Page 54 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 54
DECEMBER 9, 2004 - Page 2 NEWS No one confesses, everyone pays policy questioned continued from page 1 When this occurs, the curred, the residents of the Last year, Rouzer was floor on which the elevator floor in which the elevator possibilities. to the vandalism. breaks down is charged for broke down is charged. billed $449 in the Fall semes- "1believe that if students "It makes sense to split damages. Butto students, the Thusfar, during the Fall ter of 2003 and then $3351 in took the time to independently the fines among residents who difference between the eleva- 2004 semester, Rouzer has the Spring of 2004. Whiteford calculate the real cost assessed was billed $65.50 in the Fall live closest to the area the van- tor simply malfunctioning been billed $1664.42 and and $211.10in the Spring, ac- to each individual student, they dalism occurred in because it and breaking down because Whiteford, $282, according to cording to Sayre. would not be angry," said Spen- prevents [McDaniel] from add- of vandalism is unclear. numbers provided to Free "The policy is a two cer. "Our policy is pretty liberal ing these fines to the cost of tu- '''For one thing, when Press by Spencer. way street," said Sayre. "The and the cost is split between ition for all students," said something breaks down, like Currently, if the fines as way fines are assessed are fair everyone in the building. I Dean of Student Affairs Philip elevators, the students are a result of students' vandal- and reasonable. But the other would advise students who are Sayre. automatically to blame," said ism for the school year are way is that students must concerned to speak to other stu- According to Residence Cabassa. "Could it be that less than $10 for each student, dents and view things with an Life Coordinator for First Year things break down once in a then they are not charged. make attempts to keep van- open mind." ' Students Rachel Spencer, mal- while and it has nothing to do Resident Assistants post the dalism to a minimum Though residents in functioning elevators are one of with vandalism or mishaps?" current charges to each stu- through. Some community Rouzer will be charged, Spen- self policing." the biggest vandalism prob- However, Spencer dent in the dorms so resi- cer has seen improvements re- lems. noted that when the elevator dents of various dormitories However, Some stu- cently. "Often, residents will breaks, a repair man is called are aware of how much they dents do not share Sayre's "Everyone wants to live Opinion. crowd into the Rouzer elevator who is able to discern have been charged "Responsible people do in a nice environment," said and jump up and down," said whether theĀ· problem was At this point, the $10 Spencer. "A lot of the problems Spencer. "This causes the safety caused by machinery or by barrier has been passed in not want to deal with the ir- have subsided in recent said Berkow. on the elevator to turn on and students' actions. When he Rouzer for residents and they responstbls," weeks." Spencer feels that stu- it breaks down." determines the latter has oc- will be billed. . dents have not considered all The lighter side of the Campus Safety blotter LEON MACH hard to achieve, others fe~1 Iknow that this sounds fi~st. As a problem solver, I teachers Would no longer have STAFF WRITER overwhelme? and try to hit like a scene.from some crazy Wish to pose a mutually ben- to play dOdge ball with auto- professors With their cars. James Bond movie, but it re- eficial solution to the crisis at (Editor's Note: At a glance, The Nov. 23 Campus ally did happen. Thankfully, hand that Would prevent a mobiles. Since A's across the the Campus Safety Blotter doesn't Safety report reads: "Profes- no one was injured during repeat of such an OCCurrence. board will more than likely reveal some of the inane reports to sor was crossing W. Main St. this act of reckless driving, r feel that professors never happen; all I can really which officers have to respond. at cro~swal~, when. a but it certainly poses a situa- could ~hwart this danger by say is professors please look Mach's commentary highlights ,student s vehicle traveling tion that needs to be ad: awarding the entire student both ways before crossing. some of the most unique calls). east bound increased in dressed body A's for the semester. I Since Ilast wrote this col- It is exam time, papers are speed when approaching Trust me teachers, I don't know what my'sugges_ umn, two underage students due, and students are stressed. crosswalk, causing the pro- want what you want and I tion would do for the cred- were documented for urinating While some