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May 4, 2006 - Page 22 SENIOR TRIBUTE Smith Savors Family Time; Copeland to Yale CLAYTON ROSA called gp41. Alumnus, Dr. Melanie Nilsson have helped own academic accomplish- important tra!t to embody as a him significantly for graduate ments, and will miss their STAFF WRITER Sam Hopkins,. prompted college student, she hopes that Smith's interest in this protein, school decisions and access to time at McDaniel, but what future students will take Biochemistry majors' and urged her to do her proj- various internships. they will miss the most is the advantage of any research Katie Smith and Matthew ect over the development of a Copeland's senior friends that they have made. opportunities or internships Copeland are looking forward peptide inhibitor, T-20, that seminar project consisted of "I am most pleased as she did. to a relaxing summer after would inhibit the protein gp41 using "yeast as a model organ- with the people Ihave chosen "It's really helpful to graduation. Smith plans to in the HIV virus. After being ism to study the functional to befriend," said Copeland. "I figure out what you want to spend some time with her introduced to Hopkins by pro- role of the L4 ribosomal pro- think that the people that one do in your life, 'and it gives family, friends and her hus- fessors, Dr. Richard Smith and tein," said Copeland. He chooses to spend the majority you a broader perspective of band, Ethan, before she packs Dr. Marilyn Smith, Katie explained that he made dele- of their time with are a reflec- the field you want to go in to," . her bags and heads to gradu- Smith decided to research the tions of a particular region of tion of that individual. I con- said Smith. ate school at YaleUniversity in protein gp41 with Dr. Richard the protein, and studied the sider myself fortunate to have Out of all the memo- Connecticut. Smith. "viability of the yeast by been able to spend the past ries from the four years of col- Copeland, who is also "Dr. Smith has always doing growth plates, sucrose four years with people that I lege, and the hard work from an art history minor, hopes to gone above and beyond for gradients, and Northern am equally proud of." these two students, Copeland make it to the bar one last time me," said Smith about her blots." Copeland summarized Smith agrees, saying summarizes both of their feel- with his friends before he professor. "From allowing me his research into a 45 minute that is it because of her experi- ings about graduating. moves into a graduate posi- to work for him for two years, presentation, senior paper, ences in college that she has "I will miss the small tion at the IpiB (Integrated helping me with graduate and into a poster. He got the learned to prioritize her life. "I feel of the campus and the Program in Biochemistry) pro- school decisions and writing idea for this project when learned so much and did my good people that 1 have met gram at the University of letters of recommendation, to working at UMBC (University best in all of my classes, but I over the years here," said Wisconsin-Madison later in giving advice on courses, he of Maryland, Baltimore also maintained close relation- Copeland. "You cannot sim- the summer. has always been there to help County) last summer through ships with the people in my ply replace good friends when For her senior semi- me." an internship with the life that mean the most to me," you move to another loca- nar project, Smith got the idea Copeland agrees, say- National Science Foundation. she said about her family and tion." to research a protein in the ing that professors, Dr. Both Smith and friends. Smith also knows that envelope of the HIV virus, Randall Morrison and Dr. Copeland are proud of their although perseverance is an Risky Business: Moffatt Thrives on Thrill come with their own unique Or would he? kayaking. VA. This summer will be his KATIE HICKEY "Of course not, I'm scared "I think the pressure and fifth as a counselor. STAFF WRITER hazards. After graduation, Moffatt, a "Rock climbing is danger- to death of water," Moffatt the challenge to do things Have you ever noticed a ous because of the possibility said, laughing. right are why I like them," he double major in Biology and sand-colored Toyota Tacoma - of traumatic falls or equip- Given his hobbies, does said. "Fear keeps you sharp." Philosophy, plans to pursue a in Biology position research complete with a roof rack and ment failure," said Moffatt. Moffatt consider himself a One of his more risky pur- a kayak - parked on campus "And while the risk for injury risk-taker? suits included running a 26- and eventually go to graduate and thought: "Who carries is not as apparent in kayaking, "Not usually:' he said. foot waterfall at Great Falls school for anatomy, which in around a kayak in the life-threatening aangers a 'WilJ e some of1he thiIlgST'd'O"OUFSideiiVasliihgton, D.C. itself may be considered a Westminster?" water sports - especially with tend to be seen as risky, Ithink Great Falls rapids are catego- risky move by the squeamish/ The owner of the Tacoma is the difficulty of whitewater