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NEWS May 4, 2006 - Page 5 Members of the Society of Collegiate Journalists enjoy College Press Day on AprilS, 2006. From left to right, [ Beth Mct.ane, Sarah Black, Nicole Grimm, Mike Habegger, and Chanan Delivuk. Left, Mike Habbeger enjoys a panel G~r~,~lerDi~~~!~~WC~~lic~nY.~~~~e~m~!!Coll~egi~~dict'thatthe Reiff's statements. At" sociology professor and asso- we are looking for the most Little on campus is rise of women in colleges will McDaniel, the women's aver- date dean for first-year stu- able students," she said. being affected by the ongoing "make Greek life much more age undergraduate GPA for dents agreed, ~aying, "[The] O'Connell recognizes the trend of gender differences. plentiful on campus" for both fa11200Swas 3.2, as compared cultural dynamic [in college] growing need to attract males Women's head basketball men and women. to the male average of 2.82. involves how we ... define to the college, even citing coach Becky Martin has not "The women will Females also dominate masculinity." advertising advantages such taken notice of any changes have influence over the men extracurricular activities-as There are, however, as "having an attractive cam- beyond a heightened interest and the men will have influ- of November, men occupied clear exceptions. Junior politi- pus with a golf course." in playing time from prospec- ence over the women, [so] only 23 percent of presidential cal science and French major "If more men play tive female players. This drive even the guys will reap the positions of non-Greek college Jason Fratto has a 3.83 CPA, golf, that is one postcard that to succeed is something benefits," said Rose. activities. while his activities include is going to be more attractive Martin is "starting to see with As far as solutions to Despite the facts, a serving as president of the to them," said O'Connell. women." the disparity among genders, hesitation to generalize leads Inter-Greek Council, junior O'Connell also said the In another aspect of Shin said that there is no "sim- the general population to still representative of the honors Admissions office makes an college life, Greek associations ple remedy," adding, "I don't ask: is there really a gender program, peer mentor, and a effort to keep male applicants reflect the trend of higher think [experts] saw it coming difference? French tutor, as well as partie- in the pool, as potential appli- female GPA than male among to the extent that it's happen- answer S~~iO!~~~Call~n f~~~ tu~~~Ra~~t~~t_~;;irg~~~~~~l¥n~fit s°cf!!~V:r~tr!!Ui~~~~:! ~~'o£a~'!:~~1:~es!,Yu~ Associate Professor of societies. As a result, she acknowledged from the general gender trend non- "educating students no Sociology Dr. Debra Lemke Fratto, contrary to the putting an emphasis on call- in that more men than women matter what gender." said, "There are gender differ- sociological trend in male ing male applicants to remind proportionally participate in ences in just about every behavior, finds that "achiev- them to complete and turn in Greek organizations. Amanda aspect of life." Lemke main- ing academic excellence [is] their applications, as weU as Rose, of col- rains that women "tend to something that is very Impor- using postcard reminders to lege activities and director of have higher grades than tant." He does see some dif- men," as there is "some stig- ference in gender. "The only rna to doing too well" for the difference I see in general. male sex. that girls seem more involved "It's cool to be a good in clubs and groups that are drinker, it's cool to be a good more extracurricular; they athlete ...but it might not be seem to be more willfully cool to be smart," she said. driven to participate," said While Lemke distinguished Fratto. A women's studies these as social generalizations, minor, Fratto had some ideas she argues they are still rele- about the reason for this dis- vant because society is influ- parity. "1' don't know if it's enced by these labels. internal drive or the fact that "The fact that this we live in a male-dominated stereotype is untrue doesn't world and ...women feel the mean that people. don't necessity to have to exert believe it," said Lemke. themselves to create an equal Lemke's peer, Dr. playing ~:~~~ hea~~~~s with Roxanna Harlow, who teaches Fratto's conclusion, asserting the Sociology of Education that, in the work force, course, also justified the use of "women's education doesn't these se~~:f !:::;:~zi~~;~~ ~~~C~i~~."as much as men's eral more often than not, Shin presents another [the~e trends in gender] tend to occur, but there are inde- theory. He said, "It just boils pendent cases," said Harlow. down to the same phenome- She noted that females gene~- non: more girls applied." d '1 Surprisingly, this id~a ally tend to be more eta! -O~J- is inaccurate. Fall 2005 stans- ented and self-motivated In tics show that there were in completing assignments, fact 22 more male applicants whereas men "are much more to McDaniel than female. likely to talk in ciass... more However, of those accepted, willing to be more assertive of 917 were female and 865 male. their opinions." This, she According to Dean of said, is related to the traits for Admissions Marty O'Connell, which society rewards males, this is simply the result of the among them stre:Sf!~ admissions process. assertiveness. and agg re "We review every sin- ness.
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