Page 51 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 51
NOVEMBER 11,2004- Page 11 SPORTS Men's basketball confident going into season Carroll County this season than Icould have season," Dipiero said. MIKE HABEGGER Area. They figure ever imagined," Dull said. Dull ventures that the STAFF WRITER to be factors as "[This year] we have a bunch outcome of this season is still the season goes of good guys who are will- up in the air. "This is going to be the ing to play within the sys- "The jury is still out on best season since I've been The guard tem." whether we can succeed and here," junior Chris Rutland position is strong Sam Anstead also play well all season. Last year said. this year, which called the beginning prac- we played well sometimes, and "This will be the fastest Coach Dull says tices the best he has seen dur- played poorly sometimes," team and the best defensive dictates an up- ing his time here. Dull said. team that I've been on," echoed tempo in-your- "Vocal leaders have Last winter, McDaniel SamAnstead, the oft-injured 5 th face style of play emerged, and there is a sin- was eble' to defeat conference year senior. for the squad this cere togetherness in this powers Ursin us and Johns With statements like season. team not found before," Dull Hopkins, but was unable to de- these, it is evident that the "If you explained. feat Jesser foes. Consistently, McDaniel Men's Basketball playa defense Kyle O'Connor, the there have been two or three Team is more than ready to take based on emo- team's leading scorer is fo- teams always contesting for the on the Centennial Conference tion, then the in- cused on making the play- league title. This year, this season. tensity builds," offs, and has bought into McDaniel hopes to battle with Attempting to turn Dull said. "En- Coach Dull's philosophy of the fourth and fifth place teams around from a disappointing thusiasm is con- overachievement. in order to make the playoffs. season, Head Coach Jay Dull is tagious." "I try to overachieve "There are unanswered employing his philosopjiy of It seems everyday in practice," questions all within our con- "overachievement" to the full- that the bit about O'Connor said. "I feel that if trol," Dull said est. This concept is based on unity has already everyone works as hard as 1 "We will have more wins playing smart, working hard , taken root with do, we can get some wins." this year than last year," and emphasizing togetherness, DA~ESINCLAIR this year's team. He adds that the team Rutland guaranteed. "And we he stated. Sophomore Kyle O'Connor became a pr~ductlve pa.rt "This team has lots of talent, and a drive will play harder." "If we can do t~ose ~~~h~o~~:~~~~~~~:~t.lastseasonandWJllonceagam is the most to- to work hard to develop that "I have high expectations things, everything else will be . gether group of talentinto basketball knowl- for this season," Anstead said. taken care of," Dull said. man reboundec 111 loc~[ guys that 1have been apart edge. "I really want to go out on a 7 In order to improve, Dull W stminster pro.d~ct Chris of," said Rutland, who has Mike Dipiero, fondly high note." has gathered together a group Prior to help sohdl.fy an al- enjoyed a terrific preseason. referred to as "Mr. Steady," Anstead added a final of players including seniors ready tough defensive team. Coach Dull agrees that by teammates and coaches, charge to all students: "Weneed Sam Anstead and D.J. Hynes, Camara Kadete,.a ,,:a~k this year's team is more believes that success is on the lots of people to come out and juniors Chris Rutland, Mike on from Boston, will J01l1 united than any he has ever horizon for the team. support the team. It's going to DiPiero, Will Talesnick, and other walk-oris Mar~hall seen. "We have a lot of guys be exciting." Bryant Dull, a good group of Gree~e, David Cremaldi. and "We've had more good back, who have enough tal- sophomores and a terrific fresh- Devin Walker from the practices at the beginning of ent to put it all together this DAVE SINCLAIR Field hockey narrowly misses playoffs Conference tournament. lacrosse teams. erts, and Sarah Lebarron, the a family type atmosphere. AMALIE SHAFFER "I think a lot of people The field hockey team ending was abrupt. For the LeBarron noted that the STAFF WRITER underestimated ·us.. Our ended the season with 10 underclassmen, this end is relationships with her team- With Muhlenberg record did not reflect how wins and 6 loses, but within just the beginning of the next mates have been the best part College's recent loss to Wash- good we really are," she said. the conference it had a 5-5 season. of her college career. ington College, 1-0, the Preseason goals of mak- record. With high hopes for The level of play at which McDaniel College field hockey ing conference tournament Although it had six next year, Lebarron wishes the girls perform and the di- team ended its 2004 season. and to ultimately win the en- [asses, the team members the team the best of luck: verse personalities successfully That particular game broke the tire Centennial Conference played well together and "Stay healthy, make it to the blending together are what three way tie between Wash- reflected the team's high ex- gave their opposing teams tournament, and get another Blissloves most about coaching ington College, Muhlenberg pectations and drive to be the stiff competition. ring." this team of 21, she said. COllegeand McDaniel College best. Even though the team Some team members "There is no one else I "Even though there are for the fifth seed in the Confer- did not make it to the play- said the team was underesti- would rather be on the field standout players, what makes ence playoffs. offs,"[We]dominated almost mated and not given enough with," Potter said, in refer- the team work is everyone," Sophomore Caitlin potter, credit for their dose games, ence to Ramey, Roberts and Bliss said. like many of her teammates, every game we played," said hard work, and refined skills. LeBarron. Pictured above: are senior Kristen Muffie Bliss, head coach for had felt that the team had a For the three seniors, The team has good Ramey (left) and sophomore Caitlin good chance of making it to the McDaniel's field hockey and Kristen Ramey, Heather Rob- chemistry, Potter said. It has Potter (right)
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