Page 17 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 17
Westminster, MO SAnd 11'&' Vol.2No. 3 60 Seconds Asks What's your { favorite part of Just you, '/J Homecoming? airplane. See story on page 8. Tailgaters Idrive-in/for Homecoming INSIDE MICHAEL VYSKOCIL STAFFWRITER For the fans, it's about cheering on the team and tail- gating at the stadium. This tradition of gathering friends and family around a grill or picnic table, feasting on ham- burgers and sausage while waiting for the first kick-off, is part of the lure and excite- ment of the game. "Tailgating at the game is a totally social event," said Joyce Muiler, associate vice presidentofconununications and marketing at McDaniel. Muller is also a seasoned tailgater who has attended many home games. Approximately 520 ve- hicles entered Bair Stadium for the Homecoming game on Saturday, according to Ja- Approximately 520 cars entered Bair Stadium for the Homecoming game last Saturday to tailgate and enjoy the perfect son Fratto, whose fraternity, football weather on the Hill Alpha Sigma Phi, worked the as conducive to tailgating. have to park outside the the edges of the field, she said gate with campus safety. The bowl shape of Bair Sta- gates" to tailgate, Muller said. tailgating has a long history at "There was a steady dium allows fans to park Referring to the circa 1920 the college. stream of cars," Fratto said. their vehicles close to the photo (on the McDaniel Col- On game day, fans arrive Muller credits the edge of the field. lege tailgating site) of the early to park their vehicles drive-in style of the stadium "At most colleges, you early automobiles perched on [See "Homecomino" 011 page 3) Memorial planned for construction worker ROB GOEKE demic Support Services. and Tim Pierce Masonry Sub- The college has tentative NEWS EDITOR James Grove, 42,placed contractors. plans to construct a memorial bricks all over McDaniel - "James was such a lik- in honor of Grove inside the The college has tenta- from Lewis Hall to North Vil- able guy," said Henry Lewis, new building. Plans for the tive plans to construct a me- lage, to the remodeled Arch. President of Henry Lewis memorial have not been final- morial in honor ofa construc- For more than five years, he Contractors, the main con- tion worker who was killed worked on various construc- tractor working on the new ized, since the new building is this summer while working tion projects on campus until academic building. "He was not scheduled to open until late spring of 2005. on the new building that will a fatal accident killed him a craftsman who enjoyed and "We have envisioned The women's soccer team has house Graduate and Profes- August 6, 2004. took pride in his work. His some kind of memorial [for fought hard and played their best sional Studies, Psychology, Grove was an employee death emotionally affected so far this season. Page 11. Education, and Student Aca- . of Henry Lewis Contractors the other workers." james]," said Ethan Seidel, Vice [See "Memorial" 011 page 3J Sapora awaits trial, students react to his absence, drew Stone appeared in prepare the case. It is easier available at the Carrol! someone like him [Dr. Sapora] JACQUUNE PUNDT Carroll County District Court to sway one person on the County District Court. gets the short end of the stick," STAFFWRITER and requested that Judge jury to say not guilty." In February 2002, said sophomore Brandon It could be months before Marc Rasinsky allow Sapora Sgt.JamespeWees with Sapora failedsobriety testsaf- Finnigan, student in Sepora's an English and Communication to have a jury trial. the Maryland State Police ter he was stopped on North Fiction into Film class. professor finds out if he has to The request was also explained that "most Center Street in Westminster. Finnigan also said that serve jail time for driving under granted, and a jury trial will defendants reach a plea He received probation before when Sapora told his class the the influence (DUI) and driving' most likely take place later agreement before the jury judgement and paid $305 in news, he accepted responsibil- while intoxicated (DWI)charges. this year or early next year if trial ever takes place." fines, according to District ity for his actions. Many stu- However, tenured professor Bob Sapora does not reach a plea Sapora was charged on Court documents. dents' comments revealed their Sapora will not come back to agreement before hand, the evening of May 24 with Students in Sapora's hope-for-the-best mentality. "I teach three courses he began Stone said driving, or attempting to classes were both surprised really believe that Dr.Sapora is teaching this Fall Semester, ac- While Stone could not drive, a vehicle while im- and shocked to hear about the a great teacher. I use the word cording to college administra- comment about the specifics paired by alcohol. He was charges Sapora faces. teacher and not professor inten- tors. of Sapora's case, he said that also charged with negligent "A lot of people do it tionally because he really On Wednesday,September the benefit of a jury trial "af- driving, according to Traffic [drinking and driving] and 22, Sapora and his attorney-An- fords the defendant time to System Citation Information never get caught and then [See "Awails trial" 011 page 2]
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