Page 59 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 59
DECEMBER 9, 2004 - Page 7 FEATURES Squirrels and rabbits on campus: Cute and cuddly, or diseased and destructive? junior Rachel Bryant while ROB GOEKE walking on campus. NEWS EDITOR "I was walking to When sophomore Pat Linz [Englar Dining Hall] with , walks around the McDaniel [Bryant] and a squirrel Campus, he always carries some jumped out of the trash peanuts in his book bag as a can," said Bolek. "It scared snack. But they are never for him. the living everything out of "I carry peanuts because J [Bryant] and I laughed." like to teed the squirrels," said For other students, it Linz "I think they are adorable." was rabbits that surprised For many McDaniel stu- them. dents, the squirrels, rabbits and Junior Jesse Feldman other wildlife on campus are a told of a thrilling encounter SOurce of merriment and the she and sophomore Diana closeness these animals have Burke experienced with an with students is often a cause of incensed bunny. fright as well as humor. "[Burke] and I were The Physical Plant, which walking back from the maintains McDaniel's grounds, gravel parking lot [near the and the Maintenance department North Village Apartments] often encounter the squirrels di- at one in the morning," said rectly. Feldman. "It was really "We know they are there scary because we heard a and sometimes they cause us scream and a rabbit ran past Same problems," said Phil Boob, us." Director of GrOW1dsand Special Others,like Linz, have Events at McDaniel. According had better experiences, es- to Boob, squirrels will often cre- pecially since he began Whether they arc climbing walls or climbing trees, the numerous squirrels on campus provide amusement for students ate living spaces in-trees on cam- feeding squirrels peanuts. legs. They will start attacking too comfortable with the tall tales about the creahtres on pus, creating large cavities and "The squirrels stand people just to get their dirty squirrels and rabbits. campus. causing some damage. on their hind legs and look claws on a peanut." "I would advise stu- Senior Ashley Hurley and "We occasionally will have at us when we have peanuts Since campus wildli feis dents to enjoy the animals her Gamma Sigma Sigma soror- a situation, especially in the now," said Linz. "And once, often in close proximity to from a distance," said Lusby. ity sisters tell of a mysterious [Pennsylvania] Avenue houses, we fed a squirrel in the rain students, the possibility of "If you are too nice to the animal: "One of my friends last where squirrels will borough," that was stumbling and some of the animals being in- squirrels, they will become year swore she saw an animal said Boob. "We will have to call looked drunk. Well, he was fected with rabies is a con- too trusting and someone that was half squirrel, half an outside company to fix the either drunk or had rabies, cern. But according to Joan could hurt them in the fu- bunny," said Hurley. "She holes they create. They seem to but he walked slow and Lusby, Physician's Assistant- ture." called it a bunqulrrel." like the warmth just as much a~ sloppy and we were afraid Certified at the Health Cen- Some students, like Interaction with squirrels we humans do." he would freak out, but in- ter in Smith House, squirrels junior Terri Hamer, have can also be part of an initiation. Squirrels can get into other stead he just walked slowly and rabbits are a low risk for their food taken away un- Senior Nate Getchell re- kinds. of trouble as well and toward the peanut and ate having rabies willingly. members when his roommate, sometimes cause problems for it." ' 'vl'he most problems ':J was about to eat a senior Mark Zebrowski, had to Boob and the Physical Plant Linz's roommate, se- [Smith House] have had in Rice Krispie Treat I had in a chase a squirrel during Peer workers. nior Kenton Camper, is not the past is when students try Ziploc bag, when Iacciden- Mentor training. "Occasionally, they will amused by his roommate's to feed the squirrels and then tally dropped it," said "[Zebrowski] had to try to have a snack in the trash can and enthusiasm toward campus they scratch the people inad- Hamer. "Alt of the sudden, catch a squirrel with a clothes the employees who collect the wildlife. vertently," said Lusby. "Stu- a squirrel scurried out and basket," said Getchell. "But ap- trash will pull the trash out and "I think [Li nz ] is dents then are at risk of these stole my bag with the Rice parently, he just ran after the a squirrel will jump at them," crazy," said Camper. "If he scratches having staff or strep Krispie Treat in it. To top it squirrel and threw the clothes said Boob. keeps feeding those damn infections. " off, it opened the bag and ate basket around. It did not turn A similar event happened squirrels, they will soon LUSby sees problems my snack." . out well." to sophomore Molly Bolek and start running up people's with students who become Other students relate 5E[OND5 Aine Clarke "When I was five-years "When I was 8-years "One time on Halloween, old, someone threw an egg at me old, I was by myself on my cousin came up to the win- on Halloween." Lindsay Fairchild Christmas." dow of my bedroom door with Chanan Delivuk a real knife, and scared the crap "At a Christmas Party, "When I was 9-years out of me." my brother drank what he old, I was in the hl?spital for thought to be non-alcoholic all of Thanksgiving Day with egg nog, and passed out on an unknown virus.' The the living room floor." pumpkin pie in the hospital sucked!"
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