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May 4, 2006 - Page 20 SENIOR TRIBUTE Cupid's Arrows Hit Several Smitten Students and fatherhood." course!" Autumn exclaimed. even dated him for a few know when. LAURA HUTfON On a warm December She describes true love as weeks. Brigid Seay and Travis STAFFWRlTER night, in a grove behind the a continuous process, not a Tara is not sure when she Johnson are known by many During their time spent church where he grew up, he specific moment. "Everyday knew that he was the one: "it as the "red headed" couple on at McDaniel College, many proposed. you learn something new just seemed really serious campus. They met freshman graduating seniors found Joe is not the not the only about them and you love them from the start. But 1know that year in their Latin class and love. These couples are senior at McDaniel who found more and more each day. r T considered it a very good started dating the following engaged with plans to get love with a non-McDaniel stu- have known he was the one sign that we didn't get on each summer. Last summer he pro- married shortly after they dent. Autumn Nicole every day for the past three other'S nerves in Budapest." posed on a cliff in Harper's graduate from the Hill. Hancock met her fiance Zack years and seven months." Since their relationship was so Ferry; they plan to get married Joe Palkovic met Mary Hurst, through her roommate They plan to marry at St. serious from the beginning, in August on TJ's farm. "I TenEyck when they were in freshman year, who was John's Catholic Church in the topic of marriage came up love him very much and can't high school; they attended St. friends with him in middle Westminster on Friday, May early. She knew the proposal wait to begin our lives togeth- John's at Prospect Hall in and high school. The room- 26,2006, less then a week after did not . said. Frederick. The first time Joe mate called Zack and told him graduation. Then, on the 27th, realized that he was supposed that her Autumn would be they will move to Florida to be with Mary, they were perfect for him. where Autumn will attend both dating other people. On September 2, 2002 they law school. They were talking in Baker met while Zeck was on cam- Tara Lester is also moving Park in Frederick "about how pus to visit his friend; he and south after her wedding. On her boyfriend had told her he Autumn became close imme- June 23, she and Brad Carman was in love with her; she did diately. "When we met, we are set to marry at Tara's home not feel the same way. I told ended -up talking for hours church in Calvert County. her right then that I was also about everything. We just hit Then, they will be moving to in love with her," Joe shares. it off. We've pretty much been Texas, where she will be earn- Shortly after that discus- inseparable ever since," said ing her masters in National sion, they broke up with the Autumn. Security at Texas A&M while other people they were seeing On their one year anniver- Brad works. "We don't even and dated most of their senior sary, Zack proposed while know anyone in Texas - so it year. The following year, they they were in Autumn's dorm all seems like one big adven- went to separate colleges, Joe room. He wrote her a four tore!", Tara explains. to McDaniel and Mary to page letter about why he Big adventures are noth- Loyola College in Baltimore. loved them together so much. lng new to Tara and Brad, who Joe's second realization After Autumn finished read- studied abroad in Budapest occurred when "I was praying ing the letter, "he then said, 'I together before they even in a church, asking God what I love you more than anything started dating. "We came Kelly Shaw was the first girl that Josh Marvel met at McDaniel during should do with my life. A or anyone in the world. You back even closer than before freshmen orientation in Red Square in August of 2002. They stayed friends noise caused me to look up have made my life more won- and we had a blast traveling all through college but when some of his friends told her he was and open my eyes suddenly, derfuI than I could have imag- with each other." interested in her, they started hanging out more. They kept in touch and the first thing I saw was a ined it to be. Autumn, I would Tara and Brad were intro- during the summer months and right before senior year began, he asked her out. After graduation Josh plans to move to Maryland, from Delaware, so statue of Joseph holding the give anything to spend the duced by Tara's roommate of he can be closer to Kelly - according to them, they "plan to stay with child Jesus, and I knew then rest of my life with you. Will all four years, who took fresh- each other for a ioooong time!" that 1 was called to marriage- you \ be my wife?' 'Yes! Of man seminar with Brad and KOONS TOYOTA of Westminster Minutes from Campus, right off of Rte. 140 *College Grad Rebates Available!!! ,'JII'I.-. pLUS INCENTIVES lOUSCIONTC Contact Mike Replogle at (4-10)857-14-00,ext. 1100or to schedule a test drive or for more information "Must meet Toyota Grad Requirements
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