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NOVEMBER11,2004- Page 10 SPORTS Men's tennis ready for spring strength and conditioning mented on this instability. WADE DOWNEY program that is used to train "Even when I played STAFF WRITER and prepare his players. here we had head coaches KlW1kcommented on that weren't here fuII time... l The McDaniel Men's Ten- believe that that nis team is looking forward to has a lot to do the upcoming year. After fin- with it...that ishing last year 2-8, 1-7 (CC), there hasn't the team believes that they can been a' person hammer out more wins and that is here on continue to strengthen the pro- campus," he gram. said. During a recent interview, However, Brian Kastner, a sophomore Klunk rem- member of the team, com- forced his com- mented on the team's outlook. mitment to the "We definitely have a program, stat- younger, smaller team," he ing, "I can bring said that stability, That they do. This year's someone who is Senior Kelly Cramp returns to the court after helping the Terror win the squad consists of one returning always here." Centennial Conference Championship last season senior, a junior, one sophomore C a a c h and four freshmen. However, Klunk remarked even with a fairly young team, throughout the Women's hoops Kastner has no doubts that it interview that will be a successful year. the Centennial "We definitely have a Conference is an chance," he said. "I don't think extremely tough ' looking for repeat it is going to be any problem division. tying the conference record." Yet, Klunk Last year, the team re- Junior Aaron Taylor, shown here ina match last believes that ; "We have four seniors corded its most conference vic- season, will playa large role in helping the tennis this year, "We MEREDITH ADAMS who are ready to step up and STAFF WRITER tories since 1997. That victory team pick up the wins they so desire this season will be a little take the leadership positions," came against Ursin us. his program saying that, "It more competitive with the The women's basket- she said. "Although Toby was Much of the optimism is a good building block ... It upper echelon teams." irreplaceable last season, this is and hope for this year's team works to get our team to- Kastner also added that ball team is already anticipat- a new season and the girls will stems from second year head gether, even in the off season "Gettysburg and Ursinus are ing another successful sea- learn to adjust without her." coach, Kevin Klunk. Coach when they aren't-in practice." definitely bearable." son. Coach Becky Martin is The girls also have a new Klunk, a certified persona! Another main aspect Coach Klunk made it hoping for a repeat of last freshman this year, Robbin trainer, returned to his alma that Coach Klunk brings to dear, though, that the goal for year's conference champion- Gregg, who Coach Martin feels mater last year, bringing with the tennis program is stabil- his team during this rebuild- ship and of course to qualify will give the team speed and him a winning tradition and ity. Over the past ten years, ing stage" ... is to be competi- for the NCAA. Many are help offensively wealth of knowledge of the the McDaniel tennis program tiveand pull out a match here wondering how the team will "Her experience as a do without Toby McIntire, game of tennis. has gone through four-coach- and there." but Coach Martin is not too point guard on a state champi- One of the main facets of ing changes. onship team last year will help Coach Klunk's success is his Coach Klunk com- concerned. her a lot this year," Coach Mar- tin commented. "She has a lot ~;N;';;'T;~-;;;O-;~ of knowledge of how to win." The girls have a lot of tal- ent on their team this year. I UNDER 12 HAIRCUTS I Aside from the four seniors, a 10.tcan be expected from juniors L $10.001 Krlsty Costa and Sara Franz. I Includes cut & finish., 'I show a lot of progress. The sophomores should also While Coach Martin is Coupons cannot be combined. Specializing in: L.....:!.co=~~~/~!... ~ ~ ., pleased with the team's overall knowledge and the improve- • Men's, Women's and r MEN'S 1 ment they have made so far,she still feels that they are not quite Children's Hairstyling 'I HAIRCUTS .•1 game ready. "They need to be able to • Flat-Tops. • $11.00~1E:i101 execute in order to be ready for their first game," she explained. The girls' first game will ,---,IIIIi!1 ~1·1·lllncludescut& comb/fled. With coupon. ExP/Tes11/16104 CF Tournament held at Catholic take place during the Tip-off finish.couponscan~ot~ _. ~ ..... -.. ---- University on November 19th --------- I I: r---------, and 20th. Playing against two For your convenience we're open: ,LADIES HAIRCUT I nationally ranked teams, the looks to be very tournament & BLOWDRY Mon. thru Fri. 9am·7pm • Sat.8am·6pm I ! $18 0 .1 competitive. All of the girls are excited for the start of the sea- • sun.tnem-som College Square , .0 Sophomore Katy Powell Shopping Center I Includes cut & finish. Coupons cannot be I exclaims, "This should be a re- ally exciting. season. We'lI be 444 WM~ Drive .r=·========'=, ~ I looking forward to defending With coupon. ExpireS1~/16/04 Lcombinect. Westmmster I our conference championship." PERMSALE Correction 410·857·0520 $50 00;:1 In the previous issue of 410.857.0898: . • &Upl the Free Press, a quote {Next to Setewsv) ~OngHa;'SI19htlYhlghe, Inc/udescut&n;,Ish...~ from volleyball player Carrie Sniffen appeared a!!l IIlIU_ _ ;...__ ~=~."!.4 ... without attribution. " J I Coupons cannot be combined. with coupon.
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