Page 14 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
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SEPTEMBER 23, 2004 - Page 10 SPORTS able to distance himself from EMILY COMPTON the team just enough to rees- STAFFWRlTER tablish a more professional relationship with the players New to the staff, but not and the staff when he re- to the game here at McDaniel, turned. two former football players re- "It is definitely a fine turn to the field as assistant line," stated Wilchinski, coaches for the 2004 season. when describing the relation- Graduates Matt ship between himself and the Wilchinski and Omar Phillip players. But because join fellow graduates and cur- Wi1chinski is able to rent assistant coaches Jamie separate the personal from Harris, Aaron Bartolain, and the field, he is able to main- Ryan Hines to continue the tain authority as well as player-to-coach pattern that has friendship with the players. become a reputable trademark Team members say of the team. that they are glad to have A 2002 grad ua te from Wilchinski back on board be- McDaniel, 24-year-old Matt cause there is a comfortable Wilchinski has found his way level of familiarity and re- New linebacker coach Miltt Wikhinski back to the field where he spect due to his previous in- New offensive line coach Omar Phillip started all four years of his col- volvement and success with defensive lineman, Phillip defense to be an advantage. "T can be a coach and a lege career at the linebacker po- the team. has successfully tackled the "He brings defensive friend at the same time," Phillip sition, now to coach the posi- "He's an awesome challenge of coaching a posi- knowledge to the offensive said. tion that he played so well. coach" said senior Adam tion that was not his specialty side of the ball by helping us Because so many of his Two-time captain and the Dayton, "He really respects as a player. better understand defensive respected former teammates 2002 centennial defensive usand doesn't yell much, but Although it appears to techniques and schemes," se- Phillip as a player, that same re- player of the year, Wilchinski is when he does, we listen." have been an effortless tran- nior co-captain Brad Stewart spect has carried on after be- eager to pass his knowledge Ultimately, Wilchinski sition, Phillip admits that it said. coming their coach. and skill on to the current play- hopes to become the head was difficult because defense At first, Coach Keating "It is a great experience coach of a Division 1football and offense demand com- was concerned about bring- to be around familiar players Wilchinski spent the past team but recognizes his job pletely different mentalities. year at King's College in Penn- here as a valuable stage in his "Defense is all about at- ing Phillip back so soon be- and coaches," said Phillip. cause of his closeness in age sylvania, where he was intro- coaching career. tacking where offense is to the players and to the Phillip plans to eventu- duced to some of the real chal- "I'm in this business not about trying to be patient" ally coach on the high school lenges of coaching. only to learn and be success- said Phillip. game. "But he is-exceptional" level because he wants to help "T knew he said Keating, "He brought some fresh ful, but to make an impact on Fortunately, Phillip shape young players and pre- ideas back with him," said head people's lives," said "has a great mind for the would be successful." pare them for college football. As far as coaching coach Tim Keating. Wilchinski. game, which allows him to former teammates and cur- "We were skeptical, at wtlchiriski admitted that The 2004McDaniel Col- adapt to challenge," senior rent friends on the team, first, about these two coaching getting away for a year really lege graduateOmar Phillip is co-captain Andy Lee said. Phillip and players have ad- us after so recently playing with helped him make the transition fresh off the field and onto the The offensive players justed and even benefited us, but ithas only improved the team. They're doing a great job from player to coach. He was sidelines to coach the offen- value Phillip's insig~t and from the reunion. and so are we," Andy Lee said. sive line this season. A former consider his experience on Do you ever find yourself with no F,s;;;C-;-T~; ;;;,~;a.·1 way of filling that awk~ard time , ONDER 12 HAIRCUT~ between dinner and , .$10.001 Monday night . ,"" I football? If so, I· ~~.. cou;::~~~::e~bmect. , ·1 come out to a Free Specializing in: L.......:!..~~~res.!!f!!..~. __~ . Press meeting and i find out how you • Men's, Women's and r i' . .• MEN'S can put your love of Children's Hairstyling I "HAIRCUTS, sports to good use. I .$11.00~~~~ Every Monday • Flat-Tops ~I- night, Hill Hall room 104. Call Pat .------,_I: 1I,ln~iud6ScU" linish, Coupons ",,",,0' be, ,1 at x8178with _ L.=~,;".;..w!:.,:,,'::;'~'!:.j~'2!.<;t.I questions. 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