Page 132 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
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APRIL 6, 2006 - Page 4 NEWS Binge Drinking on the Rise, Raises Concerns intention of getting drunk [fol- dent. "1 can say oh, I was Core Institute of Southern Hospital due to a large gash in ALEX COPLE lowed by] an extended period drunk and everything is ok. illinois (2001). 31.8% reported her leg (DoCs). STAFF WRITER of intoxication after the drink- People get that." incidences of arguing and Each year McDaniel's What are the hazards of ing stops." The quantity of "Anything that impairs fighting, 29.0% reported driv- College Activities Office offers binge drinking? The mindset drinks follows the four or five good judgment, motor skills, ing a car while intoxicated, new solutions to combat of college students across the criteria, four drinks for a and coordination puts you at and a staggering 40.5% report- episodes of binge drinking, to nation might be, well, you woman and five for a man. risk," Mazeroff explains. "Just ed doing something they avoid incidences like these. could spill your drink. But "We start at 7;00pm and take for example stories of regretted later. Various programs take place binge drinking is far more have as many drinks as possi- kids drinking and falling out "This past weekend I woke through out the year to inf-orm hazardous than the lightheart- ble. Usually a [drinking] game of windows." Those examples up and noticed that I had students of the dangers of ed quip implies, and the phe- helps people get going. Then often arise in Mazeroff's ripped my jeans and had a alcohol. nomenon is growing. wefre blitzed and we go out," Drugs and The Mind class. gash in my knee, Idon't know "Alcohol Awareness Week Between January of 2001 said Junior Chris DeRose, who Dr. Mazeroff explains in how it happened) reports an is pretty important here," and December 2005 we have is 21, the legal drinking age. more detail: "The limbic sys- anonymous McDaniel stu- notes Senior Diego de los Rios. had 670 alcohol related inci- "[It's] something to do. tem is responsible for emo- dent. "I must have fallen on "[There is] a simulator to dences on campus, according Everyone wants to get drunk. tions and impulses, while the the way to my dorm." show you how alcohol makes to statistics provided by The r don't know why we do it, frontal lobe (of the brain] is in 500,000 college students' you drive, and then there's a Department of Campus Safety honestly." charge of reasoning and keeps nationwide reported serious performance piece on date (DoCs). Derose's description of a the limbic system under con- injuries due to alcohol as rape [due to intoxication]." "I am not sure the number party night mirrors binge rrol. Alcohol on the other hand reported in 2002 by The "The school sponsors [an of alcohol related incidents is drinking scenes across the puts the brain to sleep; result- MADD Organization, alcohol] awareness program increasing [necessarily]," Said nation. ing in an inactive frontal lobe. Mothers Against Drunk at least once a semester. [Not Mike Webster, Director of 40.1% of college students Suddenly, not so good ideas Driving. including Alcohol Awareness Campus Safety. "[Rather! reported engaging in binge become great ideas. Teens and On McDaniel's small cam- Week]. Resident Assistants are increased awareness is lead- drinking across campuses young adults, who already pus we have had 39 cases of required to promote them," ing to lower tolerance of nationwide according to the have underdeveloped frontal violence and/or injury due to explains Joe Palkovic, a senior crimes compounded by alco- National Institute on Alcohol lobes, are now in greater risk alcohol since 2000 (DoCs). and veteran RA. "The only hol abuse." Abuse and Alcoholism. of doing harm to themselves One such injury occurred in problem is, besides the sports Dr. Paul Mazeroff, psychol- "Drinking gives me the and others." September of 2002. An intoxi- teams and Greek life students ogy professor at McDaniel freedom to do what r want, 54,444 undergrads on 131 cated student fell off the who are required to go, no one explains, "Binge drinking is and not be held accountable college campuses nationwide caboose located next to the else willingly attends." defined _ as heavy episodic for my actions," said an were surveyed on the conse- football field. The student was drinking [of alcohol] with the anonymous McDaniel stu- quences of alcohol by The transported to Carroll County Need for Deaf Resources Sparks Problems (ASL),had not encountered any agencies, hiring Gore Brothers eight hours a-week and for CART reporter, Griepentrog DAVID P. GREISMAN problems prior to the spring Reporting & Video Company eight weeks, Casserly said she was able to direct her concern 2006 semester, when her tran- Inc., a Baltimore-based firm. exam, instead of STAFF WRITER was unhappy with the results toward the next day's "So, it's an amazing self sac scriber, Gemma Wilson, needed Gore Brothers sent a CART of a contract that, at a total of Shakespeare s= filinging