Page 18 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 18
OCTOBER 14, 2004 - Page 2 NEWS TAYLOR HEBDEN Recently, three All three women work CHRISTINE BOYTON McDaniel alums came in to for small papers, but that STAFF WRlTERS talk about their careers in does not mean their work is journalism. Katie Champion easy. Champion for instance, journalism in rhez lvCen- of the Mt. Ainj Gazette, Staci is in responsible for eight to tury is no ordinary freshmen George of the Gettysburg ten articles per week. seminar. The class doesn't just Times, and Tammi Slater of Every guest speaker re- talk about successful reporters, The View, are all reporters ceives their share of negative they meet them. with very different stories to criticism from readers, but Each Thursday different tell. when that happens, they journalists are invited to the George is in charge of know their writing is reach- class and interviewed by the the fire and police articles, ing people. Both Slater and students. The class isn't getting and is on call at all times, day Champion share this feeling the cut and dry story of what it or night. When a death or fire of gratification when others takes to become a journalist, happens at 2 am, she is ex- read their work. they are getting the real story. pected to get there, interview These recent graduates The long hours, difficult sched- the witnesses and those close all agree that McDaniel ule, the first job, the tough criti- to the victims. played a pivotal role in pre- cism. One morning George paring them for their careers ~l:::r ~;;em0:~~~!~~~~i:zelte),Staci G~orge (Geltysbllrg Times), and Tammi In a freshman seminar class expenences Journalism professor arrived at the scene of a hor- as journalists. They felt that it was led to These internships Terry Dalton has been bringing rific motorcycle accident "McDaniel helped me easier to get internships in good ,career offers soon after in guest speakers since he first where she saw blood marks to pursue my career and their field because of graduation. The liberal arts offered the class in 2000. on a truck and abody in the what I wanted to do," said McDaniel's small classes and program also helped to "The course is about con- road covered with a sheet. George. "A sign language close relationships with pro- their skills. necting student journalists with The job can be very draining, course I took helped me in an fessors. broaden have included Other guests Mike professional journalists," said physically and emotionally, interview with a deaf "You'll never get that I Dalton. "The guest speakers ex- she admits, but it's also grati- woman. The variety of treatment at The University Preston of The Baltimore Sun, pose students to the positive fying to see your work being classes I took (at McDaniel) of Maryland," said Cham- Jamie Kelly ot'The Westminster side of journalism." read and affecting others. really helped." pion. Advocate, and David Simon of The Carroll County Times. The lighter side of the campus blotter at the college in August of I will be less Jlkelyto commit st.udent was written up for LEON MACH 20ot, I have been known to any more of my own. STAFFWRlTER disorderly conduct and dis- occupy various administra- "Higher education does turbing the peace for shout- Editor's Note: Many stu- tion buildings as well as the not confirm intelligence" said ing obscenities and exposing dents remember tile old Campus Carroll County Courthouse Mike Webster, Director of ~self to a campus Safety of- Safety Blotter xohich included a for choosing alcohol as an ex- Cam pus Safety. Which ~lcer. Now that is a story on short description of incidents in tracurricular activity. brings me to the first incident Its own: but th~ timing is addition to the date, time and lo- Now, as a 21 year old worth noting. He is identi- w~at. I fin.d mos,t intriguing. cation. The McDaniel Free Press senior anticipating gradua- fied as the "Midnight Waxer." This mtoxlCated subject com- will now run a commentary in tion, Ihave matured and I am This guy was written up at mitted this violation at 12:06 addition to the blotter to provide a ready to put my under aged 11:28pm on a Saturday night pm ona Monday afternoon: more ill-depth, humoroue account drinking days behind me. for possessing alcohol