Page 24 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 24
OCTOBER 14, 2004 - Page B FEATURES Soaring high above lets you leave exams behind A view from the skies above Westminster and the fleet of planes that can take students there. Story and photos by Beth McLane ,... ""::; Imagine pure kind of like a sports car, was going to fall out of the air- "It's very rewarding, es- Imagine leaving the world and Peckenpaugh explained. plane," he said. pecially when a student re- For more information on its troubles, far behind for a. Along with some older He continued taking les- ceives their license," he ·said. flight lessons, check out while. , planes, the Eclipse completes sons and received his flight "It's a hard license to obtain." There Just you and the sky and the fleet of training planes certificate a year later. you can fine!prices and contact the airplane. noted Glen that take students to the skies. The small airport out- information. Also. Receiving the license is Johnson, a trumpet teacher at Peckenpaugh has been not an easy task. side of Westminster has a welcoming at- comfortable, McDaniel College: in the business for 24 years, "One cannot rush flight mosphere. But, just like like act/forum is an online forum Westair Aviation Corpo- after being inspired from which involves students, in- ration, located at the Carroll watching airplanes overhead training," Freeman said. "It's the rest of the nation, Carroll structors and seasoned pilots. County Regional Airport was possible to finish flight train- County Airport in Westminster, in the army. ing at around 40 hours of flight affected by September 11th, "You can post questions, offers flight lessons to those "It [flying] was some- (the FAA minimum require- 2001. A fence was put up get answers fast and everyone who are ready for take off. thing I always wanted to do ment), but many fly 50 to 70 around the airfield, security is polite," Freeman said. You Johnson is four hours and something I wanted to hours before they take their was increased and the flight can also learn about his experi- away from receiving his private make a career out :of," practical exam." school.saw a decline in enroll- ence by checking out his web pilot's license through the flight Peckenpaugh said. Peckenpaugh noted that ment, according to site, -pat/evia- school. His father had always The flight school draws most students average 55 Peckenpaugh. tion. wanted to fly, and Johnson people from all walks of life, hours of training before receiv- The program has expe- Preeman. Johnson and shared the dream. Soon, and SOOleare even interested ing their license. rienced a comeback since Peckenpaugh have all experi- Johnson will be able to fly his in a career in flying. Most stu- Johnson found that the then as more and more enced flight in different forms, 66 year-old father anywhere he dents, though, are taking les- only downside to flight les- yet it has affected them all in wants to go. sons just for the pure pleasure sons was the price. "It gets re- people discover the beauty of similar ways. Whether teach- . flight. Flight lessons have been of flying. ally expensive," he said. But ing, learning, or flying solo, Freeman, who began offered at Carroll County Re- Pat Freeman, a gradu- the experience was worth it to flying in 2003, remembers his each expresses good sentiments gional Airport since the 1950's, ate of the flight program, was him. "Now I look at things first lesson vividly. for the program. back when it was a grass strip, faced with an unique. prob- differently," he explained. "I couldn't believe how "I had so much opportu- said Chief Flight Instructor Don lem before flying. After a stressful day at far we could see," he re- nity to fly to places, experience Peckenpaugh. "I am afraid of heights," work, Johnson finds refuge in marked. "It was a clear day new things and do it all on my Things have changed Freeman said, but that didn't the skies. "It's just relaxing,". and I could see the Chesa- own," Freeman said. quite a bit since then, and now keep him grounded for long. he said. "You leave stress be- peake Bay to the East, the Ap- Through the flight school lessons are taught in a Dia- "The airplane surrounded hind." palachians. to the West and at Carroll County Regional air- port, the sky is no longer the mond Eclipse two-seat, single me and I wore a seat belt so Peckenpaugh also feels could even see Three Mile Is- limit. engine propellor plane. It's there was no chance that J that he benefits from teaching. land in Harrisburg." What's your favorite part of Learn to Fly! Homecoming? Compiled by Aurora Rockman at Carroll County Regional Airport Introductory Lesson Only $35 Thru October 31, 2004 With Current McDaniel College Student or Faculty ID Call (410) 876-7200 Partying. - Will Epps. Dominating the football Halftime at the game, for a reservation senior game.of course. - Rob Jones, because I get to perform and Subject to Availability sophomore show my school spirit. Offer Applies to DA20 C-1 Only - Ashley Brown, junior
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