2006 - Pa~e 19 quel. Have ya fun and keep ya friends close, yet stay focused on your assignments. You got here without slacking, so do not start now. Name: SUZANNE KRIS- TENSEN Favorite Memory: Being a member of the McDaniel Playback Troupe Worst memory: Trying to jug- gle school, homework, and projects with being a wife and mother of four. I don't recom- mend it. (computer's language, not Worst Memory: Registering Biggest success: ; mine) and it was ruined. Ihad for classes Accomplishing my goal of McDaniel sophomore Pete Kendall as "Junior." Goeller said this show was the to re-do the whole project in Biggest Success. Making it being the first in my family to most enjoyable, educational, mind-opening, and heartfelt experience he has 48 hours. (2) Group projects - through four years of College attend graduate from college had working on a production. ··McDaniel COllege and McDaniel Theatre have production is one brought countless blessings to my life and this extraordinary and as a nontrad, commuter, mom Mentors: Dr. Madsen and Dr. while meeting and maintain- thai I will always cherish," he added. of three kids, these are a Craig - Dr. Madsen helped me you even busier, such that you logistical nightmare! (3) Any get the classes that i ing the high expectations I don't have time to participate Name: DANI UNFLAT time my kids were sick and I needed and made sure that i placed on myself. in more than one or two Favorite Memory: Spring had class/ assignments due - stayed on track. Dr. Craig Mentor. My theater professor, extracurricular activities or Fling 2005 the Mom guilt kicks in... planned out my Elementary Ron Miller. He has a way of dubs. And Worst memory: Having one of Biggest success: Honestly, minor so that i could be suc- helping one keep things in don't believe the lies of the my roomates pee on my laun- under the above circum- cessful in the program and perspective. He is very in tune Political Science department. dry! stances? Just finishing is the teach to the best of my ability. with his students and the Biggest success: 2002 PH biggest success. I know many Advice- No matter how much stress levels we are under, Name: KELLY SHAW Conference Champions which was a relief for this people in my position who work you get keeping plug- Favorite Memory: AU the ran- Advice: For those of you that aren't able to finish, or take 15 ging through it, and remem- non-traditional student. He dom nights hanging out with are EDU minor .. put some years to finish etc. for whatev- ber to have fun with the peo- helped me in an unusual way friends! thought into your exit portfo- er reason. To complete the BA ple around be they will in that he recognized the diffi- Worst memory: Bed bugs lio before the last couple of in 4 1/2 years, starting from become possible friends for culty of raising a family and Biggest success: Sociology days before its due. It will scratch (no credits), is the life. being a student and was flexi- honor societies, making a dif- save you a lot of time and biggest success and was only ble in ways to help me meet ference through many com- energy! possible with the cooperation Name: EBONY PORCH my obligations. Ron wel- munity service projects with and support of my family and Favorite Memory: My 19th comed my children to Phi Sigma Sigma, Dean's List friends. birthday. I had received some rehearsals and class meetings Mentor: Dr. Shin! he was Name: CHRIS WASHING. Mentor(s): Many of the facul- sad news but through it all, that Iwould have had to miss always very encouraging and TON ty and staff have made major my friend Leah Williamson, had they not been permitted not just a professor but a contributions-to my education who was else a acorraate, ;~r:~:~tl;~~~~~I ~~::: P~;:80Z~a:val;,;ki;;;n.5:.g _ ·ertii_weU and my experience at arranged for a few Advice: Don't forget to have Worst memory: Football ACL McDaniel as a whole. others to sing Happy Birthday can honestly say that his fun because these four years Tear However, Lisa Breslin has for me with a vanilla cake. understanding made a world wil!FLYl Biggest success; I am the only been and continues to be who Also, my friend of difference to me and helped male in my family to com- I would call my "mentor." I and fellow cadet at the time, me maintain my academic Name:SAMANTHA SMITH plete 4 yrs of undergrad and came to McDaniel with a love Sabrina Putro sang Happy workload without Favorite Memory: Living in that i am gain on to grad of writing which she cultivat- Birthday to me additional stress. Rouzer with Chrissy school. ed and encouraged. She is while her friends played Advice:: Work hard, give Radomski, Erika Walker, Mentor:Greg Nibbleltnk, 100%, be involved, enjoy your truly a professional and has a instruments in the back- college experience without and Megan Porter freshmen helped me rehab and stay pos- wealth of experience. I am a ground. year itive post ACL reconstruction, much better writer because of Worst memory: Taking two regrets. . Worst memory: Reality Class and look on to bigger things. her advice and input. She was pills of No Dozs to stay up Name: JOE PALKOVIC Biggest success: Making the Dr. Orza, she helped me real- also a "go to" person for me and prepare for a presentation Favorite Memory: Spring best friend i'Il ever have ize things about me, my past, for everything from car break- that I botched by crying and Break trip to Florida, 2005, Mentor: Kate Dobson ... and present are interrelated, downs to lunch money. :) having panic attacks. with Catholic Campus Helped me graduate ha not all my fault but that I can Definitely a stress-reliever Biggest success: Making and Ministry to help people recov- Advice: Do you senior semi- move on past the negative to andlife-saver! keeping the good friends that I er from hurricane damage. nar first semester senior year find the positive. Advice: (1)Hang around peo- have had since freshman year Worst memory: 10 4OO'sin 70 and get all of your hard cless- Advice: Keep fighting for ple who are smarter than you and becoming closer to those seconds or less with 2 min- es out of the way ... Have fun your dreams because they are (2)If you have the opportunity, that I went to high school utes' recovery ... and while it lasts cause the time watching you, don't let them study abroad (3) Focus on with. basically any really hard track flies by get away. majors/minors but, on occa- Mentor Kyle workout (especially the ones sion, take a class that has Meloche ...although he is just a that made me throw up) NOTHING to do with either - faculty member to most on Biggest success: Hopefully something fun. (4)Meet and campus, he has helped when coming in top 3 in the befriend someone who looks it comes to what supplies to Conference Decathlon as a nothing like you. (5)Hang in get and what to wait for. senior, but that won't happen there and finish what you Suggestions for art assign- until may 5th and 6th (the con- started. ments. He has just been a ference championship meet is Name: NATHAN KLUNK good friend to talk to who at home that weekend so be Favorite Memory: Sledding actually listens and has some- there to cheer for me) down the golf course thing to say. Advice: Do not Mentor: Dr. Bryn Upton, get caught up helped me think about and in the websites articulate why he is wrong such about everything. Also helped as Facebook or me train for track and write Myspace. They good papers. will suck you Advice: If you want to teach, in and put you fulfill your education require- behind in the ments in grad school - the education minor is an awful idea because you get stuck taking 20 credits worth of classes every semester, half of which you hate, plus you have ]OHNFLOYD to do internships that make Ebony Porch and her roommate Shalanda Wills
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