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SEPTEMBER 23, 2004 - Page 6 FEATURES Silent courage marks senior's kidney donation Only Mandy's blood with the fact that my dad was ROB GOEKE type was a match. "Being in APO, I always The-surgery went well. STAFF WRITER having surgery on top of that had that mentality of helping Her father's body accepted the "I didn't really think was tough. But surrounding others and Iknew Ihad a sup- Heroes have a stoic way about losing a myself with sup- port group back on campus if kidney and her father is now in about them. A silent courage kidney," said portive people 1needed it," said Mandy. full recovery. Mandy herself stayed a single night at the hos- rises up when the situation calls Mandy. "I was the most im- It seemed easy for pital and is back to her gleeful for it, and then these heroes of- would still have portant thing." Mandy, but for her family, it ten downplay their own ex- another one. It Mandy is was extremely difficult. For self. traordinaryactions. wasn't like 1was no stranger to Ashley and her mother, the "I never thought about Senior Mandy Gill, 20, is losing an arm." sacrifice. As the thought of two family mem- donating organs before this, one of those heroes. In order to former president bers undergoing surgery at even after 1 died, but now I On July 14th, Gill under- better under-' of Alpha Phi the same time was hard to would do it in a second. You went a kidney transplant with stand a surgery Omega (APO), a comprehend. think about how many lives you are changing and it's the her father, Tom, who struggled of this magni- co-ed service fra- "Knowing that both her best thing you can give," said with diabetes to kidney failure) tude, Mandy ternity on cam- and my dad were going into Mandy. for years. Her family tried to spoke to people pus, she knew surgery at the same time was "It's kind of cool because find potential organ donors ev- around her to GILL and appreciated very hard on me and my my friends say things like erywhere, but the choice even- build herself up. the value of sac- mom because we were going 'Wow, you are my hero.' But I tually came down to Mandy "I had to get to the point rifice., of giving her time to back and forth from the hos- and her sister, sophomore where I could talk about it help others. pital all the time," said try to explain to them that if they were in my position, they Ashley Gill. and not break up about it. "Mandy completely ran Ashley. "While they were in would do the same thing. I'm Both sisters underwent Physically, T was ok with it. It [APOJ last year. She is an in- surgery, my mom and I just tests to determine whether ei- was just a little hospital time. credible leader," said junior had to sit there because itwas really not as special as every- one says," said Mandy. ther of their blood types But mentally, it was crazy," Becky Ward, current presi- out of ou r hands at that matched their father's. Mandy said. "Then, dealing dent of APO. point." Editors' Choice: "Don't Head Home Just Yet" Freshmen: Tired of reading Virginia Woolf and Human Anatomy? Bored with the Real World re-runs all week- end? Do you find yourself routinely asking, "What is there to do for fun?" No need to go horne on weekends. Fun can be found at McDaniel and in Westminster, despite popular belief. 1. ffsports are more your 2. Being in college can 3. Further along Main 4. For you party ani- niche, go burn a few calories on also mean being strapped for St. you will find the Pour mals, several sorori ties and 5. If you feel the need to one of McDaniel's intramural cash. If you aren't willing to House. A quaint little coffee fraternities bring the club escape campus for a few hours, teams. Sophomore Kara dish out $8 at the Town MaU spot, the Pour House is "a take a walk down to the Carroll Delenick fondly recalls it "it theaters then take advantage great place to relax," accord- scene right to your local County Arts Council at the cor- was such'a fun thing to do with of the free showing of ing to Mike Harpster, dorm. Alpha Gamma Tau, ner of Main St. and Pennsylva- my friends. It was a chance for Spiderman 2 in Decker Audi- Westminster resident. They Sigma Phi Epsilon and Phi nia Ave. Every Friday night, in have Sigma Sigma all us to get together and enjoy our torium on October 1st. The offer great coffee and deli- clubrooms on the ground October Alfred Hitchcock mov- time." The fall sports being of- show isbrought to you by the cious food along with a wel- floor of Blanche or ANW. ies will be shown. For $5 a fered this year are 4-on-4 bas- CAPBoard and "begins at 9 coming crowd. If you want This Halloween on the 30th movie you can enjoy one of the ketball, flag football, outdoor with" reshow following the to relax and unwind stop by Phi Sigma Sigma is having a greatest suspense filmmakers soccer, tennis and floor hockey. first" says Lindsay the Pour House at 233 East clubroom that is open to ev- of all time. For more details Golf is also available for those Lingerman. CAPBoard mem- Main St in downtown eryonebutremembertowear check out who don't play well with oth- bee It's a great dateidea.end Westminster. Bring your your costume. Just a re- arts/comingattractions.HTM . ers. For more information and did I mention it's FREE! McDaniel IO card to receive minder; "it's BYOBand make See Photo. rosters call Jim Townsend at ex- tension 2567 in the athletic of- a special discount too! See sure you have your IO" says -COMPILED BY JACQ fice. See Photo. Photo. sophomore Mary Abrams. PUNDT, STAFF WRITER Now that you have an idea of the events on and around campus there should be no need to go horne to Morn's nagging or your little brother's pestering this weekend, right? .Conference staff tote, haul, fetch with smiles KATHARINE STRONG fluorescent yellow shirts. said Sophomore Matt Sprat. Sometimes, Conference that working on campus this sTAFFWRlTER Their duties ranged from His job with Conference Services Staff's tasks were un- summer offered her the oppo.r- This summer, over 60,000 working at the information Services brought new people expected tunity to work on a team and people visited McDaniel Col- desk or the game room to co- to get to know and hang out Junior Psychology/So- hone he, communications lege. They watched their chil- ordinating 10 graduations. with as well as a sense of in- ciology major Tiffany Mack skills. dren graduate from high They also had to be dependence, he added. recounted one surprising af- Colbert is looking for- school, stayed for week-long la- willing to fetch pillows and For the past sixteen ternoon when she and other ward to her vacation following crosse camps, or gaped at the batteries for the temporary years Mary [o Colbert, the Di- members of the staff moved all of her work this summer; put Ravens in training. residents, haul tables, set up rector of Conference and misplaced port-a-potties she said she knows that next Moving things along as chairs and do it all with a Auxiliary Service, has care- across campus for the Raven's summer familiar faces will re- each group of visitors rolled in smile. fully interviewed and hired training camp. turn. and rolled out was a small con- And many members of the summer staff, knowing "They didn't fit on our "Some of the camps have tingent of students, young am- the staff said they'd do it all that sometimes these stu- carts, so someone had to run been coming for fifteen years," bassadors for the college. These again. dents "are the only people alongside and hold [the port- Colbert said. "I've watched 14 students were members of "My favorite memory from McDaniel that parents a-potty] onto the golf cart their families grow up, so I look the Conference Services Staff. of the summer was watching meet as they are dropping while someone else drove," forward to seeing them again, They worked long, un- Fourth of July fireworks with their kids off for camp," she said Mack. predictable hours and wore the Theatre on the Hill staff," said. However, she noted as well as bringing new camps onboard."
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