ee mows twon don't surgery that would keep her off -reporter, .or Computer Aided app.t:oxinlately· $9,600, costs wotT)'ing whel;1._she would her tore ashamed," read the the job for months: Without Realtime Translation, to tran- three times what SASS pays its the notes for.her other classes. computer screen that Kathryn wilson, she lacked a trained scribe Griepentrog's classes. regular transcribers. Yet even throughout the Griepentrog was viewing, a person who could type real- CART reporters use a combina- "J also pay a person to edit ordeal, Lynda Casserly said that device deaf and hard-of-hear- time transcripts of the lecture tion of stenotype machines, lap- the notes," Casserly said. "She Griepentrog never complained. ing students at McDaniel, tran- and class discussion to read. top computers and special dic- had to sift through like 60 pages "She's very accepting," soibers and interpreters work "Having a transcriber in class tionary software to create of things that didn't make Casserly said. "She's very as necessary liaisons between allows me to participate, take "instant translation of the spo- sense, and spend like six hours appreciative. She said to me, 'I them and the hearing world. notes and not lose myself in the ken word into English text," ata time." know that you're going to make The services of these ambassa- frustration of not being able to according to a Web site for the With time on the contract it happen:" dors are as vital to the students' understand what is going on Northeast Technical Assistance remaining until Wilson - Before this semester, SASS educations as walking sticks around me," Griepentrog said. Center, a Rochester, N.Y.-based Griepentrog's transcriber - had never needed to hire tran- and guide dogs are to blind Although the school's organization that assists pro- returns in April, and with scribers from an outside firm, people navigating the streets of Student Academic Support grams for the deaf and hard-of- Griepentrog's studies suffering Casserly said. And to ensure New York Gty. Services (SASS) employs 16 hearing. under the current conditions, that a similar quandary does Unfortunately, as with the people to work in the classroom But both Griepentrog and Casserly had to act rapidly and not occur again, Carrie string of apparent gibberish with deaf and hearing- Casserly were unhappy with effectively once again. She con- Waddell, a learning specialist in masquerading as text for impaired students, only three the quality of the work that tacted Gore Brothers and con- SASS, has begun training to Griepentrog to read, problems are transcribers, according to Gore Brothers produced. The vinced them to hire Crystal become a transcriber. can surface, forcing students Lynda Casserly, coordinator of "amazing self sac filinging ee Casserly, her former daughter- Despite the adversity, and faculty to grasp for rapid, interpreting/transcribing serv- mows" made up just one por- in-law and a past transcriber at Griepentrog maintains a posi- effective solutions. ices. The remaining 14 are inter- tion of text full of grammatical McDaniel. tive outlook. "The transcripts were loaded preters, translating class lec- and spelling errors, and a "[The school] had somebody "SASS has actually done with errors," said Griepentrog, tures into ASL. One of the tran- majority of the transcript lacked that could give a more complete more for me than I ever had a 19-year-old English major. "It scribers also works as an inter- punctuation and attribution to product," said Roz Dennsteadt, imagined, because they were basically took longer for the preter. the numerous speakers. office manager for Gore the ones who came up with notes to be edited before they With the other transcribers In contrast, transcripts creat- Brothers. multiple solutions and let me ... were sent to me. With all of my already assisting other stu- ed by the transcribers usually Crystal Casserly joined up pick which service would be classes, I didn't have time to dents, and with classes about to employed by McDaniel read with Griepentrog on Feb. 21, most helpful," she said. look at them before they were begin, Griepentrog was left in a like a finished film script, with and the differences are marked. "(They've gone] to great finished." quandary of how to understand complete sentences following The turnaround time on notes lengths to find me somebody Griepentrog, a sophomore what her teachers and class- speaker attributions and only has been lessened, taking only who can come in and provide who is neither completely deaf mates were saying. the occasional error, Casserly 45 minutes for an hour-and-a- the support I need to keep up nor completely fluent in To remedy the situation, said. half class. And on the day with my classes." American Sign Language Casserly contacted two outside Yetat about $150 an hour, for Crystal Casserly replaced the THANK YOU! Thank you to all who helped with the Free Press this year, especially former editors Rob Goeke, Pat 0' Toole and Katie Martin
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