Page 56 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 56
DECEMBER 9, 2004 - Page 4 COMMENTARY The good, the bad, and the ugly of online registration minutes, 1 had no regrets puter server jargon for "too JESSE FELDMAN about leavingthe days of damn busy" a conversation about the She explained that a fac- STAFF WRITER question and a decision was ulty group created earlier in the frantically checking the Class Many of the problems made. The computer isn't With all the buzz about Closings list outside the fo- with registration occurred in year will continue to meet and computerized voting errora in rum days behind. the first week, with techno- quite as flexible about those focus on ways of improving decisions," Kiphart added. the last election, it is little sur- "1 truly loved getting logical upgrades being per- Students registering in online registration. prise that up in my pajamas and regis- formed on the system on the the sciences and foreign lan- Some already suggested Mcljaruel's ; tering for class in ten min- 9th. These repairs seemed to guages seemed most vulner- areas of improvement are "al- first all-out . utes," confessed sophomore minimize students reporting able to this problem. Lucky lowing advisers to "clear" stu- attempt at Katlyn Hood error messages the nextday for them, their classes seem dents electronically to eliminate online reg- However, not everyone and Jan Kiphart seemed opti- to fill up fastest as well! the "permission ticket", change istration had as good an experience mistic that the repairs may Junior Jackie Horton the registration times; making had a few with registration, and hap- even have eliminated the ran into difficulty when her them longer and during the kinks. pily, their stories are more "broken pipe" message. transfer credits were not en- evening, adding the BLAR and ~ fun. First-time registering Pre-req/co-req information to online reg- Students registering on student, Freshman Maria tered correctly into the sys- the web schedule of classes, and tem. She got the joy of hur- istration November 9 may have no- Lathroum, "hated" online reg- making degree audits available worked, it was a breeze ... and ticed that the system was istration. rying over to· the registrar's on the Archway." office at 8 a.m. in order to en- when it didn't, well, in the down entirely. According to Lathroum was yet an- sure she was not closed out Most people I asked did words of sophomore Katie Kiphart. there was a big in- other victim of the deadly pre- of her rapidly filling classes. agree that the idea of online reg- Bowen, "It sucked." crease in traffic around 12:30 req demon, with the system Both Clare Bodnar and istration was a good one in it- "For the initial web regis- p.m., which slowed every- not allowing registration self. People for whom registra- tration, overall, it has gone thingconsiderably so the sys- when the right pre-requisites Katey Swiftagreed almost si- tion worked did seem most in- smoothly," and the technology tem was temporarily taken failed to show on the records. multaneously on one thing: clined toward this belief, with when it didn't work, online was "relatively flawless," ac- offline to fix the problem. Pre-requisites and co- registration was "time-con_ one of the only prevalent issues cording to Registrar Jan Everyone was regis- requisites. were "the most suming." being the loss of personal con- Kiphart. tered manually in the office problematic part of the pro- According to Kiphart, tact. For most students, online within 30 minutes, Kiphart cess for everyone," admitted the registrar's office will be The loss of one-on-one registration was the piece of noted. Kiphart. working hard to get all the contact is just an expected pit- cake it was meant to be. ' Some students also re- "In the past when there correct information into the fall of technology though, with Ihad initial doubts about ceived a "broken pipe" mes- wasa question about a pre-req computers and to coordinate ~atey Swift putting it best, say- how well it would work, but sage. To those students, that or co-req the student and the pre-requisites with depart- mg, "it's [online registration] a after registering in about 1.3 message is unhelpful com- data entry person would have ments for fall registration. good step because we're like in the 80's." Democr~ts,liberals, ~d . ? Capboard plans it, pr~~o~K~slves.What's In a name. so why not go? NEWS EDITOR plode in your mind. You he's a Sig Ep," or "She's an imagine people working for Omega." If you are a member, BRIAN PATfERSON . Personally, r had a great To say the Democratic the poor, helping the sick, try- you get all the benefits and all COEDITOR tune, and I'm pretty sure the Party is in decline is fact. To say ing to achieve equity and the baggage that comes with Apathy. It can be de- other 50 Or so students whO why is equality. it. ~ade the trip into Baltimore open to Let me tell you the In the political sphere, fined as a lack of inte~est or dId too. However, it would different Merriam-Webster definition the connotation of "liberal," concern, have been a lot more fun with a interpre- of a couple of words to make "conservative," "progressive" especially few hundred more people. tation. my point. Progressive; mak- and "moderate" is what de- regarding I know it's beating a dead In ing use of or- interested in fines you in the minds of vot- matters horse, but it seems that too the month new ideas, findings, or op- ers. If Democrats, as a whole, of general many students do not take ad- since the portunities. Liberal: of or con- began to label themselves as t m p e j-, vantage of the recreational op- election, there have been count- stituting a political party ad- progressives, the general pub- tance or Portunittss provided by the less explanations for why Re- vocating or associated with lic would view them in a bet- appeal. School. Whether it's an Eve6 publicans won so much. The the principles of political lib- ter light because of the posi- It's indif- concert, or a senior party, or the ference. main conclusion was that eralism. < tive connotations that word Sorry, for the mundane first Couple basketball games, Democrats did something re- Given the philosophy has. lead, but apathy was the one the crowds always seem thin. cently to hurt themselves. But, of the Democratic Party, they Progressivism, as a word t.hatkept popping up in I'm not sure who is to in reality, they lost this election could be labeled either liberal whole, is wonderful. Unfortu- my mind while I was at the blame, but I do know that the long before November 2. or progressive. But, the nately, too few Democrats are winter semi-formal last Fri- students involved in Capboard The English language is former sounds good, benefi- worthy of being labeled as are not the guilty party. full of adjectives with varied cial. The latter, bland, boring someone who always strives day at Ravens stadium. On the 1hear the mumoring frorn Was it apathy connotations, some good, some and out of touch. for the greater good. part of Cepboard, who other students all the Hrne bad, all creating a mood within Naturally, which one But people from both planned the event? There's never anything to do on the person hearing or reading are Democrats labeled as? left and right can be progres- the· weekends, or there'S no No, it was the general these words. Culture creates Liberal. 1 can almost hear sive. As long as you see some- . apathy of the students who Where to go out in Westminster. these connotations and makes some talking head on Fox thing inherently wrong with found excuses not to go. I believe that Capboard hears them become the popular label. News screaming something society and you wish to the mUmors and tries to do Juliet asked "What's in a derogatory about Democrats change it, no matter the cost Maybe there was the something about it. name?" in reference to her re- and using that term as justi- to your political career, then transportation problem of If you check out their new getting down to the Inner lationship with Romeo. Plenty. fication for why they will you are progressive. I view Harbor. screen name, capboardO'l, And for Democrats, losing the, ruin America. John McCain almost divinely you'l! get a list of all the npcorrv (What about the bus name game is why they're los- Democrats lost the la- because Ifeel he embodies all t~at was provided?) 109 evenn, that they have ing ground now. beling war long ago. They are that 1described. And he is Re- planned. The semi-formal waS Think of the word liberal. stuck with being called lib- publican. It was a little on the ex- on there, and so are the rest of What comes to mind? Given eral and the horrid baggage But, over time, a name pensive side. the events for the semester. l'rn (Tickets were $20by the that the Republican marketing that comes with it. If John defines who you are and then end of the week,and consnt, sure there will be some on there machine worked so well, the Kerry could have labeled you become the embodiment for next semester too. image of John Kerry sitting on himself as a progressive, of the name. Long ago, Repub- ~ring it cost around $4,000 The capboardul profile a Cape Cod beach sipping red could it have had an impact? licans were labeled as conser- Just for the room and food says that Capboard is an orga- that's not too bad of a dealj wine is most likely conjured. r think so. A label is what de- vative. Whether or not they fit Winter formal isalways ntzation manned by fellow stu- Probably "out of touch," "un- fines you. this term was irrelevant. Now, dents who are looking to puIllP patriotic" and "socialist" flare On this campus, if you they are conservative. bad, no one ever goes. some life into McDaniel Col- (Maybe that's justa self- across your mind like a flash- are a Greek, you are defined Maybe if Democrats are fulfilling prophecy.) ~ege.Well they have been hol~- bulb. by your organization. Think called progressive, they could Cash bar?! mg up their end of the barga'" Now, think of the word of a time you were discuss-· change to fit the label. by planning events that are WJl, (Well actually that's a progressive. Images of Gandhi ing a kid you knew with Then again, what do r pretty good one. Maybe next creative, and, for me at least, and Martin Luther King ex- friends and you said, "Oh, know? I'm a rationalist. time it could be an op~n bar.) memorable. Maybe it's time the rest of the campus got involved.
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