Page 134 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 134
May 4, 2006 - Page 6 COMMENTARY • Immigrants Are Our Family MembersToo searching for: Life. Peace. they should. brothers and sisters must stay. ROB GOEKE Hope. [f you are John or Jane My 11 million siblings They want nothing Q. McDaniel Student, you are the same as you and I. STAFF WRITER Welcome to 1850. Congress more than to have an opportu- probably had it okay growing Human. They came here has just enacted the Fugitive nity to achieve the dreams that up. But what if you didn't because the system was Slave Law, making it a felony you and r have: to maybe have the things you were porous enough to allow them for anyone to aid an escaping make a life for themselves blessed with when you were to. They cannot be removed slave in any way towards their where their children can young? from a land that was not com- freedom. It one of the darkest attend a college like McDaniel Put yourself in their petent enough to keep them chapters in our nation's soiled some day. shoes. That's what my 11rnil- out. history. The vast majority are lion siblings experienced. Welcome to 2006. A us, here on OUT soil not because That's why they came here is never A problem bill proposed in the U.S. Shakespeare's Merchant of they are evil but because they Imagine living your solved by making it go away. House of Representatives Venice. are good. The fault as to why life on the edge of paradise. These people are your makes it a felony to aid any- I know I have one they are here rests on our Outside looking in. Your brothers, but they need tough one who is an illegal immi- brother and one sister with shoulders for it is us that mother is barely hanging on. love. These people are your grant staying in these United whom I share blood. But I also could not keep our borders Your father has a distant look sisters, but they cannot have a States. know I have more that 6 billon in his eye. Your spouse can't free pass. So many like to think other brothers and sisters that Now that our siblings help you makes ends meet in that we've come a long way bleed as I do, hurt as I do, are here, we cannot throw the long run. borders If they stay and the are properly since 1850. In reality, we believe as I do. They're yours them out. The problem must What would you do? haven't accomplished any- too. be attacked at its source: the Would you stay on the out- patrolled, then you will learn thing .. There are 11 million of border. If it can be secured, side, knowing what could be to love your 11 million broth- "If you prick us, do my brothers and sisters that then this quagmire will cease. if you chose to go in? ers and sisters like your famil- we not bleed? If you tickle us, came here searching for the From then on, your brothers If you answer like a ial brothers and sisters. They want what you do we not laugh? same thing my ancestors that and sisters will enter our land human should, then you If you poison came to Ellis Island were in peace. Legally. The way know why your 11 million want. Never forget that. MTV: The Home of Cheesy Reality Shows hoodrats that put rims and and another tool tell a guy that ratio is at 98.8%. sixteenth birthdays. For the TODD KNEPPER fluorescent tube lights on used his "mother was so fat ... " and Other shows of the first half of the program they STAFFWRITER Dodge Neons. Just when I consecutively tell him that his Dairy Family are Date My boss their divorced parents "Yo yo, what up world, thought it couldn't get any "moms was so skinny." Mom, Next, and My Super around into renting out. the this is Sway coming at y'all worse Yo Momma is released. At the-end of the day Sweet 16. right clubs, hiring the nght with an MTV news brief. The This is a show based on trash- for all their intellectual efforts, .Date My Mom has a performers, and inviting the felIas of MTV have recently talking, hosted by Wilmer the winner gets "one thou- really awful finale in which a coolest of the cool. The pa~- changed the formerly known Valderrama. sand dollars in cash money" limo pulls up and one lucky ents in tum get a little bit title of our station, Music They create these from MC Wilmer who informs mother hands her daughter upset but are finally rewa.rd:d Television, to Mainstream extremely rehearsed scenes them in the voice of a San off to some gelled-up commu- with a fake hug from therr lit- Television." composed of flashy cars, Francisco roller-blader. This nity college dropout. They tIe one after they get a br~d "They figured that dumpsters, and the trendiest program is tragically bad. automatically lock lips and new Lexus drop top and a dia- e ~~t~~ a~\ o;r ;~~;; ';n ;:;; ~~~~~u:c;sre~~a~ a r!