I limit myself to things I have rized as Class 5. While running whitewater senior Dave Moffatt, and that rescue - are ever present." a better chance of succeeding "In Class 5 rapids, you get rivers and climbing cliffs are telltale kayak is one of 3 that Considering his interest in at than messing up. But I've the highest amount of danger dangerous activities for the he owns. While most athletes these activities, it's easy to been wrong a couple times." and difficulty," explained majority of us, they're "adren- at this age are involved in label Moffatt a risk-taker. Such as? Moffatt. "There is a real dan- aline rushes" for Dave sports like lacrosse and soccer, "Dave is what I would call "l've missed my clip [while ger of drowning if you make a Moffatt. So what's the riskiest Moffatt has been an avid a calculated risk-taker," said climbing} and fallen 25 feet. mistake." thing he says he's ever done? whitewater kayaker for senior Chris Simms, who has My belayer caught me though. During the summer, Moffatt "Procrastinate on my sen- almost 10 years, as well as a known Moffatt since freshman That was pretty scary," he imparts his knowledge of iorsems." rock climber for 15 years. year. "Being the intelligent said. kayaking and climbing on All physical activities have person he is, Idoubt he would According to Moffatt, it's pre-teens as a counselor for their share of risks, but ever jump into a creek and try the risks that add the thrill to Passages Adventure Camp in Moffatt's sports of choice to wrestle an alligator." activities like climbing and his hometown of Richmond, Music Majors Develop Strong Comaraderie KATHRYN YOUNG organist and choirmaster at helped me to gain confidence Bernstein, Handel, and very helpful in developing STAFF WRITER Emmanuel Episcopal Church in myself as a musician in Purcell. Margie is very talent- good leadership skills and in Bel Air, Maryland; some- aspects of performance and ed and it's been a very directing technique." Looking "There is a real spirit of thing he's been doing for three basic music knowledge. I rewarding experience to be in ahead Pertusio says, "I can camaraderie between all the years now. have grown so much in the the Choir. definitely use the skills I've music students; we're here to Sarah Hale has been in two years I've been here at . Wheeler puts choir up learned here in whatever Igo learn from one another, not to McDaniel's choir all eight McDaniel and a large part of WIth the Hill's Gazebo as her into.. I'm not done with try and compete with one semesters here and describes that is due to the music ~,avorite thin?"s on campus. McDaniel College yet, and another. This can't be said of it as a "very rewarding experi- department. The music The one thmg I'll always have been considering ways every music school that there ence." Hale has been involved department is one that fosters remember though, which was that 1 can give my time, treas- is out there." With hopes of in various choirs since she was learning and excellence, but the high point in my entire ure, and talent back to this opening her own private seven years old. "I'm going to also seeks to encourage and college career, is studying school." piano studio in the fall, Senior be attending the University Of build up its students. I've abroad." After graduatio Hales finds music relaxing Sarah Lantz takes great pleas- Baltimore School Of Law never felt intimidated or dis- Wheeler plans to use her lo;~ yet challenging, "I have defi- ure in having been part of starting in August, but I feel criminated against." for Spanish in some form of nitely improved my musical McDaniel's music depart- like music will be a constant in Lynne Wheeler has been fashion. "McDaniel has ability here at McDaniel with ment. my life. 1love singing because in Dr. Marjorie Boudreaux's helped me with this because it being exposed to many differ- Lantz is not the only sen- it takes all my concentration choir for Wheeler's four years was through the school that I ior involved with McDaniel's and I can just block out every- at McDaniel. "We have sung ~ot .t~ study abroad, really ent types of music I wouldn't have otherwise." AU in all music department that feels thing else going on in my life. in several different languages, msptrlng me to study Spanish these four wonderful this way. Although not a Choir has allowed me to meet including Spanish, Hebrew, ~ven more and to want to use ly inclined students' musical- impres- Music Major, Brent Pertusio many people from different Latino, Chinese, Latin, French, It for the rest of my life," sion of McDaniel can be says, "I do a lot of work with majors that I might have never Gennan, and Russian. We've Wheeler concludes. summed up by Lantz, "I feel the music department; I might met." also been able to sing pieces Pertusio has ended his really lucky to have had such as well be a major." Brent Lantz gives credit to the by people like Bach, Mozart, ~mester with a choral direct- :n:~,nderful college experi- plans to continue being an Music Department, "It has Stravinsky, Praetortus, mg class, "which has been
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