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P. 128
Vol. 5 No.4 APRIL 6, 2006, Page 16 Women's Lacrosse Season in Full Swing M1KEHABEGGER co~petitiv~," 5 P r i n g I West Palm Beach, FL. There, SPORTSEDITOR confirmed seruor McDaniel domi- they played and lost to Cry 5 t a I nated most of Skidmore and Montclair State The 2006 spring sports C han die r the game, win- by a score of 7-8. schedule is in full swing, and "E s pee i a 11y ning 14-10. Other teams went on trips McDaniel Women's Lacrosse Gettysburg, F+M "We really during spring break. Men's has already played a full plate and Dickinson." capitalized on a lacrossewent to Duke to play of competition thus far into Indeed, the . lot of our oppor- Messiah on March 14th. The the year. teams have a tunities and baseball team traveled to The Terror followed two combined record played well for Arizona for five games. straight wins (Washington, of 22-1 through 60 minutes ... " Softball played nine contests Cabrini) with a tough 15-16 Saturday. said Chandler. in the Rebel Games in loss to Swarthmore. Ahead The Terror "... and we came Kissimmee, FL, and the Tennis 15-10 with 10:56 to go, hope for a nice out on top." teams went to Virginia Beach ' Swarthmore ended the game season with the Midfielder fora pair of matches. And the on a six goal run. Kate Wuenschel sis- Can n i e golf teams went to Myrtle Crawford scored the game- ters (Connie and Wuenschel has Beach for a warm-up tour. winner with 1:52 left. Kerrie) leading a led the Terror's The men's golf team played The game against talented core offensive attack especially well at the Elizabethtown last Thursday group of Kim this so far this Gettysburg invitational, plac- ended in a McDaniel victory, Lowry, Caitlin season, leading ing second behind a team 14-8. The team used six Shellhorn, and the team in record low by Susquehanna Smith. straight second half goals to Tara h man goals, assists, University. Success is on the minds of She F res and points. put the game out of reach. expected to con- also is tough on every athlete at McDaniel, Caitlin Shellhorn, a senior tribute are defense, finding each hoping that this will be from Babylon, NY and second 1. i n d say the year. The on the team in goals scored, M c-D a n a I d , herself at the top lacrosse team certainly womens of many deferi- has its scored three times, and Kim Ferruzzi Lowry, second on the team in Chelsea Michelle sive categories. mindset on winning. and Lee Oliver has assists, had one goal and three "We are hoping to make a assists. Fluty. wreaked havoc run for the conference title," With a tough conference With close Kim Lowry rnakes a playin a recent game against Goucher.DAVESlNa.AlR on defense. She claimed Chandler. "I think it leads the team in matchups coming until the competition in ning any game," said caused turnovers with 13. is very doable based on the talent we have this year. We conclusion of the season, the the league, the team hopes Chandler. During Spring Break, are looking to... get a bid [the] Terror must string together that playing smart will help On Tuesday March 21st, when most students were some wins. them win some games. the squad faced Centennial lounging around with friends NCAA's. I think if we contin- ue playing well we will be "We have a really tough "One of our many strate- Conference rival Washington conference so all of our games gies is to limit our turnovers, College. Under the grey or working, the Women's there at the end." there will be very we see this as a key to win- clouds on the second day of lacrosse team found itself in Keeping With the Times, Tennis Springs Forward On March 27, the team "brings a new energy to the Kastner says he hopes to, some key players last year but LAURA HUlTON suffered another hard loss to team that is very refreshing to "set a strong example that everyone has been able to step STAFF WRITER VillaJulie (3-4).This was espe- see." hopefully carries down the it up." The men's tennis team cially tough considering that With a strong freshman ladder to let our depth take She also acknowledges had a strong start to their sea- they beat them in the fall. player and other team mem- over from there." that it is not easy: "We're in a son. Back in September dur- The men have nine more bers who are developing their Their next home games real competitive conference ing their brief fall season, they games before the Centennial game, both new and seasoned, are. on April 2nd at 1 p.m. and there are lots of tough won their only game 4~3to Conference Championships the tennis team should be against Gallaudet, April 7th at matches ahead." Villa Julie. April 28-30. So, they still have racking up the wins in no 3;30 p.m. against Washington, Eleven games remain for Over spring break, they a lot of time to improve their time. and. April 10th at 3 p.m. the women before the traveled to Virginia Beach and game, learn from previous According to Pettaway, against Catholic. Centennial Conferences. played their next three games. play, and develop their newer "everyone is hitting the ball The woman's tennis team The women's team will The first, against members. and moving well on the is haVing a similar season. have home matches April 7th Randolph-Macon on March "We're a fairly young courts." Their record is 3-3 and they at 3:30 p.m. against 11, was a strong 5-1 win. team considering that we only Team members believe have lost both of their confer- Washington, April 8 at 1 p.m. The second, on the have one senior," explains jun- that great improvements ence games. against Haverford, and on same day, was another power- ior Brian Kastner, who is the should be evident by the end They demolished Villa April 10 at 3 p.m. against ful win; they beat Guilford 5- team's captain and has the of the season. Julie back in September (8-1) Catholic. 2. Number One spot. These improvements and Randolph-Macon on "It's gonna be an awesome Two days later, on March "We added one fresh- should lead to an increase in March 11th (8-1). The tables season," said Pettaway. 13, they played Virginia man this year, Adrian respect from the other teams. turned, however against Bryn Wesleyan and suffered a Pettaway, who is working his "In the past, I think most Mawr (1-8)and Gettysburg (0- crushing loss of 0-7. Since this way into the line-up; he has teams see us come in, and we 7), when the women suffered loss, men's tennis has not been more dedication then I have don't get much respect from sizeable losses. able to capture another wins. seen from any other player." them," Kastner acknowledges. Despite these small set- The team's record R. J. Seabeck, a junior, "Wehave been seen as b~cks, j~nior and team cap- now stands at 3-4 and they along with the assistant coach, a team that has some depth tam, Katie McLean notices the :~d not really strong (or) top have lost their only conference Richard FusseI are also new strength of her team: "I see a game on March 25th against additions to the team. the line." huge improvement all around Franklin & Marshall According to Kastner, Fussel on our team this year. We lost
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