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P. 127
SPORTS APRIL 6, 2006 - Page 13 Baseball Has Momentum After Big Win RYAN CHELL coming into the game, was against McDaniel starter help pitcher Chase Wolf recov- the lineup would account for 9 STAFFWRITER unfazed during the entire Jarrett Smith, who allowed er from his loss earlier in the of McDaniel's runs. It looks game. He personally shut eight earned runs and twelve week. Despite only having like they put the ball in play The number 113i is down the McDaniel offense; hits in just four innings of scored one run in each of the that day. considered a very unlucky pitching a complete game and work. His replacement, past three games, the Terror The Green Terror (6- number. Many people are striking out 13 McDaniel hit- Jimmy Thompson, could not kept the one in the box score 11,1-3 conf) return to the dia- afraid of it or they stay away ters. He struck out the side in stop the bleeding either; but added another one's digit, mond April 4th against from this number completely. the first and fourth innings, allowing five runs (four scoring 11 runs and getting 17 Dickinson; hoping to gain But as the McDaniel baseball and caused half of McDaniel's earned) in two and a third hits in seven innings to gain momentum from their colos- team started its Centennial outs on his own. Plus, he innings. their first conference victory of sal win last Saturday. Conference schedule last allowed only five hits to the Bullets starter Brian the season. Drew Mitchell, week, they would be haunted Green Terror lineup. Spicer would match Tuesday's Dustin Shaffer, and the top of by this dreaded number in When asked what his pitching performance by their first two box scores. team needs to do to be sue- Whitman with a gem of his Last week, the Green cessful this year, Coach Dave own; going eight innings, Terror faced off twice against Seibert looked at this game as striking out eight, and only the Gettysburg Bullets to open an example of what needs to allowing a run. McDaniel's up the conference schedule. be changed. "We need to put offense was still lacking in this They played at home last the ball in play more" said game; catcher Justin Reitz's 3- Tuesday and they played at Coach Seibert, "that's 13 times for-4 day and shortstop Drew Gettysburg last Friday. we didn't put the ball in play. Mitchell's 3-for-3 day with the However, the results would That's got to get much better if team's only RBIwere the only not be very different. we are going to be better highlights for the Green Last Tuesday, the offensively." Terror. team had the benefit of play- The Green Terror had McDaniel had another ing in front of the home crowd another chance to even the Centennial Conference rival to here at Preston Field. score and their conference face twice in a row last McDaniel jumped to an early record when they faced the Saturday: Muhlenberg. The 1-0 lead, but that would be all Bullets again last Friday; this first game turned out to be a that they could muster that time away from Preston Field. game of pitching and defense day. McDaniel starting pitcher The thirteen would again be in as the Terror fell one run short Chase Wolf held the Bullets the box score, but this time it in a 2-1Mules victory. Despite scoreless for the first four was Gettysburg's run total. Green Terror pitcher Jimmy innings, but he was hit late by The Bullets would blow the Dahlgren going seven strong five runs and by a come- Green Terror away, 13-1. innings, his lineup only got backer in the arm. Cettysburg McDaniel was not only 0-2 in three hits and he received the would add one more run in the Centennial Conference; loss to even his record at 2-2. the eighth inning to close the they were 0-2 against their The Green Terror game, 6-1. rivals right up Route 97. would make up for their lack Gettysburg pitcher Gettysburg would of run support in the second Tobin Whitman, who was 1-3 run away with an early lead game of the double-header to Freshman Matt Teter rounds the bases during Saturday's game against Muhlenburg ~'TI'&\W!ID&\OO!ID Wrn&\'ITTIlJOOrn~~ MACPHERSONmOT FRONT SUSPENSION + AM/FM/CD WITB B SPEAKERS + SmE ROCIER PANELS + 38MPGHWYt =YOURNEW CAR @TOYOTA I moving forward, tEPAEsnMATED MIG FOR 2005 CORaliA S MODfll812 4 SPEEDAUTO. ACTUAlMl~AGE MAYVAR!, "MSRP FOR 2006 SPORTMODEll!12 EXClUrnNG TAl, TAGSAND LICENSEFEES.DOOR SETSFINALPRICE
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