Page 57 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 57
DECEMBER 9, 2004 Page 5 My dog didn't eat my homework, but I have an excuse - College lifefrom the perspective of a nontraditional student washed bedding 6 times"- joyed the first few classes, texts had already been re- sions to accommodate a sched- SHELLY HORN children ages 6 and 4 don't showing off a few 3-point turned. Iam completing the ule that overlapped Spanish lab STAFF WRITER usually make it to the bath- range shots in shooting com- semester by borrowing class- time with my children's bath/ "The dog ate my home- room - and Icleaned up barf petitions. The full-court mates' books on days that bedtime. work." This phrase, over time, from the car, two jackets, the games that ensued, however, they are not using them. Muchisimas gracias to Dr. has come to dining room table, the carpet left me with extremely swol- Just when it seemed Mct-Jichols. who expressed her symbolize and our dog (who lies be- len and painful knees and that I would finally catch up desire to provide a "Morn- students' neath the dining room table ankles. to my syllabi, my two young- friendly environment" and re- mounds of at dinner). I takemedication regu- est daughters carne down lieved some of my stress with excuses for The following week my larly for osteoarthritis, par- with an upper respiratory in- assignment rescheduling and their un- 20-year old car, affectionately ticularly in my lower ex- fection, marked by a relent- words of encouragement. prepared- named "The Gray Ghost," tremities. 1may still love bas- less cough that kept us all up Thanks to Lisa Breslin, ness for spit a belt onto the road on ketball, but I found that it no at night and kept them out of who offered endless support, class, miss- my way to school. Both the longer loves me. school. including babysitting and Ing class.or alternator and check engine With 4 classes left to You would think that, transportation. I'm grateful as their failure to turn in an assign- lights came on, but it contin- complete, Ilimp-jogged into under these circumstances, a well to Spanish classmate ment. Professors use this ued to run. r did make it to the gym, waiving my student would fail.'However, Samantha Heinzman who not phrase to·describe the volumes class that day, but the car doctor's note and knee as this semester comes to a only allowed me to borrow her of e-mails, notes, and desperate wouldn't start and left me braces at coach Jay Dull, who close, I must acknowledge textbook, but dropped it off at voice mail explanations they re- stranded the next morning. gracefully allowed me· to the people at McDaniel with- my house over the Thanksgiv- ceive for why a student has I took Basketball as my modify my workout. 'out whom successful comple- ing holiday missed class or an assignment. EPE class this semester be- With 7 weeks left in the tion of this semester would I learned that the only It is common knowledge cause I played in high school way to fight that oversized that, though unusual circum- (20 years ago) and have al- homework-hungry dog is to stances disrupt our lives on oc- ways loved the game. I en- communicate and ask for help. casion, many excuses offered for missed assignments/ classes rS;';; C-;T;;;;;0-;;; are, well, just not true. , U~~R12HAIRCUTSI But what about those oc- casions when they ARE true? I must, at this point, tell I you a little about myself. 10.00 I I'm what McDaniel Col- Includes cut & finish. lege politely labels a '.'Nontra- Coupons cannot be comb/ned. 1 ditional Student" (over age 24). . lizi . in: L___W~~~Ex!!;~/~!...~ I am a full-time student, mar- S peCla tung _ ried, with three daughters, ages • Men's, Women's and r '1 14,6, and 4 MEN'S Every day I am chal- Children's Hairstyling I lenged to find a delicate balance HAIRCUTS between housework and home- work, family and school. , • Flat-Tops ,I $11 00 REG, 1 My "the dog ate my homework" semester was this cut& (;n;s~Couponscan:o~~JI one, Fa112004. This proverbial ,..-----,III'i!'~I'I''11,nC,Udes dog, however, busted down the t,: L=~ed~W!.~~~':!.1~/~CF front door, ate the homework, r----------, the textbooks, and the dining room table. Then he vomited For your convenience we're open: ,LADII~S HAIRCUT l 1 on the floor. Mon. thru Fri. sam- 7pm • Sat. Bam -spm 1 & BLOWDRY ! The semester began inno- Mt, Ed cently enough. The problems • Sun. lOam • 5pm 1 $ began, however, just before Fall Break. S~~~~~~gS~~~~:ri.:~&!:o~~tbe While studying for a Spanish midterm, I was called 444 WMC Drive I 1..: oombined. With coupon. Expires11/16104 CF j 1001 from the preschool to pick up . r----------, my daughter, who had spiked a 103' fever. This virus passed Westminster , PERMSALE I in a few days, and our routine returned to normal. My Span- ish midterm exam grade, how- :~~::~~:~:~~: $50.00i~i~ ever, never recovered from the ~=~~ illness. Just after break, a stomach (Next to Safeway) Lon. g HaIr slightly higher. Includes cut & flnjSh~1 L virus swept through our home, • IIIUl'!Jij _ ICoupons cannot be combined. WIth coupon. plaguing each of us, on differ- CF ent days. In one week, I
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