Page 130 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 130
APRIL 6, 2006 - Page 2 NEWS Students Send Letter to Senator Sarbanes (Continued from Page 1) opportunity for me to listen to and protecting American and to depend on this massive "Several students signed U.S. as part of their a bunch of issues facing immigrant workers." work force. These individuals up to spend a day in National Issue Briefing and Latinos explained thoroughly The women also urge the are not criminals. They are Washington at the issue brief- Advocacy Day held March 8 - from a reliable source," Miller Senator to consider the final simply seeking the American ing," stated McNichols. "I 9 in Washington, D.C. stated. "It was also really language of the bill, as the leg- dream, chasing the desire of a was very impressed when two Miller, a Secondary Ed valuable because they trained islation passed by the better life, following the path of them, Laura Miller and minor, hopes to teach Spanish you how to advocate, like Republican-controlled House our own families have taken Marina Wilson, decided to and ESL after completing her talking to the representatives last year Is limited to border for centuries in this country of spend the next day, National degree. She explained how her and writing letters." security and makes undocu- immigrants." Advocacy Day for NCLR, academic pursuits at Miller, Warfield and mented persons, as well as "To criminalize someone advocating for immigrants' McDaniel help her awareness Wilson opened their letter those who assist them, vulner- for providing the basic neces- rights on Capitol Hill." of this issue. with their support of immi- able to felony charges. Under sities of life to another human "There is a great group of "I am a Spanish major and gration reform: (excerpt) current law, undocumented being is unjust. A priest help- students on this campus who so we talk a lot about issues ''We are writing to you as presence in the U.S. is a civil ing an immigrant to find shel- are reaching out to the Latino facing Latinos in the U.S.," a group of constituents in sup- offense while the proposed ter is NOT a criminal. A community in a variety of said Miller. "I think it is an port of the comprehensive legislation would make it a humanitarian worker provid- ways," said McNichols. issue that a lot of times gets immigration reform bill. The felony. ing food to an immigrant is "Their dedication to this vol- overlooked and that a lot of [bill}encompasses what I nec- Excerpt: NOT a crimina!...." unteer work is inspiring to me people are not familiar with or essary to fix our broken immi- "The are currently 12 mil- McDaniel Spanish as a teacher." are misinformed about." gration system, namely creat- lion undocumented workers Professor, Dr. Amy "This is why I do what I The workshop proved ing a path to citizenship for in the U.S. who are supporting McNichols, helped to edit the do." fruitful for the group of current undocumented work- and contributing to the letter and was impressed by women who attended. ers, creating legal channels for American economy and way the student initiative to write "It was a really nice future immigrant workers, of life. The country has come it. Would The Real Jamie Marple Please Stand Up? Even though little his fraternity. on other peoples' lives. readers though, and until next SARAH E. WOLF was known about Jamie However, other peo- Now, we understand semester: Have a great sum- STAFF WRITER Marple, his/her page lured a pie were a little more suspi- that some of you might be a mer, and stay classy, Everybody who's load of wall posts, and 334 cious and asked where they little upset, but listen, it's all in McDaniel! standing: sit down. friends from our own campus. knew each other from. the name of research, and you Everybody who's sitting: lay Yes,a fictitious person The real suspicious helped your peers to do an down. Okay people, are you has more friends than most of people actually played detec- interesting, controversial ready for this? us on Facebook. tives and checked Iamie's study. In collaboration with Well, not really Facebook site for hours. They And to make up for having Dr. Robert Lemieux, this friends, but "dose" ecquain- read all wall posts, which deceived you, there'll be an "I semester's Quantitative tances. were posted by the