under- everyone knows that's way Sapora of wJiat'sgoing on around campus. Perhaps it's part of my age. Ijust can't feel sorry for too early for the moon to be therapy, or just an assign- this guy. This is McDaniel ~isible. Being drunk by noon . My name is Leon Mach ment for my Newspaper College, where everyone car- IS no easy task. Don't get me awaits trial and I am no stranger to the ju- Practicum class, but I will be rying a backpack on Saturday wrong I've been there when dicial policies here at McDaniel. writing this column to go be- night appears suspicious, let tailgating for a concert or big continued from page 1 1 can't really blame myself yond the minimal verbiage alone someone waxing his football ga~e, but a Monday though. (mean, who would found in the Campus Safety car at midnight. At least his afternoon 10 a dormitory teaches students ....If the school have tho_ughtthat urinating out Blotter. This column will es- car was shinny for his hot hardly seems appropriate. decides to suspend him or .of the fourth floor window of sentially highlight wacky in- date with the Residence Life Who am I to judge anyway? something along those lines, McDaniel Hall would be con- cidence of campus chaos. Staff. It was five o'clock some- they are doing a great disse.r- sidered "lewd and indecent" Who knows, maybe if I write This next incident is my where (or something like vice to the students who WIll conduct? Since enrolling here about other peoples mishaps personal favorite. This -ex- that). I miss out on the opportunity to have him teach their class," said senior Emily Routh, former stu- CampusSafetublotter IS unfortunate for both Dr. dent of Sapora. . Senior Will Epps said, "It Sepora and the college but he must also take responsibility for his actions. If he needs help, I Occurred from Date Subcategory Type Building Name Incident Status truly hope he gets it." 9/17/04 11:42 p.m Tampering with Fire Extinguisher Whiteford Closed Walter Zalis, another Fic- 9/18/04 unknown Vandalism Property Whiteford Inactive tion into Film student added, 9/19/04 1:25 a.m. OWl Historic Drive Pending Court Outcome "I felt bad for him" and "it 9/19/04 3:40 a.m. Alcohol Possession Under 21 McDaniel Hall Closed by Report 'makes me want to know more" 9/19/04 5:05 a.rn. Drug Violation Paraphernalia Daniel McLea Pending Court Outcome Sapora's classes this se-. 9/23/04 4:30p.m. Harassment Computer Whiteford Report Complete mester included English com- 9/25/04 1:35 a.m. Alcohol Possession Under 21 Blanche Ward Closed by Report position, Fiction Into Film and 9/25/04 1:45 a.m. Trespass Blanche Ward Closed by Report Beowulf to Mallory. The classes 9/25/04 7:32 p.m. Alcohol Possession Under 21 Rouzer Closed by Report are being taught by Dr.Robert 9/25/04 11:25 p.m. Alcohol Possession Under 21 Bair Stadium Closed by Report Kachur, Jonathan Slade, and Dr. 9/26/04 12:08 a.rn. Alcohol Open Container Blanche Ward Closed by Report Del Palmer respectively. . 9/26/04 2:23a.m. Alcohol Possession Under 21 Garden Apt. 3 Pending Court Outcome "Dr. Sapora's situation IS 9/30/04 11:00p.m. Tampering with Fire Extinguisher Blanche Ward Report Complete a personnel matter, and as a . 10/1/04 9,3Ip.m Alcohol Possession Under 21 Rouzer Closed by Report ~atter of policy the administra- 10/1/04 9:41p.m. Alcohol Possession Under 21 Rouzer Closed by Report tion never comments on per- 10/1/04 11:30p.m. Vandalism Structure Blanche Ward Inactive sonnet matters," President]oc:n 10/2/04 12:34 a.m. Assault Hands/Feet Garden Apt. 1 Open Develin Coley explained Via 10/2/04 11:40 p.m. Disorderly Conduct Disturbing Off Campus Closed by Report email. "This is a protection for 10/2/04 1:30 a.m. Vandalism Property Decker Inactive all of Our employees." 10/2/04 10:30 p.m. Theft From Building North Village Open Attempts to contact Dr. 10/3/04 2:00 a.m. Alcohol Possession Under 21 Blanche Ward Closed by Report Sapora were unsuccessful. I-Iis 9/1/04 unknown Theft From MotorVehicle Harrison Lot Report Complete a~torney explained he had" ad- 10/4/04 4:00p.m. Theft Motor Vehicle Parts Rouzer Lot Open VIsed his client to not answer 10/8/04 12:31 a.m. Alcohol Possession Under 21 Rouzer Hall Report Complete ~~~;tions concerning this mat-
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