Page 49 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
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NOVEMBER 11,2004 - Page 9 FEATURES Dreams, visions become Tempest's driving force lated to Ninjitsu) offered ney. He lands on a magical throne of Naples. Luckily, beginning. Great acting by the JON TETER many challenges; challenges, island, which is inhabited by Ariel wakes the King and leading actors and also by the STAFFWRlTER an evil witch named Sycorax company just before the das- ensemble of spirits conveyed which werle, for the most "We are such stuff as part, overcome perfectly. and her malformed son tardly duo strikes. Elsewhere the text fantastically, despite dreams are made on," says Tile Tempest opens with Callban (Lindsay T Stewart). on the island the King's some inaudible segments due Prospero defeats the witch to the noise of the moving set. drunken butler Stefano (Sa- Prospera in' Act Four of what the title suggests, a tem- with his magic and claims the rah Grosh) and the court r thoroughly enjoyed watching Shakespeare's The Tempest. pest. In this storm, which monster son as his servant. jester Trinculo (jessica Behar) the show, even after seeing it for Dreams and visions can be the Prospero (Max Julian Ham) Back in the present, meet with Caliban and to- my eighth time. driving farce of a play. This was conjured with the help of his Prospero sends his servant gether, with the help of a bar- "I'm so thrilled with the certainly the case in McDaniel spirit servant Ariel (Erin Ariel to watch each group of rel of wine saved from the way things worked out. I'm so College Theatre's production of Shinholt), a group of promi- Italiansas they wonder about wreck, plan to overthrow thrilled; particularly I'm so The Tempest, which opened Oct. nent Italians, including the proud of the movement work 28 on the mainstage of WMC King of Naples, Alonzo the island. He has purposely Prospero and become lords of that everyone has done," said Alumni Hall. Director Eliza- (Chris de Rose), are ship- placed the king's son, this island. van den Berg. "Most of these beth van den Berg wanted to do wrecked and split into three Ferdinand (Andrew Finally, Ferdinand has students had little or no move- something different with this groups around the island. Pecoraro), alone as he wishes "proven" himself worthy and ment training at all, let alone in production. Prosperos daughter him to wed his daughter. By Prospero gives him his bless- the style that we were doing. Originally wanting to set Miranda (Megan Simmons) Ariel's power, Ferdinand ingto mart-y Miranda. Un- the production in "a futuristic, questions why her father has stumbles on Prospero's cell der a spell from Ariel, the ital- Everybody just jumped in with both feet. I'm also proud of the matrix-like" setting, van den raised the tempest. He re- and beholds the lovely ian party comes to Prospera's work they did with under- Berg's plans changed after find- sponds in a lengthy mimed Miranda, instantaneously cell. After reconciling with standing the language." ing this style overdone. segment, which the other ac- falling in love. Prospero first his King and regaining his Most college students "When r started out, r was tors played as a flashback in has a test for Ferdinand's dukedom, Prospero an- perceive Shakespeare as dry, trying to figure out a way to do the background, detailing the love. Hoping to prove him- nounces the happy news of esoteric, inaccessible, and only the play that would emphasize story of his exile from Milan self worthy, Ferdinand is Ferdinand and Miranda to something that you read, ac- the human element and the and his being stripped of his made Prospera's slave and the group. The King is over- cording to van den Berg. It was magical element," she said. rightful dukedom. must fetch wood for him in joyed that ~s son has not per- her hope to break down those While teaching her Per- The audience learns order to gain his blessing to ished in the tempest. After preconceived notions in this formance and Culture course that Prospero was once the take Miranda as wife. our Ital- the comical arrival and par- production and show that don of the three drunken mu- Meanwhile, last semester, she stumbled duke of Milan. His brother ians, King Alonzo, his brother tineers, all retire to Prospero's Shakespeare does not have to uponAriane Mnouchkine of Antonio (in this production Sebastian (Nick McCourt), cell to prepare for the journey be boring and bland. Judging Theatre Du Soleilin Paris, who is his sister, played by LaShawn Antonio, Conzalo, and ser- back to Naples. from audience reaction I have known for setting Shakespeare V. Eley) cajoles the King of vants Adrian (Brian Engler) This production of The heard the confirmation of that plays in nonrealistic settings. Naples into resigning his and Francisco (Amber Tempest worked splendidly to success. After planning and research, dukedom and casting him "Immerse yourself in the van den Burg decided to go adrift on a ship. While adrift Grimes) wander about the is- create a unique view of the magic of The Tempest," requests with Asian styles. Elaborate with his infant-daughter, land in search of means to tempest. The elaborate sets, van den Berg in her notes to the sets, lights, and costumes com- their savior becomes an old live. In this time, Sebastian costumes, and makeup audience. Magic is certainly bined with the heavy move- friend Gonzalo \(Jen and Antonio reveal their will helped to create a magical what was created as the two ment stemming from Budo' Harrington) who gives them to murder King Alonzo while setting which would entrance hours traffic of Alumni stage. Taijitsu (a martial art closely re- food and books for the jour- he is sleeping and take the the audience right from the Depp leaves audiences yearning for Neverland Barrie's magical journey in Allan Knee. This film is own style and charisma to the "Finding Never-land." SARAH BLACK bringing Peter Pan to life. Af- easily one of Johnny Depp's screen (as always), Depp which also stars Julie Christie, STAFF WRITER ter a huge flop at the theater, best performances.and it will steals the show and has au- Radha Mitchell ("Phone Okay, it's official. I am in Barrie is struggling to come surely be one of the most diences yearning for their Booth"), and Dustin Hoffman, love with Johnny Depp. Not back with a hit. memorable. Bringing his own, real Neverland. opens November 12th. only is he exceptionally good- Then one day he meets a Sylvia (Kate Winslet), looking, but he is one of the fin- widow and mother of four
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