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Senior Tribute Live, Laugh, Love Your Senior Year Your years in college are priceless. They are filled with eating Clar food, walking to a party on PAAvenue in the freez- ing cold, 30 page papers, always being broke, crazy professors, but most importantly, they are filled with times that you lived for, laughs you had with good friends, and making every memory a moment that you would love forever. Westminster, NID Vol. 5 No.5 May 4, 2006 INSIDE Gender Linked to Learning, Leadership to the trend. female/male ratio of 55-45 is college has a "higher propor- EMILY BIONDO Nationally, women's directly on target with nation- tion [of females] that are aca- STAFF WRITER undergraduate enrollment has al statistics; population, how- demically outstanding," while It may be more pru- increased "more than twice as ever, is not the sole point of there are fewer males "at the dent to start calling them much as men's" since 1970, divergence for the sexes. top," and more "males that "Bachelorette" degrees. according to the National According to come into contact with the As more and more Center for Education Associate Dean of Academic conduct board." Reiff added college campuses are being Statistics. The 2004 women- Affairs Henry Reiff, the 'gen- that men are "simply less populated with a strong to-men ratio of 55-45 reflects a der difference' has been a sur- involved in extracurriculars women's presence and even striking shift in balance from prisingly sizeable topic of dis- with the exception of sports." stronger women's success 1970's 41-59 divide. cussion among the McDaniel Statistics support rate, McDaniel is no exception deans this year. He said the (See "Gender" 011 page 5) Immigration Policy See McDaniel Budapest Campus Concerns Students story, Page 8 SHELLY HORN STAFF WRITER On April 9, 2006, The McDaniel Writing Center was a virtual ghost town, abandoned by most students for one of the first truly warm and sunny days of spring. While other stu- dents strolled the campus, played volleyball, o toek the' . ments to a ~l l sp-ewted out on the grass, three McDaniel women huddled around a computer in the Writing Center, working together on what would have seemed to most as a group project, whose deadline lurked around the corner. These three students - Laura Miller, Kristen Seniors find love Warfield, and Marina Wilson, were, in fact, not working on an assignment for iii class but pol- at McDaniel ishing a letter to Maryland Senator Paul Read all about it Sarbanes - making their voices heard on pend- ing immigration reform policy - their only on Page 20 deadline, self-imposed by civic responsibility and pangs of advocacy. Though all three women helped to write and edit the letter, junior Laura Miller, initiated the process after the three attended a Latino Issues Advocacy Workshop together in Washington, D.C. in the beginning of March. "We had attended [the workshop] togeth- er," said Miller. "And I received an e-mail about what was going on in the Senate Judiciary Committee and thought we should show our support by writing a letter." The workshop was hosted by the National Council of La Raza (NCLR)' the largest nation- ,,,Want To Go Back al Hispanic Civil Rights organization in the aJllRTI
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