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P. 52
GreeR Tllffllr SPORTS Vo1.2No.S NOVEMBER 11, 2004, Page 12 Martin's return pins tail on Mules diligently the entire game but PATRICK O'TOOLE was unable to find the oppor- SPORTS EDITOR rurutyto put.polnts on the board. It became apparent As Muhlenberg's punt early on that simply grinding team lined up with less than 3 out yards was not going to be minutes remaining in the game enough to put the Terror on and the scoreboard reading 6-0 top. in their favor, the Mules were "We felt that we needed undoubtedly confident about a big play," McDaniel head their chances of clinching the .coach Tim Keating said. Centennial.Conference Cham- Considering the impor- pionship. After all, their de- tance of Saturday' 5 game, the fense was ranked 1,t in the play that Keating's special country with only 171.5 yards teams gave him was bigger allowed per game, and than the uninformed on- McDaniel had been struggling looker would have thought. to put a drive together all after- The outcome of the battle on noon. the Hill clinched at least a There was the additional share of the Conference title knowledge that no one had re- for the Terror and gave them turned a punt for a touchdown the opportunity to take the against MuhIenburg since 1997, Championship outright next in which time the team had suc- week against johns Hopkins. cessfully halted hundreds of Early on in the game, Sophomore quarterback Brad Baer surveys the ficl~ as his linemen get set during. Saturday's game against punt returns. It was second both teams had trouble mov- Muhlenberg. Although the offense struggled to gam yards, it moved the ball at times and managed to avoid nature. ing the ball down the field. In turnmg the ball over to the Mules' top-ranked defense. However, as the ball the first 22 minutes of the the Terror defense forced a and sacked the quarterback. soared high into the sunny No- game, each team reached its three-and-out and the punt The sack forced the Mules to years," Keating said. But no amount of talent vember sky, odds meant noth- opponent's side of the field that put Martin in position to make a 52-yard field goal at- could stop a motivated team. ing to the Green Terror. only once and each came out make his return. tempt which fell well short "We never stopped be- And as McDaniel sopho- empty-handed. Muhlenberg The touchdown, fol- of the posts. McDaniel took more Chris Martin scampered broke the scoring drought lowed by senior Nate over the ball and ran the lieving in each other," Giusti said. "Everyone on the team down the field 76 yards on his with a 21-yard field goal with Getchell's extra point, put the clock down to a few seconds had faith that we were-going to way to the endzone, all bets 2:29 remaining in the first Terror up 7-6. On the ensu- before punting the ball and win." were off. The Terror went on half. ing drive, Muhlenberg was tackling the returner to end At 1 p.m. this Saturday, to defeat the Mules and crush In the third quarter, able to drive from its own 35 the game. the Terror will take on the Blue their hopes of an outright Con- McDaniel sophomore Colin all the way to the McDaniel The team won despite Jays of Johns Hopkins. A win ference title by a final score of Nelson intercepted a pass 26. On third down and ten, being held to ]05 yards of to- will put the Conference title in 7ยท6. and returned it to the the Mules were certainly in tal offense. Muhlenberg sole possession of McDaniel. "The second I caught the Muhlenberg 34. The team field goal range but opted to demonstrated why they are "We don't want to share ball and looked up lsaw the was able to drive to the 25- take one more shot at gaining the number one defense in it," Martin said. "We want to middle was wide open - just yard line before turning the the first down. Then, in a the nation, forcing McDaniel win it again outright." green," Martin said. "So J just ball over on downs after an play reminiscent of his drive- to punt 14 times and ending Coach Keating sees the turned on the jets and ran as unsuccessful fourth-and-one stopping effort in the team's JunIOr runl1lng back opportunity to take the title as hard as I could... We weren't attempt. Muhlenberg scored first game against Broderick Maybank's streak a driving force. going to be denied that." its final points of the day on Bridgewater, junior line- of reaching the IOu-yerd "I think the fact that we Martin's miraculous a 37-yard field goal with 4:08 backer Joe Giusti broke past mark at 6 games. still can win it outright might touchdown brought hope to a remaining in the fourth quar- the left side of the "They're really good .. be some motivation. I hope so, McDaniel team that had fought ter. On the Mules' next drive, Muhlenberg offensive line the best I've seen in 13 anyway," he said. Men's soccer takes 2nd in conference tournament After defeating Swarthmore 1-0in an overtime match on Friday night, the Terror men's soccer team moved on to the Centennial Conference Championship finals against Johns Hopkins Saturday night. After a hard-fought battle, the Blue Jays came out victorious. The ball found its way into the McDaniel net with a group of players crowding the box at 75:04, which was enough to give Johns Hopkins a 1-0 win. McDaniel goalkeeper Andrew Wu registered four saves over the course of the game. McDaniel played most of the game with an extra man due toa Hopkins red card at 26:30. The Terror put together runs toward the goal on several occasions, but the ball never seemed to roll McDaniel's way. The loss moves the team to 11-6- 3 on the year. The Terror 'will now begin play in the Eastern College Athletic Conference Clockwise from left: A group of Terror fans looks on during Saturday'S game; A McDaniel player fights for the ball during the final game of the tournament. (Bracket unavailable at time of Conference Championship (photo by Jess Dittman); The 2004 men's publication) soccer team (courtesy of Sports Information).
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