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omeR T/1ffjJr SPORIS Vol. 2 No. 2 SEPTEMBER 23, 2004, Page 12 Volleyball ready to take on Centennial only scored less than 20 had a slow start to the sea- PATRICKO'TOOLE points 7 times in 29 games son... but we're now coming SPORTS EDITOR this season. When consider- together as a team." ingthatittakesjust30points Also standing out for In most sports, the objec- for a win, that statistic tells the Terror are junior Krista riveis simple: scoremore points more about the team's abili- Biser and freshman D.O. than the other team before time ties than any other. Lehr. Eiser has accumulated expires. The score may go back When the matches are 26 kills and 64 digs while and forth; teams may have their so close, what makes the dif- Lehr has amassed 57 digs. ups and downs. In the end, all Ferencein the end? What's Over the weekend, the that really matters is who's on the deciding factor in Terror traveled to Frostburg top when the clock indicates whetheragameisac!oseloss State University to partici- that the game is over. or a close win? pate in the Asics Maryland But that's in most sports. "Having. confidence Division III tournament. In As far as team sports are that we can win," head coach opening round action on Fri- concerned, volleyball is of a Carole Molloy said. "I think day, McDaniel soundly de- special breed. The Terror vol- that the ability is there, it's feated Hood College with a leyball team isexperiencing dif- just a matter of letting it hap- 3-1 decision. The team went ficulties this season as a result pen." on to defeat St.Mary's 3-0be- of volleyball's atypical charac- According to Molloy, fore falling to Washington teristios. In this game, there is small individual errors late in College,1-3. no clock or cumulative score. the game have caused quite Despite losing the The first team to win 3 games a few of the losses. With 7 match against Washington is the overall victor, so scoring freshmen and only one senior College, the Terror made a a lot of points early on means on a roster of 14 players, in- statement that will most cer- nothing unless the trend is con- dividual errors are entirely tainly be heard by their future nnued in the following games. acceptable if not expected. opponents. Two of the three , In the individual games The lone senior, team losses for the Terror were de- that make up a total match, a captain Carrie Sniffen, has cided by less than 5 points, close score goes down as either been playing exceptionally meaning that they came very a win or a loss. Because of this, welJ this season. As of Sep- close to beating the now 10-4 the final tally might not reflect tember 13, Sniffen was lead- Washington COllege team the battles that ensued during ing the team with 45 kills, 22 whose only loss in the tour- every game. total blocks, and 65 digs. nament came against tourna- The volleyball team may "I think she's a good ment champion Frostburg well for the Terror. Sniffen said. be 3-6 on the year, but that motivator in that fashion and State University. "It's just a matter of Conftdent.dedtceted.and record does no justice to the supportive of her team- The team's first official continuing to work hard and on a mission to make it to the level of skill this team pos- mates," Molloy said of Centennial Conference match pushing one another in prac- playoffs, these ladies are ready sesses. Sniffen will beagainst Swarthmore at tice," Molloy said. for their Centennial Conference In the score column, their Sniffen is very confi- McDaniel on Saturday, Sep- With that strategy, the opponents. Those teams that lossesare comprised ofmatches dent about the team's ability tember 25 at noon. Washing- team is convinced that the are simply glancing at that were won by as few as 2 to come together and start to ton College should be a top limits to its success are end- McDaniel's record and hoping points. The team has never win more matches. competitor in the conference, less. foran easy game are in for a big been completely blown out in "We are still kind of a so the events of the tourna- "Weshould be winning surprise. the individual games, and it has new team," she said. "We ment should certainly bode in 3games from here on out," Teamwork, Nash give field hockey stellar W start BETH MCLANE Nash followed that per- No. 12 among the Nation's Nicole Cahill was able to MIKE HABEGGER formance with another shut Division lIT schools, accord- return to goal after the first two STAFF WRITERS out. "She had fun in the cage ing to the McDaniel College games, and the team continued and trusted the people in website. their winning streak. Nash felt Out on the most remote front of her," said Head Coach Bliss attributes that the time she spent in goal playing field at McDaniel, the Coach Muffie Bliss. this success to playing as a bettered her game. "I talk more women's field hockey team has "It was different play- team, and great leadership. been faced with some tough ing goalie. I am used to be- Senior Captain Heather Rob- one the field, and I'm more ag- gressive," she said. "I'm so glad challenges. ing up front and scoring," erts "controls the field, and I did it" Opponents have come said Nash. has great vision," said Bliss. making While it and gone, each one defeated Though she was ner- Other players to watch in- NCAAs and having post sea- to and often-shutout. The late vous at first, "all my fear just clude Senior Captain Sarah son play is their ultimate goal, summer weather has canceled melted away," Nash added. Lebarron, Carol Ann Bianco, the team's current success is all games, but perhaps the tough- "It was so much fun. I knew and Colleen Nugent in preparation for their Confer- est challenge this season came I had the support of my "We have a lethal front ence play. "We take our confer- as unpredictably as the coaches and team." line," Coach Bliss also men- ence rivals seriously," Coach weather. One week before Senior Kristin Ramey is once With strong wins over tioned. whet makes it so le- Blissadded. game one, the team was left again leading the field hockey Notre Dame, Elizabethtown, thal? Jamie Nash, Dani The team's eye is on the with no goalie. team to success. Roanoke and Frostburg, the Unflat,Kristin Ramey,Caitlin Conference championship, and Even that didn't set them straining her MCL. Now it team has had a great start to Potter, and Steph Capps. back. was Sophomore Jamie Nash's its season. The Green Terror "They have a special ability Coach Bliss has faith in them. "I~you have the desire, you can Original goalie Nicole turn in goal. With no prior out-shot Roanoke 33-2,came' to know where they are, and Cahill was injured in Presecsorv goalie: experience, Nash away with a 2-1 win, and they interchange well." Com- achieve anything you want," she said. The women's field so freshman Kelli Hawthorne trained for a week, dressed later defeated Frostburg 2-0. bined with the ability to stepped up. Unfortunately, the day before the first game, In last week's STX/ score, the offensive line is a hockey team certainly has the desire, and combined with their Hawthorne also became in- and had a shut out the next NFHCA Coaches Poll the big factor in the team's victo- jured before the season began, day. Green Terror were ranked ries. genuine talent, it seems noth- ing will stand in their way.
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