deal with these fessor to run to avoid getting was raised to believe that ibility of the school, but Ican on the new North Village Apts. pressures positively and work hit." safety should always com~ assure that if implemented, As long as you gentlemen did not expose yourselves to any- CampusSafetublot ter one, 1see no problem with uri- nating outdoors, frankly I en- courage it. But couldn't you have gone on one of the older crappier buildings like Rouzer? Occurred from Date Subcategory Type Building Name Incident Status I don't mean to your 11/6/04 12,19a.m. alcohol possession under 21 Gill Lane closed by report mothers, but this school is ac- 11/5/04 5,00p.m. theft vehicle Golf Course inactive tually trYing to make some im- 11/7/04 12,50a.m. decency offense public urination North Village closed by report provement and this is how yoU 11/7/04 2:24a.m. alcohol possession under 21 Garden Apartments closed by report repay it? This is the reason we 11/7/04 3:30 a.m. alcohol possession under 21 Rouzer Hall ~ending court outcome can't have nice things. 11/6/04 S,OOp.m. vandalism vehicle Carroll House Lot rnacttvs r feel obligated "toend my 11/7/04 12,00a.m. larceny from buildings Decker Center inactive final column of the semester on 11/8/04 11:27a.m. burglary entry without force Rouzer Hall dosed by unfounded a serious note: LadiesĀ· in 11/6/04 8,00PM vandalism structure McDaniel Hall closed by report ~hiteford, r know you nee~ to 11/8/04 9,15 p.m. vandalism structure McDaniel Hall inactive pick up that new subscriphon 11/7/04 7,30PM larceny from motor vehicle Harrison House Lot open to Cosmo, but for the love of 11/9/04 unknown tampering with fire extinguishers Rouzer Hall Inactive god don't acquire it from 11/10/04 9,59PM vandalism property Rouzer Hall inactive ~ome sketchy door to door 11/12/04 4:17 a.m. arson personal prop. <$500 Rouzer Hall inactive sa~esmen. Some people make 11/13/04 1:55 a.m. assault hands/feet Penna Ave. Houses closed by report a hvmg as doctors and tawyerv 11 /14/04 1:48 a.m. trespass Gunn Plaza pending court outcome ~hile others sell bogus maga- 11/14/04 1:45 a.m. threats to college official Gunn Plaza closed by report zins subscriptions to vulner- 11/14/04 2:10 a.m trespass Carroll House Lot pending COurtOutcome able freshmen girls. 11/14/04 7,00p.m. vandalism' structure Whiteford Hall inactive "Th.i:> is a recurring trend 11/17/04 11:40 p.m. vandalism structure Blanche Ward Hall closed by report that happens roughly 10 tin;-es 11/18/04 1:16 a.m. alcohol possession under 21 Garden Apartments closed by report a year in'Whiteford," said Mike 11/18/04 1:50 a.m. disorderly conduct disturbing the peace Blanche Ward Hall closed by report Webster, Director of Campus 11/19/04 1:22a.m. alcohol possession under 21 Blanche Ward Hall closed by report Safety. 11/19/04 2:10 a.m. assault hands/feet Rouzer Hall report complete Ladies, you truly a~e 11/19/04 S,41p.m. alcohol possession under 21 Gunn Plaza dosed by report beautifUl and I know that it )s 11/19/04 11,55p.m. alcohol possession under 21 Perma Ave. Houses closed by report not easy being a freshman il1 11/20/04 1:29 a.m. alcohol dwi/dui Rouzer Lot pending Court olltcome COllege. You have to worry 11/20/04 unknown burglary entry without force Rouzer Hall open about issues like; sexual preda- 11/13/04 12;01a.m burglary entry without force Rouzer Hall open tors, .being away from home for 11/21/04 12;53 a.m. vandalism property ANWHall open ~hefirst time, and avoiding the 11/21/04 1:30 a.m. trespass Blanche Ward Hall pending Court outcome mfamous freshman 15 all while 11/21/04 1:28 a.m. trespass Blanche Ward Hall pending Court outcome trying to pass your first semes- 11/21/04 1,50 a.m. disorderly conduct drunk and disorderly Blanche Ward Hall closed by report ter a~a new school. 11/21/04 2:10a.m. disorderly conduct drunk and disorderly Blanche Ward Hall pending COurtoutcome I'm not judging theSe 11/21/04 2,00a.m. assault verbal Blanche Ward Hall closed by report Pressurse, but don't forget to 11/13/04 10;00 a.m. theft from motor vehicle Whiteford Lot inactive add this to your list of things to 11/21/04 4,20p.m. burglary entry without force Rouzer Hall open look out for. If anyone comeS 11/18/04 lAOp.m. burglary entry without force North Village closed by report to YOUrdoor selling things con- 11/30/04 unknown vandalism property Rouzer inactive tact Campus Safety; for al1Y 11/8/04 unknown theft from buildings Blanche Ward Hall report complete other problems, feel free to give 11/30/04 6,00p.m. vandalism property Whiteford Hall report complete mea call. 12/2/04 12:35 a.m. vandalism Blanche Ward Hall report complete
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