Page 139 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 139
SENIOR TRIBUTE May 4, 2006- Page 23 Giving Back: Seniors Devoted to Service Work, plans to continue his the rest of us are cheated from community service and the time or transferring, who you CLAYTON ROSA education pursuing a Masters seeing what great influential influential change that it had are is seen aU the time," Sims STAFF WRITER in School Guidance people they could have been." on her life: "Happy Helpers says. "This has encouraged She helped Hurricane Counseling. He hopes to "I desire to help young for the Homeless forced me to me to maintain a life of Katrina victims in Mississippi someday be fortunate enough people not only prepare for realize that several people live integrity. \ by aiding in cleaning up some to gather together the young entrance exams for collegebut in complete poverty in "I was able to be a peer of the rubble from their people who have been also encourage them to dis- Baltimore City. It is the most mentor for two years and homes. He is a therapeutic shunned away by their par- cover what they are great at touching experience to hand meet and acclimate 30 new behavioral aid to an underde- ents, social services, and their now so they can refine and these people food who have McDaniel students," Hardy veloped child in the commu- families, and give them an polish it so," Sims adds. very little." adds. "They rely on me to help nity. She has been a consistent opportunity that everyone "Coupled with a higher Sims and Hardy share them with class and to show volunteer in soup kitchens, should have - an opportunity understanding, it can be com- similar experiences at them how to get involved. It helping to feed the impover- at a good, fulfilling life. plete." McDaniel College, as both was always very important for ished within the city. "I enjoy inspiring and Hardy, a have had the opportunity to me to be a good role model for To seniors Suzanne motivating people," Sims Business/Economics dual be peer mentors. them at aU times and I have Gilbert, Warren Sims, and says, "to live in their full major with a minor in Art "As a mentor to students stuck to that." Natalie Hardy, giving back capacity,because if they don't, History, expresses her love for coming to college for the first Typically, volunteer work means gaining more. may not rank high among Gilbert, a Social Work and young college students; how- Political Science dual major, ever, Gilbert's experiences traces her service roots to her contradict that. childhood in a small town "We all benefit from vol- where her parents were com- unteensm. whether we recog- munity leaders. nize it or not," Gilbert said. "I "My parents were always was never discouraged to very active in our small town serve and personally think community," Gilbert explains. that the reason why people "And since they were my don't serve is because they main role models growing up don't know how. It can be and since service is part of the intimidating to get involved." social norm in small towns, I Suzanne Gilbert, Warren thought volunteerism was an Sims, and Natalie Hardy plan expected norm. T always liked to continue spending their how I felt about myself and lives sacrificing what they about my community while have for the benefit of others, doing service too." because to them, giving Sims, who will be gradu- equals gaining. ating with a degree in Social hlif.Jhuiood ... JOO ....."""'"a...\UIl .. 'kM:~' ..,do..r.bmtlLo. .... _ ...£"" .. U4" ... ~ _d "dIJ ... _,Jlt...4tlldt..J._. "'-.. ;j _ht ... t& ~u ... • *'"f ..... $.()O .. t.d.lA.JI J~"'Wn::ru _:.; ....A..._ ,..."L_--......_ ..IA..ud...,p"'iil oru ..... .......J •• "".........-'·..1 ....otftl'""WOo ...... llt .. _ ....,'l:""'i ..LlIiIi6.,..... 'u...u.-__ ,. ..,_.b ..... ,J.LMf ,* · r•• cJ.clu"t ..u.h ........ a4(a ~r_I""c:b mbI.I.."._. IAct .....'cullt · v..fATw:tOe'hlttMU or call 41 0.321.6060. ·a-.'.... UIlllUta .. _ •• IJdVl..l' R!rihlanir · kt4.OII"o,ooa·ut"C:_r~r- ~ .AlJpataJ" A.Tlhatlimnri*
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