Page 58 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 58
DECEMBER 9, 2004 - Page 6 COMMENTARY Free Press Staff Holidays filled with Co-Editors-in-Chief Writers/Reporters Katie Martin '06 Meredith Adams traditions and terrors Brian Patterson '05 Patrick Bonaduce '08 Emily Compton Art Director Lea Fiddick '07 BETH MCLANE Meade noted that on New Redneck If. " Liz Matthews '06 Eric Fuller '08 FEATURES EDITOR Years, her family gets Chinese Robby Bieschke's mom food: "That way we get Some Lindsay Graham '07 Whether you good stuff without having to gets the family together to New~ Editor Mike Habegger '08 dropped the Thanksgiving worry about it," she ex- sprinkle "reindeer food" 9n the Rob Goeke '07 Shelly Hom turkey, or you spend. your plained. lawn every year. Then there's the interest- Christmas looking for a hid- Suzane Lester den pickle, holiday traditions . Junior Joe Palkovic has ing phenomenon of the Chri~t- Features Editor Leon Mach '05 - and holiday mishaps - are a traditional meal on Thanks- mas Pickle. Adrienne Dulaj's Bayley Fannin '05 Lizzie Musar '05 what make the upcoming giving; followed by a game of family hides a fake pickle in the Trivial Pursuit. Another on- Geoff Peckham season something to antici- going tradition for Joe OCcurs tree, and whoever finds it gets the prize. Erin Wilson's family Commentary Editor Jacqueline Pundt '05 pate while watching football with hides the pickle anywhere McDaniel students Melissa Gallo '07 Kelly Rampmeyer have had their fair share of his brother .."Every time [the the house, and whoever finds in Rori Rockman both, so in celebration of team 1 gets a piece of the pie it gets an extra present. in the game, we go to the Sports Editor Mike Seff '07 those crazy holidays, letayTMs fridge and get a piece of pie," "My sister has never Pat O'Toole '07 Stacey Shaffer break out the eggnog and curl said Ice. found it," she said, giving the family a little more incentive to Jon Teter '08 up with some good memo- Senior Nick Venuto search. for example, ries. Take, Copy Editors Michael Vyskocil '05 sophomore Kimberly Spears' mentioned that his family has Emily Funk's huge family Jesse Feldman '07 Melissa Wisner experience on Thanksgiving. grasshopper pie -mint choco- convenes' on Ocean City each late chip ice cream and Oreo Teri Harner '07 . "My great uncle came crust - every Christmas. year for Thanksgiving. "We Elizabeth Manns '06 Advertising Manager over," she said. "My mom But what holtdav sea- have fun on the beach," she Marissa King '05 Emily Funk '07 made this big meal, and he son would be complete with- said, adding that the tradition has been going on for 20 years. kept on eatin', and eatin' and eatin'." out a little family drama? Other students have had "One thanksgiving my Page Design Advertising The family became con- two aunts had a fight and ev- cata.stro·phes worthy of the Kenny Ditto '06 Representatives cerned when Kim's uncle eryone left mad," said senior Holiday Hall of Infamy Shante Lindsay Fairchild '08 Beth Appleton '06 started coughing, and then, Karen Tull. WiIJiams once dropped the Beth McLane '07 Christine Beers "he threw up right in his For Ryan Bromm, a re- Thanksgiving turkey on the floor. "My uncle was really Pat O'toole '07 Suzane Lester plate. That was the fastest occurring holiday mishap mad," she said. "But r didn't Thanksgiving ever," Kim ex~ plained happens "the entire time from care because Idon't eat turkey." getting the tree and taking it Photography Others, like Junior back to the house." His Andrea Mandato also had Sarah Black )07 Jess Darchicourt, have holi- grandfather, who .is fond of some disastrous holiday expe- Suzane Lester day traditions they fondly re- expletives, is picky about ev- riences: "Once, my little brother Indira Gonzales '07 member. erything from the placement knocked over the christmas tree "After having leftover she said. with his walker," Taylor Hebden turkey since Thanksgiving, of the tree to the order the "And my grandma once b~ke~ decorations go on. we got so sick of it that we Sometimes families pro- the turkey with a towel inside- The McDaniel Free Press is published had lasagna on Christmas vide hwnorous stories with- This Thanksgiving, be biweekly. The opinions expressed do not necessarily Eve, and hamburgers on out the drama. thankful that you didn't share represent those of TIle McDaniel Free Press staff, the Christmas," Jess said. Nathan Levine received these holiday horrors. As you celebrate the rest of the holiday faculty,or the administrators of McDaniel College. The family members the same. two gifts from his also celebrate by sometimes grandparents on two differ- season, be thankful for the having their favorite junk ent years - the movie "Iron happy memories you have and The paper welcomes free-lance Sentthe food on Christmas. the many more you'll hopefully freepress@mcdanieLedu. The editors reserve the right Sophomore Beth Will" and Jeff Foxworthy's make. Cheers! "You Be a book to edit for clarity, length, and libeland to publish as space permits. Please include a name and phone number for verification.Names will be withheld only by the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. The McDaniel Free Press does not discriminate based on age, race. religion,gender, sexual orientation, national origin, condition of handicap, or marital status. Mail to: 771l!McDaniel Free Press McDaniel College, 2 College Hill Westminster, J'vID 21157 (410) 751-8600 FAX: (410) 857-2729 E-Mail: FREE TAX HELP FOR: Students and Other Low-to-Moderate Income ~;r:~~~sMcDanie! College-Lewis Hall Basement, IBM Lab WHEN: Tuesday Thursday Saturday 7-9pm 7-9pm 12-3pm Feb. B Feb. 10 Feb. 12 Feb. 15 Feb. 17 Feb. 19 Feb. 22 Feb. 24 Feb. 26 Mar. 1 Mar. 3 Mar. 5 Mar. B , Mar. 10 Mar. 22 Mar. 24 Mar. 26 Shown here in a 19.29Aloha Yearbook is ~ard H~ll. W~rd Hall was part of the original "Old Mar. 29 Mar. 31 Apr. 2 Main" complex. To the nght in the photograph ISleWIS RecItation Hall. Eaton Hat! now stands in "By appointment only, for an appointment call Kyle Marotta place of Ward Hall. The corner~tone of War? Hall now rests in the base of the "Old Main Bell" in at x 3344 or 410-871 2~ from off-campus. Memorial Square. By Kenny DIttO, Staff writer. ,
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