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SPORTS SEPTEMBER 23, 2004 - Page 11 Hugus starts running streak and he is "really looking for- expectations for him. STEVE FURST ward to that." "I'd like to see him STAFFWR!TER With his top-ten finish f.inish All-American, at Regtonals and appearance which is top 35," Renner Taking first place in the at Nationals last year, his said. Paul has set more Green Terror Challenge on long-term goals for this sea- ambitious goals for him- September 11, Paul Hugus son are simply to improve self, but I'd like to see All- has managed three first-place upon what he has already ac- American." finishes in the first three races complished. He plans to fin Paul's "more ambi- of this season. With a time of tious goals" include 26:31 for the 8K race, he fin- finishing in the top ten ished only four seconds over at Nationals. Junior Todd Knepper uses some fancy footwork in last week's game his personal record, and When asked how againsf Coucher, nearly a minute ahead of the he plans to accomplish second-place finisher. In the this, Paul said simply, Great expectations first race of the season, the "The goal to funning Gettysburg Invitational (SK), fast at the end of the he ran a 16:29, almost a full season is to keep my ten seconds better than what mileage up with long for men's soccer he ran at this race last year. runs on Sundays These accomplishments, and hard workouts more mature and experienced however, are only the tip of on Mondays and MIKE SEFF from last year, so I think that's the iceberg. wednesdays. If you STAFF WRITER another positive aspect" Paul's goals for this year work hard on Monday That enthusiasm isseen in are lofty, but by no means un- and Wednesday, Sat- After going 15-6-1 last the players as well. "We defi- attainable. With the York and urday [race day! will season, the McDaniel men's nitely feel we have a strong Alleghany Invitationels CO~- take care of itself." soccer team has high expec- team this year. We know the fig up, he hopes to ext~d. hIS With the founda- tations for the 2004 season. expectations are high, but this win streak to at least five in a han for his success al- They retained all but one is a more experienced team row. The York Invitational is ready laid and a solid starter from last year's squad, than last year's, and there is a not expected- to any set of goals for the sea- including reigning Centen- definite sense of excitement threatening competition. and Paul Hugus has won his first 3 races of the son, there seems to be nial Conference Player of the among the players and Paul stopping no his goals are simply to take season to lead the men's cross country team Year Thomas Kane. Kane, a coaches," sophomore goal- the win and help pace Matt Hugus. He will cer- senior forward from Calvert keeper Nick Hall said. Rouse, the number two team ish All-Conference (finishing tainly be giving the other Hall, is among a number of Head coach John Plevyak runner, 'to a good finishing in the top 7) and qualify for teams a serious run for talented players to keep an returns for his lIth season as time. Nationals again. His hopes their money, and there is eye on this season. That list head coach of the Green Terror, The Alleghany Invite- for Nationals are a bit more nothing left but to watch includes junior goalkeeper a year after leading the team to tional should give Paul some intimidating, however, sur- his performance and keep Andy Wu, freshman forward the semifinals of the Centennial more serious competition, passing even Coach Renner's tallying the win column, Bill Druckenmiller, and se- Conference tournament The nior mid fielder Leon Mach. Terror also made it to the finals Turfgets Raveln) review about this upcoming year losing to Johns Hopkins. five very excited of the ECAC tournament before "We're through Already with the return of 10 starters, including five All-Conference games this season, the team is be McDaniel's first with Mo- durability," said Ravens' players," assistant coach 3-2 and coming off of a 3-0 SHELLY HORN mentum turf, the latest inno- coach, Brian Billick, in an in- Ryan Defibaugh said. "We're home win over Goucher. STAFF WRITER vation in synthetic grass. terview last March. "We tested the Momen- Touted as "the closest thing tum turf and we believe it's Mean and Green Baltimore Ravens Head to natural grass," it's a far cry Coach Brian Billick stated in a from Astroturf, the synthetic the best possible field for the March 2004 interview, "We're grass that was popular dur- Ravens," he added. Athletes giving Terror putting Momentum turf in at ing the 70's and 80's, infa- At Sportexe, President Our new indoor facility, and mous for inducing carpet Mark Nicholls said he's a whole new meaning We're putting in atour training burns. Momentum, pro- pleased - but not surprised - camp ", that's how much we duced by Ontario-based at the level of performance Broderick Maybank Junior runningback Broderick Mnybank has love this surface!" Sportexe, is a premiere sand the field has provided to the Football been a solid force for the Terror football team in all The Ravens and and rubber infield surface, Ravens. 3 games this season. On 52 carrics, Meybank has McDaniel shared the cost of the designed to maximize player "We're proud of this gained a total of 350 yards. In his most recent ef- the Catholic University fort, Maybank burned new Sportexe Momentum Turf speed and performance. product, and we have tre- Cardinals with 164 yards on 25 carries field installed over the summer, Sportexe advertises that mendous confidence in it," Maybank won't take all of the credit for his Momentum Turf success- the surface is safer and more Nicholls stated in a press re- accomplishments, however, fUlly debuted for the Ravens consistent than natural grass, lease, ! "lowe it to the offensive line," Maybank lastseasonatM&Twhere]amaJ but also offers the traction On the hill; McDaniel SOlid."Without them, the holes wouldn't open up." And Maybonk isn't content with this level Lewis rushed for an unheard of and bounce of a grass field. Football is putting the turf to of success, lie sees room for improvement where 295 yards on 30 carries lastSep- "You want three things the test Coaches anticipate others would just try to'hold onto the moment tember. The coaches and the from your field: safety, a con- fewer injuries and enjoy the "The offense is corning together slowly but players were elated with its per- ststent surface that allows consistency. Ravens' camp surely," Maybank said If that's slowly, then the rest of the season formance all season these great athletes to com- v isitors and return ing should be interesting. Rush on, Broderick This football season will pete at the highest level, and McDaniel students marveled Rush on r ~;::'::;;::;';l1fi~~"'~~~~"!l~~'at the beauty of the new field. Jamie Nash Sophomore field hockey player Jamie Nash "It's awesome," said 14- year old Westminster resi- isn't a goalie. In fact, she had never played the position before in her life. But with only a half dent Taylor Metcalf. "[It] Field Hockey hour of practice before the team's game agninst looks just like a pro stadium." Notre Dame, Nash stepped in for goalie Nicole Aesthetics are great, but Cahill and backup Kelly Hawthorne, both of the true test is performance. whom were out due to injury. Even out of her element, Nash performed "There are many factors in a stellar fashion. She recorded 2 shutouts in as in a football game," states many games. helping the team begin its run of vic- sophomore middle line- tor'ics which is currently at a Nash credits her success to both the train- backer Matt Gingrich. ing she received from her coach and from Cahill "Eliminating the worry of and the outstanding play of the restor the defense. natural obstacles allows you "Our defense was unstoppable," she said. Cahill is healthy "gain, which means that to better focus on what's most Nash has returned to wtng. As successful as she important - your opponent." was at goalie, Nash isn't exactly saddened by her rcturntoheroriginalposition. "It was a lot of fun, but I'm definitely more A dose-up view of the new turf that adorns the main comfortable there," Nash said. football field
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