Page 23 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 23
FEATURES OCTOBER 14, 2004 - Page 7 Students spend semester not quite lost at sea does not fully from anthropology of food KELLY RAMPMEYER summer with Semester at to animal behavior. STAFF WRITER Sea," said Dumpert. "Words While traveling be- can't be used to clarify my tween ports the students While most of us spent feelings of meeting a kept busy. They spent their our summer being beach bums, Hiroshima survivor, climbing free time getting to know two McDaniel College students the Great Wall, and visiting each other through social took the opportunity to explore the Hanoi Hilton of Vietnam gatherings, games, pub the world. where so many American nights, and other activities; Jennifer Dumpert, a se- veterans were held." but nothin~ could compared nior social work major, and Simply being aboard to the time they spent in Kara Kunst, a senior psychol- the ship was a multi-cultural port, Dumpert and Kunst ogy major with an elementary experience. "There were stu- said. education minor, took advan- dents, staff, and crew from at "It really was an awe- tage of the Semester at Sea pro- least 20 different countries some expenence,v said gram. The two hopped aboard around the world. It was Kunst. "T got to see a lot of the 'Explorer' for a two and a very interesting to learn beautiful places and I be- half month journey that took about America through other came close with a lot of stu- them to many different parts of people's eyes," Dumpert ex- dents and faculty from all the world. plains. over the world." On june 17, they boarded On board, the students While the boat was Jennifer Dumper! and Karn Kunst enjoy scenic AI~ska aboard the 'Explorer' during Semester at Sea the ship in Alaska along with studied a wide range of docked at any of its number 300 other students. From there, classes, including a "core" of stops, students were free said they would "absolutely" courage everyone to get out they journeyed to Russia, Ko- class, which was a basic glo- to roam about the country recommend the Semester at and travel as much as pos- Professorswith thev~_l. rea, Shanghai, Beijing, Hong bal perspectives course. In and do what they wanted. Sea experience to anybody. . sible," said Dumpert. Kong, Vietnam, Taiwan, and fi- . addition to the mandatory Dumpert and Kunst "It's the type of experi- Semester at Sea programs nally Japan. class, students could chose are now back on the Hill for ence you need to have for are still being offered, for more "Experience of a lifetime from many courses ranging their senior year, and they yourself which is why I en- information look online. tfORIB~ "Home Away From Home" Dr. Robert Kachur SUZANNE LESTER tion, Apocalypse in Fiction & STAFF· WRITER STACEY SHAFFER Film, and British Literature STAFF WRITER from the 18th & 19th Centuries. Andrea Spahn and Lee puter in a blue boa. Lee is an Spahn. This reflected both the "Dr. Kachur is a knowl- Olfber are two busy freshman Art and Political Science rna- talent and the feeling of Dr. Robert Kachur has edgeable, passionate educator;" athletes with an amazingly spa- jorwho is a huge fan of Chris- womean empowerment in spent seven years with the said his teaching assistant, cious room, which is rare on the tina Aguilera. Both ladies the room. I'm sure this set the English Department helping Kathleen Miller, a recent gredu- Mclfaniel campus. Most people keep a fairly tidy room, with tone for two lovely ladies students understand litera- ate. "His commitment t6 en- assume that the living stan- little to no clutter. Framed who are aggressive .in both ture, composition, horror and gaged teaching and his warmth dards, in dorms, improve with picture collages, of friends the classroom and on the The Apoca- • and humor seniority. This is a myth that and family, adorn the nor- field. Iypse. On Sun- make him an unfortunately is told to all per- mally white boring walls. Since clothes playa days, he takes a incredible as- spective students. The other Each girl has a comfortable large role in a woman's life break from mas- set to the col- two dormitories residing on top chair to rest a tired aching and esteem, both ladies were sacres and lege." of the hill have even smaller athletic body. This is key to ingenious to bring extra , nuclear holo- He cur- rooms than the freshman fe- relaxing considering both drawer space. This allowed caust and rently lives in male dormitory, Whiteford. girls participate in sports in them two stuff both closets teaches Sunday ...,Uniontown These two young ladies are ex- the winter and the summer. and all ready provider dress- school at a local with his wife, tremely lucky to have one of the Andrea plays both field ers, while leaving some ex- church. Susan, and his "I like in- larger rooms in Whiteford. hockey and lacccrose, while cess space. teracting with two daughters The door to their room is Lee is busy running track and Their beds are bunked Helen, 12, and decorated with pictures and lacrosse. The chairs are ar- which leaves room for a large students in Adelaide, 9. welcoming signs, as well as a ranged in direct correlation movie party with friends. classrooms," he They also have wipe board for any messages with a TV and DVD. Overall this large room at. explains. "I like a five-year-old needed to be left. The largest eye catcher McDaniel college, epitomizes seeing students golden re- Andrea is biology major in the room was a painting of the typical "home away from learn how to make connec- triever named "Golden," who who enjoyed dressing her com- wonder woman, by Andrea home" definition. tions between ideas in litera- was taught to sit in the ture and their lives," Kachur professor's lap, despite the said. dog's large size. Kachur grew up in Kachur's hobbies include Hagerstown, Maryland, and weightlifting, helping out at his received his undergraduate, church, and gardening (both degree at the University of flowers and vegetables). Virginia, and his Ph.D. in the Though he likes TV,he said he University of Wisconsin rarely has time for it. He graduated with a "T like the fact that he's major in 19th Century British conversational and the class is Literature and a minor in interactive," said lenni Evans, a Composition Studies. He junior. then spent the next sixteen Kachur is also interested years moving around the in politics. country. He eventually . He describes himself as a moved to McDaniel because "fervent" Democrat and says he wanted to work at a school that one of his goals in life is "to for the liberal arts that was disabuse people of the view that 41 0-876-3550 close to where he.grew up. Orthodox Christians should be associated with the Republican Kachur teaches Horror . Fiction, English Compost- Party."
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