~j'fi~e tant SP1~~~~r:~~sera g~d=;:fu;;~;~~s~~~e as the mond-e~~~s~~~;;fworR early teen demographic, this ghetto clowning session. awful show called Wild N' I've only tuned in to to do, but I don't mind flip- would be more suitable. I Eventually, Wilmer pulls Out. This is another boring Next a few times but it seems ping past it to get to Dog th.e hope this doesn't offend around the corner in his all program that has way too to always be the homosexual Bounty Hunter as long ~s It nonna y'all who tune in for black juiced up ride and refer- many loud white guys and episodes. Five feminine isn't that half hour slot filled the 26 minutes of garbage- ees the final battle. The con- some noticeable staged parts. males start out on a bus wait- with Nickelback and HiUary juice music that we play each testants say to themselves, Wild N' Out is hosted by a for- ing their turn to get a chance Duff videos. Playing mo~e day. That's the latest for now: "Thank Goodness he showed mer Nickelodeon gangster at the hunk (usually named generic music isn't going to fix stay tuned for more ten til the up, now we can finally battle. turned bubble gum rapper Pierre). It turns out that if any this problem. MTV needs to hour every hour. Peace Wilmer has so much street named Nick Cannon. It's kind of the daters are on their date can the preschoolers who World." credibility." Competitors use of worth tuning in to see the longer than 20 minutes the come up with their program MTV has hit an all recycled jokes and make Indian chick that continues to remaining bus members end ideas and search for a new time low. I can name about 10 humorless attempts at insult- get paid for never making up shirtless and disinterested plan of attack. shows that are completely tng each other. I've seen one anyone in the audience laugh. with the point of the show. pointless, corny as all heU, and dude use the same punch Her name is Rasika Mathur Sweet 16 highlights catered to 16-year-old three times in the same show and her career buzzer/bell spoiled rich girls luxurious Debate? Students Deserve To Hear All Sides The April 6th edition of the The widespread dis- legitimacy our school enjoys! which was not billed as a beyond capacity. McDaniel Free Press granted satisfaction with the event's They honestly claimed not to debate, gave a fairer treatment This irony tells me a front page publicity to the one-sided nature must have be able to find any representa- to both sides of the argument. few things. First, it tells me March 29th "Same Sex quickly reached the ears of the tives willing to debate against Funny how that event, held in that students on this campus, Marriage Debate," which was Poly-Sci faculty, as only a day same-sex marriages in one of a classroom less than half the organized by the Political or so after the "debate," the most conservative coun- size of McDaniel Lounge (the whether they agree or not, want to hear both sides of an Science/International Studies rumors began to float around ties in the state of Maryland! location of the "debate") was issue. Second, it tells me that Department, along with the campus that honest attempts I find it noteworthy packed with 50+ students, not our Political Science faculty Provost's office, and moderat- had been made at bringing in and ironic that not one single one of whom was required to does not. Third, it tells me that ed by the Associate Vice representatives of the oppos- Political Science professor be there for a class, as was the the department is trying to President of Development ing viewpoint to serve on the attended the following week's case for the prior week's deceive the students by Steve Krahling-Haddad. The discussion panel. Krahling- "Sex, Love, and Same-sex "debate." Funny how, in a appearing to respect both event was billed as a debate, Haddad even made mention marriage," a talk given by town with 20+ churches that sides of the argument on the tables were arranged as if of the invitations that had Catholic priest Rev. Leo oppose same-sex marriage, every issue. Actions speak it would be a debate, and a been sent to Maryland state Patalinghug, even though it not one pastor was asked by louder than words, and the number of professors, stu- legislators who oppose same- was held at the same time on our Political Science depart- faculty's actions have commu- dents, and members of the sex marriages in his introduc- the same night of the week. I ment to make a non-religious nicated to me again and again community attended with the tion. Nevermind that it is suppose the department argument against it. Funny in my four years at this col- expectation of hearing some plainly obvious to anyone found itself collectively too how not one local politician lege, that they do not care debate. But there was no who studies politics for a liv- busy that night to hear a who opposes same-sex mar- what the opposing viewpoint debate. From the moment the ing that legislators who are in counter-argument from some- riage was asked to argue says. How intellectual. six panelists were: introduced, session will almost always one who agreed to come pres- against it. Funny how more it was clear that the word turn down an invitation to ent a view opposing same-sex than 50 fliers for the talk given -Joe Palkovic, senior, History "debate" had been only a ploy debate any issue at a smail, marriage at the drop of a hat, by Fr. Leo were r~pped down major used by the Political Science out of the way, obscure liberal and was found only two around campus in the week Department to put butts in the arts college like McDaniel. blocks away from campus. It leading up to that event, and seats. What a glorious facade of is funny how that event, the room was still filled
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