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Vol. 5 No.5 May 4, 2006, Page 24 Seniors Hickey and Kief Live, Laugh, Love nothing quite like laughing so problem? She can't decide ging your heels in, getting if you show people love COURTNEY JORDAN hard that your stomach hurts which passion she'd like to your hands dirty, and experi- maybe they'll learn to love STAFF WRITER and you need to. stop and pursue most: education or sci- encing everything," Courtney too." Taking life for granted is Live, Laugh, catch your breath! I love those ence. Go figure. will student teach in the fall. not even in her vocabulary, Love...Remember! Nobody moments," she said. Not only Courtney Kief an English No doubt her witty sense of and everyone around her Does It Better does Katie enjoy laughing her- major, Secondary Education humor and utter zest for life knows it. In just about any self, but she makes a habit of minor from the Eastern Shore, will rub off on her future stu- Among the seniors who McDaniel student's profile on sharing her laughter with oth- is known for bringing a little dents. As far as plans "Live, Laugh, Love, AM Instant Messenger, you'll ers. Senior Katrina Culley something extra to every place. for the future, she Remember," Katie Hickey and most likely find the hot new said, "She's the girl who, if she goes. From doing flips in says, "Financial sta- Courtney Kief have definitely mantra "Live, Laugh, Love, thereIs too much tension in the snow from a ledge off bility is nice, but as taken these words to heart. Remember!" These four the room, will start singing Hoover Library to a good, old- tong as I'm happy, words have become a chal- and dancing around ... to light- fashioned foot race, the fun- that's all I need. lenge to take advantage of en up the mood," loving Courtney is always every moment they have Hickey's sense of humor ready for an adventure. Senior while going through the next is certainly home-grown. Her Rob Douglas has nothing but four years. As the class of 2006 parents always told her to find great things to say about his prepares to close the door on something to laugh about in friend when he reminisces their McDaniel College expe- every situation and that's about their Jan Term trip to the rience. a few of its members exactly what she has done. Florida Everglades sopho- definitely bring these simple Katie is passionate about the more year. "As we start to words to life. things she loves and in the fall graduate, I always look back Katie Hickey, a Biology she'll be transferring that at those pictures and m~jor, Secondary Edu.cation energy to her students as she Courtney is. always smiling deals au, mmor f,rom Baltimore, student' teaches. To share her and huggmg everyone~d 10; M~ryland, is a se.lf-proclai.m.oo.-~·ibn ~i~l"i~h'fo~n COUILl!ey 5 llUillOl at 1tf'1angh- a ~ h soence nerd who .says that the eventually become a science ter always kept everyone best ~ord ~f this p~ase ~o teacher, while graduate school h appy. h part t h a describe her IS laugh. There s is in the near future. The only A firm believer in "dig- Off to Graduate School Communication Program. to University of Maryland LAWANN NELSON Autumn Hancock will College Park's School of STAFF WRITER also be traveling a significant Criminal Justice and As warm, sunny distance from McDaniel to Criminology. weather marks the end of attend her dream school, Departments all over another spring semester at Stetson University College of campus are celebrating the McDaniel College, Senior Law in Gulfport, Florida. As success of their graduates as Seminar presentations are an added perk, Autumn and well. nearing completion and grad- her husband will only live an The Social Work uation preparations are in full hour away from her parents' department is proud to effect. After the GRE's, the home in Gulfport. announce that twelve of their LSAT's, and the MCAT's. Autumn says, "It's graduates will be attending rHOTOSUBM.J'ITED After the application fees and hard to realize that there are Suzanne Kristensen, right, lounges with her daugber Natalie, during the Ice- graduate programs in social breaker Picnic during Orientation Week in August 2005. Suzanne was a Peer the acceptance letters, seniors people that you see everyday work, public health, or coun- Mentor for non-traditional students. all over campus are anxiously and now there is a good possi- seling at the following gradu- anticipating the next step in • bility that you will never see ate schools: Columbia Name: SUZANNE LYNN way of sensing when stress lev- their educational journey. them again." Universijv, NYU, University KRISTENSEN els are too high and need to be After sifting through Sarah Hale is not trav- of Maryland, University of Favorite Memory: Being a addressed. His calm manner an array of acceptance letters, eling far from home, but she's Pennsylvania, and Eastern member of the McDaniel really helped me reduce my Stephanie Dirla decided to as excited about attending Carolina. Playback Troupe stress levels and think more attend the Cell, Molecular, University of Baltimore School Worst memory: Trying to bal- clearly about my goals. Developmental Biology & of Law, especially since she's The Physics depart- ance my family (4 children and Advice: Give 100% to evelY- Biophysics PhD program at eligible for in state tuition ment is as proud of Danielle a husband), school, and home- thing you do. Let your teachers Johns Hopkins University. prices. Keresztenyi, Laura Baggley, work. Ididn't get much sleep! get to know you and the quality Stephanie admits that the Tyler Drake, Rebecca Ward, Biggest success: Being the first of student you are. If an thought of starting over at a nation's 1t's back home to the and Mark Siebeking who will capital for Demelle in my family to graduate from instructor knows you are a ded- different school is intimidat- be attending graduate school college and icated student who strives to do ing, but she's confident and Magi~, who will be attending in the fall. . achieving the high academic your best, he or she is more will- ready for the challenge. Ame~c~n University in Wherever the gradu- standards Iset for myself. ing to work with you when Washmgton, IX. She is hop- ate school destination, seniors Mentor: My unofficial mentor life's emergencies rear their There will be a lot of ing that a Master of Arts are ready for the next big step. was Ron Miller. He probably ugly heads. Also, be involved in traveling far away from home degree in Special Education Danielle Magid doesn't even realize how much I campus activities. Visit the art as seniors enter into their cho- will e~able her to begin a echoes the sentiments of many looked up to him or how much shows and attend the theater sen graduate programs. career in school administra_ seniors when she says, "I encouragement he gave me as a productions! And, finally, take Courtney Jordan is looking tion. loved my time here at student. As a non-traditional time now and then to relax and forward to beginning her next Rachel Goodwin MCDaniel, but I am ready to student, I was faced with chal- have fun. fall semester nine hours away breathed a huge sigh of relief move on to the next step in my lenges that most students don't SEE MANY MORE SENIORS from home at Clemson when her mother called her life." have to deal with during their AT-A-GLANCE ON PAGES 18- University's Professional and read her acceptance letter educational career. Ron has a 19.
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