Page 137 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 137
SENIOR TRIBUTE May 4, 2006 _,Page 21 Baseball Seniors Stay Strong To the End Even though the record McDaniel and playing one senior captain. Drew is bat- of the year, showing how JOEY MORNINGSTAR does not show it (8-19, 3-11 more year. ting .338 in 22 games and important it is to have his bat STAFF WRITER CC), the team has good # 2 Kevin Salamone: anchors the infield at short- in the lineup. After college, The McDaniel baseball chemistry despite the gap in Kevin leads the team in bat- stop. Drew spent much of his Justin plans on returning team walked off a rain soaked experience and it all has to do ting this year with an average junior year hurt, but ahs come home and eventually running field on Friday in an extra with his senior leadership, of .344. He has spent all four on strong in his final year. his fathers HVAC business. inning loss to Washington Coach Seibert noted. years as the starting third After baseball is finished, #11 Steve Jordan: One of College only to be flooded by Player Profile: baseman, only missing one Drew will switch his focus to the individuals that you may an atmosphere of frustration. #24 Jimmy Dahlgren: game sophomore year. This is his post-graduate plans. He is not notice around the dia- McDaniel went into the Jimmy has been the most con- why he is one of the senior a member of McDaniel ROTC mond, but his presence is ever top of the ninth with a 4-31ead sistent player for the Terror captains leading by example. and is currently a Captain in felt is the last senior on the only to have Washington and one of the senior captains. While on spring break in the Cadet ranks. Once he team, Steve Jordan. When come back and score a run to After transferring in from the Arizona, Kevin picked up his graduates he will attend Steve entered McDaniel he tie it up. Then in the top of the University of Charleston he 100th career hit and only LDAC in the summer and was listed as a catcher, but tenth Washington plated four solidified his place on the needs nine more to break the continue his goat of being an over the years he has transited runs to go up 8-4. McDaniel team as a pitcher and first school record. Kevin summed officer and branching military into one of the every day out- tried to amount a rally only to baseman. Currently he is bat- up the season by saying, "It intelligence. fielders. Coach Seibert score one run for a final score ting .340 in 27 games. He was better than last year, and #32 Justin Bilohlavek: noticed this as being one of af8-S. anchors the pitching staff with we should have had a better Justin has spent a majority of Steve's important qualities. On a team that has only a 3.23 era in 7 appearances record. We were in a lot of his career at McDaniel run- When asked his opinion of the five seniors, three juniors, and with a record of 3-3. Last year close ball games but just ning the helm for the team by season he said, "It has been the rest freshmen, coach Dave Jimmy was Terror's offensive couldn't finish." After school, being their starting catcher. really frustrating. We should Seibert has relied on his five player of the year and pitcher Kevin plans on returning Both his sophomore and jun- have won more games." After seniors to lead the way. "The of the year. When asked about home and working in market- ior years he was honorable graduation, Steve's only plans seniors mean a lot as far as the his thoughts of the season he ing or insurance. mention for the conference is to work in the real world. experience factor. They are said, "One word, FRUSTRAT- #3 Drew Mitchell: Right and is hitting .230 in 27 games. carrying a young team that ING." Jimmy plans on attend- behind both Jimmy and Kevin His lethal bat has landed him looks up to them," ing graduate school at in batting average is the final duty as the DH for a majority Rutland Shuts Down Players All Season onships. He was a captain on excited everyone in atten- What will Chris do now ness fundamentals and ability MIKE HABEGGER the team and was named the dance as McDaniel shot 56% that college is over? NBA? to assist others. Let's just SPORTS EDITOR Team MVP during his senior from three point lapd to get Try again. hope he can lead the company Chris Rutland plays year for his efforts. Spalding's the win 94-89. "T start work at T. Rowe in charges taken. defense. He does it well. Press Guide for 2001-2002 "It felt great to go out with Price in Owings Mills on May Statistics: 97 gp 57 gs; Sometimes, he guards 6'8" described Rutland as a "heady a win and the whole team cel- 30th." 19.4 mpg; .380 fg; .53S ft; 2.8 power forwards. At 6'3" 180, 6'3" shooting guard I small ebrated that night over at my Where they can be sure to 'pg; 129 ': 70 st; 4.0 _ppg Chris is-..noL¥ow;.JypiCaLcol- forward, who_i.S the terun's ,pla~uilal'ld. "bWalO ppr~' the hel\efi~ froDl lege level forward. He makes most fundamental player." a great time." this man's hard work, bust- up for size with hustle. He also led the team in assists, During the last four years, charges taken and games McDaniel students could go started. These were attributes out every night and be guar- that carried over perfectly into self storage Cleon, safe, secure storaae for anteed to see Chris wrestling a his college career. personal or business Items. ball away from an opponent Chris came to McDaniel in an effort to save a posses- as a result of assistant coach sion. That's just what he does. Kevin Selby's efforts. Is Chris your typical beloved "He was at almost every "hard-working white guy?" game and after 1 visited the Hardly. campus I knew I wanted to "I like offense better but I come here," said Rutland. Hey McDaniel College, also love shutting down the Known for fundamentals, Looking for a place to other team's best player." Chris began his career at Let's be honest. Who real- McDaniel as a role player ly likes to play defense? Just coming off the bench. By his store ffl because you're good at it' junior year, his consistency your stu • doesn't mean you have to like was invaluable, and he started it. And that is what Chris 24 games, recording 42 assists Rutland did his entire career and averaging 5.6 points per 2 Locations to Serve You for the Green Terror. game. One would figure that If you attended any WESIMINSlER._ ..__ .._. Chris, who grew up in the McDaniel games in the past 1200 Baltimore Boulevard (Route 140) 1990s, would idolize His four years, you were sure to Westminster, MD 21 157 Airness, and try to take over notice Chris' name as soon as games on the scoring end. But you looked at the program: #1 41 C>857-8080 it was actually #33 that caught - Chris Rutland. his attention the most. "I started wearing # 1 my OWlNGS ....M1LLS __ "J always tried to pattern sophomore year of high 11333 Owings MillsBoulevard my game after versatile play- school and have stuck Owings Mills,MD 21117 ers that play with a lot of heart with it since then," said 41C>363-8080 and could play multiple posi- Rutland. tions," said Rutland. "... like In 2004, Chris grabbed 13 Scottie Pippen." rebounds in a game against S1. SUMMER COLLEGE SPECIAL! But it was Chris' father Mary's. who got taught him the game. This past season, Rutland "He was a great player at started all but one of the Mt. S1.Mary's and he can still games he played in, playa little bit," said Rutland. the squad make a run for its Chris began his basketball best season since 1997-1998. journey to McDaniel College His favorite memory from his at Archbishop Spalding, career here was winning the where he was an integral part final game of the season of the school's most recent against Washington, an aes- BCL and MIAA-A champt- thetically pleasing contest that
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