class mem- Got Fooled by Quantitative Research Methods class creat- "Do I know you? I bers, and the messages were Research '06"- Facebook ed a fake person on Pacebook, should ...." wrote one guy obviously all gender neutral. group. Huh? Isn't that some- "'" M..",,~\e. Ma ..p\e'. Facebook page, complete with ~a~~~BT."'''lY ~houghtJarni .. {§-~~~~ myO~al;s~~~:' thin~~~~l6~ver, r prom{se 1· a picture of a boy and a girl Another person was got into a huge argument had nothing to' do with this. together, offered very little overexcited to hear from about whether Jamie is a boy Alright, the guilt is overcom- personal information about Jamie and said that they or a girl. ing me already, but I didn't "Jamie;" in fact, the name should "go for coffee and Unbelievable how mean to- it was group pres- Jamie was purposefully gen- catch up." Somebody else much impact a fictitious, sure. I swear! der neutral. believed he knew Jamie from made-believe real person has Stay faithful little Lighter Side: Lessons on Men Streaking couple of twisted individuals threw a tantrum. make this "crime" any fun- several Campus Safety offi- 5T~~FDJR~~ acted very silly in the days She. starte.d nier. I'm just glad they didn't cers. What a shame. before. and screaming WIth claims catch me. Needless to say, he On April 10, a young that the library staff assaulted Turns out, all she just was written up for indecent (Editor's Note: At 11glmlce, female teenager was spotted her, probably ran around had to stand outside North exposure and failure to ade- the blotter doesn't reveal some of by library personnel on a com- holding her breath, stomping Village to stare at a danger. quately represent the male the inane reports to which officers puter. She was asked to leave her feet, and pulling her hair. After losing a bet, an respond. Wu's commentary high- because the facility is desrg- Girls like this make me never unnamed student (you know The lesson here is, lights some of the unique calls.) nated for research only. After want to have a daughter. who you are and so do I...if don't streak unless you have Spring Fling, the staying put and being repeat- Interestingly enough, anyone else wants to know, boobs. drunkest day of the year edly approached by an she flipped out because she ask me, I'll be glad to tell you) offered no newsworthy stories employee to leave, she did was looking up porn in pub- stripped down and ran out of from the blotter. Fortunately, a what all teenage girls do, lie! Nothing Icould say would his apartment directly into Reported Date Occurred From Date Subceeeeorv T~ Outdoors Building Name Incident Status 4JI/06 8:45 a.m. 4/1/068:45 a.m. alcohol r;;;ssession under 21 2 Daniel McLea Hall re rt com Iete 4i2l063:15a.m. 412/063:15 a.m. vandalism rooertv 2 Whiteford Hall inactive 4/3/062:49 a.m. 4/3/062:49 a.ID. tresuass 2 Rouzer Hall Lot closed byPOC 4151062,26 o.rn. 4/5/062:27 p.rn. tamoerin with fire ecuio. fire extinguisher Rouzer Hall inactive 417105 1:07 a.m. 417105 I :07 a.m. alcohol ssession under 21 Daniel McLea Hall closed bv POC 417106 L:45 a.m. 4171061:45 a.m. alcohol ssession under 21 Albert Norman Ward Hall closed by POC 4I8/065:583.m. 4/8/066:02 a.m. vandalism rooertv Penna. Ave Houses inactive 4/8/06 8:05 p.m. 4/8/06 8:09 p.m. dru violation Ioossession Penna. Ave Houses ending court outcome 4/9/06 I :35 a.m. 4/9/061:33 a.m. vandalism structure Penna. Ave Houses closed bv POC 4/10/067:36 c.m. 4/10/067: 151).m. disorderly disturbing th~ce Hoover Library closed by unfounded 4/14/0612:34 a.m. 4/14/0612:34 a.m. disorderly drunken Blanche Ward Hall closed bv POC 4115/06 12:25 a.m. 4/15/0612:25 a.m. assault hands/feet Garden Apt reoort com Iete 4/15/063:500.m. 4/13/0611:00 o.m. vandalism rooerrv Blanche Ward Hall closed bv POC 4i17/06 7: 15 a.m. 4/17(06 unknown vandalism rooerrv , Rouzer Hall inactive 4/18/068:32 o.m. 4/181068:33 p.m. tresoass other danaercus Weapoll Whiteford Hall closed by report 4/21/0612:34 a.m. 412110612:34 a.m. assault North Villa e closed bv POC 4121/06 9:23 p.m. 4/2[/06 9:23 o.m. decencv offense indecent exnosure North Village closed b POC 4122/061:14 a.lll. 4/22/061:14a.m. assault other dangerous weaoon Garden Apt report incomplete 4122/06 8:00 p.m. 4/22/068:00 p.m. vandalism vehicle GillCeOier inactive
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