Page 55 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 55
DECEMBER 9, 2004 - Page 3 News, WMCR: Radio station back with a new rhythm SARAH BLACK Derose said one of the first things he did when he re- STAFF WRITER turned to campus was take Maybe it's because stu- down the stickers. "People dents can now peer through the really like the fact that they once ceiling-to-floor sticker- can see what's going on be- covered door. hind that door now." Maybe it's because of the In order for any organi- new attitudes. zation to be successful, it Maybe it's because of the needs a fair amount of people new equipment. involved and for those Whatever is causing this people to care about the work radio station comeback, it's they are doing. With both of happening-one sound wave those issues in check this at a time. year, WMCR has gotten a The big problems that the confidence-booster. WMCR station had seem to be "We've got more Drs a thing of the past. this year," said Anthony Last spring, the McDaniel Leonard, WMCR President. Free Press ran a story about the "We have about 15 shows struggling radio station, point- now." In terms of having ing out that the station was people who care about the practically inactive, had no real station, Derose felt confident budget, was getting no equip- in this, saying, "more people ment upgrades, and had a lack definitely care about the of student interest. station's success this year." Well it's safe to say that all It might be said that the PATTERSON BRIAN that has been fixed. delivery of new equipment to Senior Andrew Lebois one of the many DJsthat broadcast over the airwaves of the reinvigorated campus "We've been getting good the station was like a kid get- radio station. feedback from the school." said ting a much-wanted birthday back to life. WMCR Vice-President Chris present. Derose said that the There is a lot of work broadcast McDaniel sports McDaniel what they have in Derose. "People i think it's station was "looking real events over WMCR and on store. Whether it's heavy metal great." shabby" and that the new done behind-the-scenes that the web," said Leonard. or some classic jazz, or just some In the college newspaper equipment was badly students don't know about, He also noted that be- good old sports talk, they have article from last March, Mitch needed. "We can do more despite being able to see cause Dickinson has already it. door. that glass through Alexander, Director of College now, and we can do bigger mastered this feat, there has The schedules of shows Activities, was quoted saying shows." WMCR is working on getting been some talk between the are taped to the station door, so back a DSL connection and that the station was "shooting Both Leonard and web space, just as they did Dickinson radio station stu- just stop by to see what time themselves in the foot because Derose agreed that crisper last year (but neither were dents and WMCR's students, your show is playing. people walk by and see it's dark sounds and having bigger used), but with a bigger goal so that this goal can be met So tune the radio to 1620 on the inside and think [the sta- and better shows were key in mind this year. by year's end. AM or turn the TV to channel WMCR is back in full tionJ is inactive." factors in bringing thestation "Our main focus is to swing, and ready to show 25, and see what WMCR is cooking up. Operation Shoebox provides comforts to soldiers continued from page 1 Organizations. plained, "we really felt pas- He also explained that the fra- Honors also contrib- sionate about this." Like the Suggested Items for Donation: ternity is "ROTC strong, with a uted 11 boxes, and a local Sig Eps. the Phi Sigs knew WlliID Snacks lot of Alumni over there." dentist even donated dental soldiers who were overseas Cough drops Sugar packets Derose began planning supplies such as toothpaste and wanted to help as much Twizzlers Bars (Clif or Balance) over summer 2004, and in late and floss. as possible. CORRESPONDENCE Beef Jerky September sent a letter to all "We got a lot of help "We put 100 percent Writing Paper Canned Fruit (pop top cans) faculty, detailing the Operation. from all the different stu- into everything we do. . We Envelopes Cereal (in small boxes) Through flyers in campus mail, dents," Anderson said. He wanted to make as many as Pens/Pencils Condiments signs around campus, and also noted that ICC paid the we can," Carbonetto said. DENIAL Girl Scout Cookies phone messages, Derose was majority of the bill for post- Costs for shipping the boxes Floss Granola Bars set on reaching as many people age, and that Arbutus Social turned out to be hundreds of Mouthwash Gum (no sticks) as possible. Group made a donation of dollars lower than expected, Toothbrushes Oatmeal (instant) The community re- $100 to the cause. which was another blessing Toothpaste Pop-Tarts sponded generously, as RA's Phi Sigma Sigma, for the Operation. DRINK Ravioli (pop top cans) enlisted the help of their floors, which placed the homemade "It's something every- Coffee (instant) Tuna Kits . the English and Sociology De- picture frames in their 15 one should care about," Coffee Creamer Travel size games partments m.ade. donations; boxes (along with magazines Anderson said. Derose Gatorade Crossword Puzz.1es and Greek Orgamzations do- and other enjoyments) went agreed, noting that "It's not Powdered Drink Mixes Playing Cards nated at least five boxes per so- "above and beyond," said what party you're's not Tea Mixes (sweet) MUSK; rority or fraternity. Derose. about how you feel about the KoolAid bursts- to freeze CD Fanny Packs Derose noted that ap- Christina Carbonetto, war. You gotta be for the EQQ!l CDs proximately 75 percent of do- president of ICC and mem- troops." Dry goods Tapes nations were made from Greek ber of Phi Sigma Sigma, ex- For more information and mailing addresses, please see: www.operatioI) Donation provides benefits to multicultural services . f, 1 of these programs, whl~h sponsoring us to attend American University. . dent Leadership D.evelopment c9ntl~~~~)~~;l C:f.~t hopes help build. the leader ship leader-hip conferences," said The donation also Conference in A,hngton, Vi,~ that the money will be able to skills that ace helped to establish girua, January 6~9,2005.. have a more direct impact on necessary to es- "The money has really helped be- the Edward E. Fox . Prior to th\edonation, the the students through cultural :~l~~~c~~:~~~~ cause we are able to have more help in ~~~gd;::.i~~:;~~;~ off~: only had ~nou?h mo~ey utfngs mentoring programs, , to rre one .gra. aSSistant,. ut and gu~st speakers. presence the office, which is definitely a blessing." specifically for male now the office IS staffed With a One of the most impor- camp~~:.OMS -Faniska Lopez-Gonzalez ~~~~~~!Si7:~~~~!~ totaloffourgrad assistants; two tant aspects of Multicultural [the Office of ment where it has part-~;';~ and two f~l-time'll services is their l~ders~ip p;o- Multicultural Services] is us- Karina Havrilla, President of been lacking. The selected helped be:a~s~n: a:: a~~: t~ g,ams. With this onahon.s given u- irig the donaton to provide t the Hispano~Latino Alliance. students will receive a full have more help in the office, d dents have already been ith h t he opportunity to attend more stu ents WI t e oppor u- Havrilla recently at- scholarship to the Carroll F.S. aWdhdicehdiLsodpeefzi~GtoenlYzaalebzle.ssing," nity to grow as leaders by tended a conference at Hardy National Black Stu- .
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