Page 22 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
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OCTOBER 14, 2004 - Page 6 FEATURES Free Press Staff Guided ghost tour suggests spirits roam around campus Co-Editors-in-Chief Katie Martin '06 Brian Patterson '05 BAYLEY FANNIN Litsinger explained. This re- have been harmless; some have Writers/Reporters STAFF WRITER play can be a battle or a sui- even helped people. But ghost Art Director Patrick Bonaduce '08 Beverly Litsinger talks cide or anything that the hunting can be tough, she said. spirit wants you to see. A Liz Matthews '06 Emily Compton to ghosts. When she senses an spirit is also a real human According to Litsinger, Lea Fiddick '07 energy is near her, she intro- who died. These can appear something has to make a ghost News Editor Eric Fuller '08 duces herself and tells them anywhere and can interact want to reveal itself, or even Rob Goeke '07 Lindsay Graham '07 she means no harm. She ex- with anyone. make its presence known. Sometimes that requires a spe- Mike Habegger '08 plains to them that they are "[People] don't have to cific season or month. Appear- Features Editor Shelly Hom dead, and they can move on believe me. I don't try to' ances are also linked to whether Bayley Fannin '05 Suzane Lester if they follow the light. There, change their minds," or not the ghosts want com- Leon Mach '05 she tells them, they will find Litsinger said, adding that pany. Commentary Editor Lizzie Musar '05 their loved ones. a she who started a ghost in- While visiting McDaniel Litsinger, Ms. Melissa Gallo '07 Geoff Peckham Randallstown resident and vestigation web site four College, Litsinger detoured into years ago and now has thou- Jacqueline Pundt '05 the founder of the Maryland sends of members. "This is Baker Memorial Chapel. Here Sports Editor Kelly Rampmeyer Ghosts and Spirits Associa- what I do. r believe there is her EMF detector went off by Pat O'Toole '07 Rori Rockman tion, is a professional ghost something better out there." itself. When she tried to take a MikeSeff '07 tour guide. Ghosts and spirits can picture of the spirit, the new Copy Editors Stacey Shaffer Recently, she toured reveal themselves in four batteries in her camera died. "Some don't want to be Jesse Feldman '07 Jon Teter '08 McDaniel's campus and dis- forms: ectoplasm, vortex, for- seen," Litstnger said, shrugging Teri Hamer '07 Michael Vyskocil '05 covered that many energies mal orb, and full body. Noura Hemady '08 Melissa Wisner roamed here. Spirits are The full body is when present in Elderdice. outside Marissa King '05 of Rouzer, in DMC, in the the ghost or spirit is in its full human figure. Advertising Manager Quad, in Little Baker and in All of the forms can be Page Design Emily Funk '07 the theater, she said. seen on film from a Kenny Ditto '06 A 3Smm camera, Lindsay Fairchild '08 Advertising Litsinger said. Beth McLane '07 Representatives Using a device Pat O'Toole '07 Beth Appleton '06 called an Electro Mag- Christine Beers netic Field Detector Beverly Litsinger uses an Electro Magnetic Field Photography Suzane Lester (EMF) Litsinger picks . ~etect.or (EMF) to find ghosts on campus. Sarah Black '07 up electronic fields tncludmg in the Quad. Elderdice, outside of Rouzer, in DMC. in Little Baker and in the theater. Suzane Lester over various frequen- cies and distances. Indira Gonzales '07 In other words, if she as she puts new b'atteries into Taylor Hebden stands outside in front of her camera. "It's up to them en- Rouzer Hall, she can detect a tirely. It's not my ghost or a spirit on the top floor and pinpoint its posi- tion. The McDaniel Free Press is published biweekly. The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of The Mclkmiel Free Press stafi:thefaculty,orthendministratorsofMcDanielCoUege. Tbe paper welcomesfree-lance sent the The editors reserve the right to edit for clarity, said the most com- length, and libel and to publish as space permits. Please include a name mon places are schools, and phone number for verification. Names will be withheld only by the churches, and cemeteries. discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. "Sometimes people see it The McDaniel Free Press doesnotdiscriminarebased on age. top race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, condition of and a button and they don't know," Litsinger handicap, or marital status. on the side that said. It could be a spot on a pic- Mail to Litsinger pushes ture, a face in a window, or a The McDaniel Free Press to take readings. streak of orange light. McDanie[ College, 2 College Hill Other places Litstnger has Westminster, MD 21157 If the presence is encountered spirits or ghosts (410)75[-8600 really strong, include Gettysburg, the FAX: (410) 857-2729 according to Avonlea Bed and Breakfast, E-Mail; Litsinger, the dial will go off Fells POint, and Loyola College- on its own. In addition to her ghost Most of web Site, Litsinger takes asso- ciation members on free tours ghosts Litsinger has lOoking for ghosts and teaches encountered workshops at Prince George College. ~~~@) ~ the. '. . ~ Open Daily Only Multi-ethnic Salon 410.751.9171 7AM-l0PM lnfo@ ~ C\£11 e • 2 Newly Licenst4 pourhou$t! Fri. & Sat. Open r_) , '\..J" 'TiIIlPM 233 Ealt Main Street. Welt minster • MO ~' orgelnlc: • organic: organic: coffee pastries • espresso • lite fore • tea Awesome Live Music! Taking Appointments Now Mondays from 8:0O-10:00PM, Fridays and Saturdays from 8:30-10:30PM, 410-857-3393 & Sundays from 10:30AM-I:00PM Mark Your Calendars ... 10l1n Terlazzo and Voices in tl1e Hall returns Our salon will be providing Thanksgiving Wednesday .hair care for the Black, • $10 cove.r.$3 goes to local charity. Hispanic, Bi-Racinl White & . Asian commUldties. IE MainSt
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