Page 48 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 48
NOVEMBER11,2004- Page 8 FEATURES Becky Eckard adjusts to life at Mac & Danielle '2004 () Hoover with help of friends LIZ.M'ATrHEWS NEWF'OOTSAJ..t.F1ELD MICHAEL VYSKOClL ervations and maintaining "Lois did know a lot STAFF WRITER the budget, Eckard says that about the ins and outs of this ~b;::;.~:s:'are nice places to position and she helped out Public speaking class can a lot," she said either be a class most students "I've .always liked to When she's not behind enjoy or hate. Inevitably, the read," she said. "I picked up her desk at Hoover Library, class calls for that soul-search- the habit - if you can call it Eckard has four ways of stay- ing speech during which stu- that - a long time ago. Even ing busy at home - her four dents reveal some personal tid- now I like reading to my children Chris, Matt, Peyton bit. kids." and Erin. Some students can natu- Eckard, however, is no From basketball to bal- rally talk about their accom- stranger to the M~Daniel let, Eckard drives them back OH YEAH?! I...ErS GO plishments and achievements campus. Prior to becoming and forth from their practices without even note cards to the assistant to the director in and events. When she's at guide them. October, Eckard w~s the sec- home, she likes to cook and itt Others, however, gasp at retary for graduate and pro- bake for her family. the task and wonder, "Have I fessional studies in the edu- But keeping her even done anything worth cation department, where she family's schedule on track mentioning?" worked with the curriculum requires just as much com- Such was the sentiment- and instruction programs mitment as keeping track of for Becky Eckard when she at- and off-campus graduate . "library director Michele tended Howard County Com- programs. Reid's schedule. "I'm learn- munity College. When she heard about ing a lot by just looking at the "These younger students the position at Hoover Li- schedule and seeing the dif- got up and said, 'I've done brary, Eckard said the job ferent committees Michele is UNICEF,I've traveled to these "sounded interesting" and on," she said. places, I helped out with this ~decided to apply. Within a Eckard said that she cause,' and I remember saying few months, she received the hopes her new position will [to myself], 'My life is very bor- offer and accepted. help her become "more in- ing, and I'm so sheltered," she Of course, transferring volved in the campus." said. from one position to another "It's a very pretty cam- Yetthis college staff mem- can be an intimidating expe- pus, and there's a lotof cama- ber has nothing to be bored rience. Luckily for Eckard, raderie among the students about in her new position as Lois Szymanski, the former that l see," she said. assistant to the director at assistant to the director who Eckard also credits the Hoover Library. left Hoover Library in early library staff for helping her From replenishing the October to pursue a full-time adjust to life at the library. paper supply in the public copi- writing career, stayed for a "The people here have just ers and taking minutes at meet- few weeks to guide her into been so friendly," she said. ings, to documenting room res- the position. McDaniel Grill by the daily numbers Fireplace, superb sound system make this ASL room home STACEYSHAFFER STAFF WRITER puters, .completewith shelving. 1 5 pounds of When people think of Much of the furniture was made by Jenna's father, who is bacon dorm rooms, the last thing to a contractor. come to mind is "fireplace.". What perhaps makes thei: room especially unique, 3 pounds of For Lindsay Martin, 21, and besides the fireplace, is the leona Hubble, 20, it is prob- ably the thing they will re- ing fan, and the hidden door sausage member most about their walk-in closet, the ornate ceil- 'behind Lindsay's loft bed. The two friends live The fireplace cannot be in the McDaniel House, used, but the mantle is deco- 21 5 cups of which is often called the ASL rated with tiny lights and is the coffee House, since it is reserved home of two blue-colored be- mostly for people who are tas, Benny and. Jimmy. The 2,000 feet getting a minor in deaf stud- walk-in closet, instead of being ies. [enna is hard-of-hearing. us.ed as a closet, actually con- and there are a variety of ob- of plastic wrap jects in the room to fit her tams a small table and mirror that they use as a make-up Statistics needs, such as the vibrating table. The hidden door behind alarm clock, and the special the loft bed only leads to the 1,500 provided by telephone. next room, but they say it is Glenda and Unlike most students, useful if they lock themselves styrofoam plates Kathy, Grill who choose to have bunk out. "Our room is inviting and employees. beds, Lindsay and Ienna have WeJovehaving people over be- loft beds in two different 4 pounds of parts of the room. Under cause they feel comfortable Ienna's loft bed is part of a here," Ienna explains. "It's butter full sized couch, and under bright." Lindsay's are two dressers. The large TV set, DVD/ There'{s a large, wooden VCRsystem, five disc DVSsys- wardrobe full of clothes, and .tem, and numerous speakers two desks designed for com- add to that amazing comfort.
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