Page 20 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 20
OCTOBER 14, 2004 - Page 4 COMMENTARY No happy meal plan available day. But why doesn't-the SARAH BLACK school offer a meal plan that STAFFWRITER allows you to eat every meal Ninety is not enough and provided? 210isjust too much. Asfor 175, The current meal plan it just options are frustrating to me. doesn't They seem contradictory. see m How is the school going to right. If provideall these meals Ior us, you have then deny some of them to eve r us? heard that Then on the other side, dreaded where is the perfect meal plan beep after for those students who don't Cecilia eat every meal, and need swipes YOUf card, you know something in between, let's what I'm talking about. say 175and 210?Or between I for one, have been 90 and 1757 Where are the caught more than once hearing options? that familiar beep from the McDaniel should pro- card machine. vide ameal plan that fits most Whenever 1 hear that everyone's needs, with more beep, my heart stops for a split than three or four choices for second because the thought of the school's 1700 students. being denied my one true love I propose a meal plan (food) run through my head. that includes every meal of- Maybe you never heard fered, one for two meals a that beep because you have an day, one for one meal per day, abundant supply of meals. But one that includes every meal maybe your supply of meals is only offered on the week- a little too abundant? Has any- days, and any othercombina- one else realized that there is tion of meal plans that r did Shame on those who discard no perfect choice for the right not mention. amount of meals? No two students are the same, we are all unique-esc 1am one of those people why doesn't McDaniel Meal Sapora's talents so Swiftly who need to eat every meal in order to makeit through th,: r" : ..Pla7' thatway? SHELLY HORN Dr. Sapora's name from the" and "support." With re- STAFF WRITER back of the card. I refused. gard to this issue, Ihave seen At home that evening, . '1~1( "r; ~44&!P "I can't believe that I a common chore put the en- none of the above. Some stu- ~4 .-.\"j 1:1 :"':' " n' i1li7 t was sitting in class listening a tire scenario into perspective. dents have asked adrrunistra- 1 tors and faculty members to I took out the trash, distrib_ Turnin-g. 'fiacR:tRe, aues drunk!" uting the bagged trash into about Dr. Sapora's status only "Yeah, r to be stonewalled with generic one can, and recyclable ma- slogans like "he won't be re- know terials into a separate bin. We ac- That's when it OCCurredto turning any time soon," is- Back in 1993, students that if the college were given tually me. There are two types of sued through an uncomfort- knew McDaniel College as a hundred-million dollars, it too k people in the world; those able smirk: Western Maryland College; a would likely be named after notes in who recycle and those who Recycling, in short, college named for Western the donor. Chambers also felt t hat don't means that we separate itemS, Maryland Railway. that the 14,000 alumni at that class!" so that something of value can In an article entitled time would show support for I overheard these com- be used in another form. HIt is my sincere "Western Maryland College a name change. ments in Decker, not too far hope that the McDaniel Those who recycle see the P'" May Lose Its Name" by Lori On the other side of the from the informa tion desk. tential benefits in making Shupe, first signs of discuss- spectrum, others were in Two female students had just ~'famny" and "commu- something new from what ing a new name for the col- strong opposition of a pos- read the articles in the nity" act with a spirito! others may throw out. lege were brought to the sible name change. One of the McDaniel Free Press about support and compas_ In this instance, it means table. The article spoke of a alumni was quoted saying, "I English professor Dr. Robert sion for a family mem- that, regardless of the out- special committee being have no children and no fam- Sepora. his impending trial, come, we 'refrain from dis- formed during the late 1980's ily to leave my estate to, and and battles with alcoholism. ber battling a disease." carding all things associated to evaluate the college's Idon't intend to leave any- f have never taken any ':ith Dr. Sapora and take the name. The committee did not thing to a college I didn't at- of Dr. Sapora's classes, nor time toseparare his work frorn mention any ideas for actual tend. /I A random poll of 20 have I met him. However, t .thoughr about the his personal life. names, but decided that the students yielded that 75 per- their words both nauseated various comments I had He's touted as a great .Issue should be evaluated. cent were against a name and infuriated me. My only heard throughout the week. teacher, colleague, and friend Robert Chambers, change in 1993. consolation was to think that Students were willing to to many on campus. On these president of the college in Source(s): Shupe, Lori. this was an isolated case of throwaway everything characteristics we should re- 1993, very much supported "Western Maryland College ignorance, and I quickly at- learned from Dr. Sapora, af- flect with gratitude. the idea of giving Western May LoseJts Name." ~ tributed thecomments to im- ter reading that he is an al- As for Dr. Sapora's per- Maryland College a new nix 22 Jan. 1993, Volume IX, maturity. I learned, however, coholic. Some faculty mem., sonal problems, it is my sin- identity. He even commented Number 7: 1 over the next couple days, bers and staff are willing to ~ere ~ope that the McDaniel that I was wrong. allow his words to stand on family" and "community" Two days a week, I a reminder card, but not his act with a spirit of support and work in thewrtttng Center. name. Compassion for a family mern' . We recently created appoint- These peopl,e display ber battling a disease. I also ment reminder cards. The what I call a "disposable hope that the administration back of the card displays an rrundset." Things, and and faculty open the lines of original and insightful quote oftentimes people, are dis- communication for concerned about writing, attributed to carded at the end of their ap- students'. Dr. Sapora. parent usefulness. It is said that the most During this "hype," I In my first semester at important cOllege lessons was informed by a colleague McDaniel, I met administra_ aren't learned from textbooks some faculty and staff tors and faculty who used Certainly none are learned This photo, taken from an early 1900's "Aloha" yearbook shows the McDaniel thought it best that we use a phrases like "our commn, from silence. campus in its early days. The building on the far left was known as "old main." . permanent marker to blacken nity on the Hill" and "fam- Its bell now sits in memorial square.
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