Page 19 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
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NEWS OCTOBER 14, 2004 - Page 3 Tailgaters celebrate football victory at Homecoming continued from page 1 "I remember a few members plan to prepare years ago, a family next to hamburgers and hot dogs on around the field, set up their our party actually roasted a the grill. They'll also bring tents, folding chairs and tables, whole suckling pig," Muller picnic salads and "lots of and fire up the grill. Once in said. Coke,"he said. position, they can view the "Tailgating removes "we'll probably set up whole game right from their you from stadium seating around 8 a.m.," Fitzgerald tailgate spot. and breaks you into more said. "What I like about tailgat- personal groups," said junior This early set up time is ing is that I can entertain my Jonathan Fitzgerald who, essential. At McDaniel friends without needing to with his fraternity Alpha games, tailgaters can only clean my home," Mulier said. SigmaPhi,plans tailgatepar- choose their positions on a Tailgating can be a simple ties that regularly feed first-come basis. For games or elaborate affair.The food can around 30 people. like homecoming, coveted range from potato salad and For the homecoming spots go quickly. sandwiches to pork chops and game on Saturday, Oct. 9, For the members of Al- steak cooked on the grill. Fitzgerald and his fraternity pha Sigma Phi, their desig- Members of the Phi Dclt fraternity operate a booth on the Hill during the nated area is located a short football game distance from the Western But the Green Terror Westminster, according to the Maryland caboose. For the athletes won't be the only Sports Information depart- Mullers, their usual spot is at ones in competition. At each ment. the high point of the field, be- home game this season, The combination of great neath a sprawling tree to the tailgaters will engage in food, spectacular weather and right of the grandstand. friendly rivalry to be selected the company of friends, alumni, "My husband will tailgater of the game. The col- faculty, staff and students probably be here at 6 a.m," lege will award the winner makes the tailgating atmo- Muller said, to wait for the with a prize package of sau- sphere as festive as a county opening of the stadium at 9 sage from Giulianova's fair. BRIAN PATIERSQN Groceria and Deli in continued from page 1 Reiff and his family have President for Administration made an effort to help his and Finance at McDaniel. "It is widow, Pat and their two in the discussion stage between children adjust to life now. his immediate employers and "I go over to their house the College." and check on them and say Since Grove was a mason hello. Ididn't usually do that who worked exclusively with before James died," Reiff bricklaying, the memorial will said. "I feel a spiritual con- be made out of brick, according nection with [the Grove fam- to Seidel. ily] now." 'i"~" He feels his family's re- __ Grove's connection to the lationship with the Groves R!~~=~ college was not limited to his construction work at various has grown much closer and sites on campus. He also lived he tries to aid them whenever .... ~ .. 'i!!!-rr next door to Henry Reiff,Asso- possible. ciate Dean ofAcademic Affairs, "We don't often realize Construction continues on the new academic building next to ANW. lt is scheduled to be completed by next fal.1. in Westminster for th~ past 13 that for people working on years. these buildings, one small Grove working there. beer. On the four week anni- a concrete saw jammed in con- "He loved working at the mistake could lead to death," "James would often versary of his death, Reiffput crete, kicked back unexpectedly college," said Reiff."Whenever said Reiff. "Death is a re- stop by his parent's house to a 30 pack of Busch in a cooler, and hit him in the neck, accord- I saw him he would tell me minder of how much we take work on their garden," Reiff brought it to the construction ing to Westminster City Police about the progress of various for granted." said. "When he left, he site and asked the other reports. The Maryland Occupa- projects. I could always tell he In addition to working would always clip off a rose workers to have a beer in tional Safety and Health office was proud of his work." construction, Grove was an to bring home for his wife." Grove's honor .. is conducting an investigation Reiffsaid they were good avid gardener. when Reiff Often, after a hard day "It put Jim back in of the incident, but records of neighbors in the sense that they looks over into the backyard, of bricklaying, James would people's consciousness," said the investigation were not helped each other out. where Grove's fishing gear relax in his backyard and pop Reiff. made available to the Free Press SinceGrove's death, Dean still sits, he expects to see open a fresh can of Busch Grove was killed when in time for publication. Taskforcelooks to revamp college curriculum requirement, the EPErequire- ing faculty and staff's assess- with BLARsand the curricu- probably take place later in the JESSE FELDMAN ment, and BLARs. ments of the strengths and lum," Sayre said. semester as well, Evergates STAFF WRITER Committee members weaknesses of the current As of last week, only said. include Dr. Mary Bendel curriculum However, the one student application for The committee sees this Like many other institu- Simso, English; Dr.JeffMarx, taskforce will not actually the committee had been re- year as a prime time for a cur- tions, McDaniel College steps Physics; Dr.Linda Eshelman, change any specific depart- ceived by Sayre. Although riculum review because of the back every so often to evaluate Math/Computer Science;Dr. mental course loads. "disappointed" at the appar- recent addition of many mem- its methods and goals. This Volker C. Franke, Political This curriculum review ent lack of interest, Sayre still bers to the college's faculty. The year, administrators have Science; Dr. Mark Hadley, is the first comprehensive re- expressed his high hopes for discussions and surveys were formed a Curriculum Review Philosophy /Religious Stud- view in nearly three decades, the taskforce, saying, "It's a seen as a good way to involve Taskforce to review and possi- ies; Dr. Roxanna Harlow, So- Evergates noted very important thing, be- new faculty and Falkner more bly revamp the coJlege's cur- ciology; Dr. Dave Herlocker, The meetings are closed cause they are looking at ev- closely with the college com- riculum including the Honors Chemistry; Dr. Maggie and all discussions are confi- erything." munity. Program, Jan Term, and The McDevitt, Psychology; Dr. dential. but a general report The committee has Sometime around Janu- First Year Seminar. Sherri Hughes, Associa te is released to faculty mem- been researching all year. ary" the committee will create "It is time," Dr. Donna Dean ofAcademic Affairs;Dr. bers not on the committee. They have looked at records and present 2or 3models to the Evergates, the committee chair Tom Falkner, Provost. Student representa- from Academic Affairs and faculty. The models could be says. Student representatives tives, selected by Sayre, will the Registrar's Office, as well anything from conservative to Discussion at the meet- from the junior and senior not have voting capacity, but as student transcripts. Last radical, with a final model be- ings will center around class will soon be selected by their input in discussions will semester they reviewed fac- ing created based on their feed- whether the current curricu- Dr.Phil Sayre, vice president be welcomed, Evergates ex- ulty surveys and discussions. back by spring semester. lum, the first year seminar for and dean of student affairs. plained. Many faculty members also The final result could be example, really meets its goals According to Dr. "Obviously, it is very attended education-geared anything, because as Dr. and how. Other discussion top- Evergates, curriculum com- important to lookat what stu- conferences. Bvergates said, "Where we will icsinclude the math proficiency mittee members are review- dent experiences have been A student survey will go... we just don't know."
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