Page 47 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 47
NOVEMBER 11,2004- Page 7 FEATURES Bryant becomes 'worldly and adventurous' in Spain RACHEL BRYANT STAFF WRITER While the rest of my friends were packing up their cars and excitedly heading back to The Hill for the fall semes- ter, I was boarding a 7 hour flight to Spain, where I would be living and studying for the next 3 and half months. I had , ",', .' iila.... ", always thought studying I ',' ~.. ~ abroad was something "other students" did - the more worldly or adventrous ones - certainly not me. I was happy at McDaniel, have never been much of a trav- didn't speak any English, If' tom. After spending the late eler, don't care for airplanes, which made me realize pretty afternoon wandering and usually I'm not much of a quickly that Iwould have no around, J return home for risk-taker, so needless to say, I choice but to learn the lan- dinner at about 9:30 or 10 wasn't exactly anticipating my guage. Like everyone else in p.m., and, believe it or not, journey with a great deal of en- the city, my senora lives in an that is considered early. thusiasm. I was leaving my apartment complex, which Spaniards are very so- family, friends, school, and ev- she shares with her 14 year cial people, and night life erything familiar and would be old daughter, Alba. I didn't here is a clear reflection of forced into a new culture and have any problems settling in that. People don't really start way of life. That frightened me. and was made to feel very going out until about mid- After having taken only comfortable in my new night, and until about 2 or 3 one year of Spanish, 1was ner- home. a.m.. the bars and clubs are vous about being expected to Over the next few pretty empty. Oftentimes, the speak a language I hardly weeks, I explored the city and clubs ("discotecas") don't Brant visited the Cathedral in Granada, built for Isabella and Ferdinand (top knew. What had I gotten my- started classes as Iadjusted to close until about 7 a.m.You left) as well as La Alhambra, Moorish palace that overlooks Granada (top self into? my new way of life. Aside can see why we have siesta right), She was also with friends at Saloma. a beach in southern Portugal. As the departure day ap- from being greeted by time built into the day here. proached I knew there was no "buenos dtas" each day, One of the discotecas of Spanish and Arabic cul- portant realizations about my- backing out, and that I would there are other changes in my located in the Village of tures in Granada through the self and my life. J've adjusted have to say goodbye to my fam- daily life. Sacromonte is actually inside architecture, music, dancing, to a new culture and lifestyle, a ily and friends and hope for the Breakfast is no longer of a' cave. Another popular and food. I have been to new family, new friends, a new best. On August 28th I arrived the big meal of the day; social activity for college stu- beaches along the Costa del school, and to speaking a dif- . in Madrid. After surviving the rather, it is the smallest meal dents is to buy your own Sol, a coastal region in Spain ferent language. I've come to zoo of an airport, I met my di- and normally consists of toast drinks and socialize in the located along the Mediterra- appreciate my family and rector, who spoke quickly and - and olive oil with coffee. For plazas around the city. It's nean Sea. J have traveled to friends at home more than I with a Spanish lisp, so I didn't a breakfast lover like me, that neat to have the experience of Portugal and seen ancient ever have before. I understand understand a word. Over the was a tough transition to being a college student in a fortresses and the coastal cit- the importance of taking time next few days, 1toured Madrid make. Lunch is served at city as opposed to a small ies and stunning beaches to breathe and enjoy, instead of with 30 other American stu- about 3 in the afternoon and town, but Ihave to admit,l'm there. [ have hiked in the rushing through each day. I dents who hail from all parts of is often followed by a siesta. not sure Icould keep up with mountains of Spain and have have come to realize how for- the US, even Alaska. We saw During the siesta time, this pace for too long - it re- traveled through small tunate I am to be a part of famous museums, churches, all of the stores in town close ally tires you out after a pueblo villages. I have seen theprivilege and wealth of and palaces, as well as the beau- down for about 3 hours, so while. and felt the passion and en- America. At times, I have felt tiful city of Toledo. you really have no choice but Since I have been in thusiasm of this country by lonely, isolated, out of place, . After a few days, we left to rest. At first, T had trouble Spain I have been privileged attending a professional soc- frustrated, and misunderstood, Madrid for the city of Granada, relaxing because T was so to see some amazing and cer game. and I imagine that readjusting which is located in southern used to the busy pace of col- beautiful places. I have trav- For someone who never to life in the states will be a chal- Spain in a region called lege life in the US. and felt eled throughout the south of had an interest in traveling, lenge, but, the amazing experi- Andalucta. Almost as soon as I like I always needed to be Spain and have been wel- much less studying abroad, ences and opportunities I have stepped off the bus, I was em- doing something "produc- comed by the hospitality and' this experience has been a bit had here have made it all braced and welcomed by my tive," but, luckily, I soon ad- friendliness of its people. I overwhelming, but has worthwhile. Spanish "mom," Matilde. She justed to that Spanish cus- have experienced the blend helped me make some im- What do you think the election results suggest to people outside America? Compiled by Bayley Fannin, Features Editor "The people of the "I think it says to "I think it's mixed, the Ll.S.are sticking to what them that we Ignore some people who are correlated was begun with the Bush of the issues of our time with the U.S, are happy with administration and we and we are set on certain the results, but the people want to finish what we goals and are blindsided who are not are not pleased. started." Lee Anne by other issues." Kristin Ithink the terrorists that Bush Hagly, sophomore, Brennan, sophomore, is after are scared that he is English Poly. Sci. in office." Charles Bewer, jun- ior, Business. "That Americans are "I think other stupid. T think people abroad countries will see us as "Viva Bush!!!" Tyler see us more as an empire scared, weak, and igno- Stewart, senior, Business/ than a democracy; more as a rant." Megan Sheely, Economics. bully." Frank Totten, junior, senior, English. Poly Sci.
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