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SEPTEMBER 23, 2004 - Page 7 FEATURES New Faculty r1~RIB~ LESTER SUZANNE WRITER STAFF Stylish, organized, funky Stylish, organized, funky, and relaxing are only a few key words to describe Beth Meade and Melanie Scocco's double abode in McDaniel dormitory. Both ladies chose to live a comfort- able substance free life while at the same time having Sig Eps as floormates. Both Beth and Melanie have created their own "walls of hunk," giving the female eyes a treat. Blue rope lights frame the door giving it an exotic look. An adorable, hand-drawn, basket of kittens hangs on the wall where previously a questionable Playgirl display resided. The "Beth fish," is a colorful cardboard fish that hangs from the ceiling giving the room an ocean-like feel. When it came to the large appliances in the room, they put their creativity to the test. ln- between both dressers resides a refrigerator, microwave, and television. This srackable option of organizing the room leaves a spacious common area where seating can be an option for viewing movies. The refrigerator contains mostly water and soy milk partly due to Beth's status of veg- etarian. Another item in their fridge, that every young lady should have, is eye mask to use for puffy eyes. BoAnn Bowman The view from their two windows leads to a beautiful view of the back yard of McDaniel dormitory. They enjoy watching "Bert," the ground hog, rummag~ around the garden in the BoAnn Bohman, Education Dept. "Master teacher would only begin to describe her exper- early hours of the morning. Both Beth and Melanie enjoy their humble home on top of the hill at tise," states Dr. Louise Paquin of the Biology Department. The McD~nie! College. "master teacher" to whom she refers is Dr. Boann Bohman, 15- year adjunct professor and new graduate Education fa~u1tymem- ber and Coordinator of the grad~ate program in Administration. "I love McDaniel" says Dr. Bohman. "The new faculty mem- bers receive such 'great support, both formally and informally." Got a Would the teacher like an apple? Nah! This Hagerstown native's nice crib? favorite food is Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia ice cream. Want to show it off? Dr. Peter Bradley, Philosophy Dept. Dr. Peter Bradley, a Grand Rapids, Michigan native, ~hose Contact McDaniel as his new home "to contribute to a college experience the McDaniel like the one Ihad at Antioch (Yellow Springs, OH). Iwanted to Free Press be part of an institution that is co~mitted to unde.r?radu~teedu,: ,@x8600 cation, community, and fostering mdepende~t, c,r:tlca~thm~ers. This Philosophy prof's favorite book ISA Hitchhiker s GUIde to for ~ by Douglas Adams. Dr. Bradl~y m.ay,howe.ver, soon more info become an expert on children's books as his wife, Tara, ISexpect- ing their first child on New Year's Eve! Dr. Deborah Vance, Communications Dept. This chocolate-lover- born in Wilmette, Illinois, boasts a BA from Northwestern, a MA from Towson, and ~ Ph.D. Howard. Though Dr. Vance has ou.tgrown her chlldhoo? nick- name "Clark Bar" (Clark is her malden name), she a~mlts that chocolate remains a favorite food. "I [ave everything about McDaniel _ especiaJly the shtdents and my colleagues .. l was also especially impressed by !:~e huge bowl of chocolate In the Communication Department. Karen Nuber, Technical Services Librarian . With a BS from Marquette and an MA from th~ U of WIS- consin, Milwaukee, Karen Nuber says that H?over IS~hy sh~ chose McDaniel as her new home. "I really liked the librar~. This Wisconsin-born librarian claims Thai food a~ ~er favonte but admits that she has acquired a taste for a traditional Mary- land dish since her arrival. IIJ'vediscoverec;icrebcakes," sheadds. What is this Technical Services Librarian's favorite book? "Thf: Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood." 60Seeonds Steven Pearson, Art Department .' This former body builder, now Mc~amel Art. professor, describes the college class which helped himto defm~ the age What's your favorite food that groups with which he wanted to work. "I stru?gled.wlth Meth- ods of Teaching Art because I had to wor.k "":Ith third graders. they serve in Clar? Between the booger picker, the girl who cried If Ihelped anyone "Lobster." - Chelsie Compiled by Aurora Rockman but her and the kid who would only cut out bra and underwear Houser, freshman ads fro~ newspaper fliers, I was worn out;, It ma~e me realize that 1wanted to work with older students. What s the strang- est thing that's happened to Dr. Pearson since his arrival at McDaniel? "I tried Scrapple." Dr. Christian del'ee, History Departme~t . . McDaniel professor Dr. Susan Scott descr1?es D.r.Chn,~tJan dePee as a "superb scholar in many areas of ASIan History. Dr. dePee was raised in Bergen, Noord-Holland, the. Netherlands; Why did Dr. del'ee choose McDaniel college as his new home. "I was impressed with the individuality and the mutual respect of the members of the History Department. I assure you that "Chicken." - Gabriel "Deli sandwiches." _ "Hot turkey sandwiches." .these are rare qualities." Stern, freshman Emily Vance, senior - Michelle Vitale, junior \
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