Page 12 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 12
SEPTEMBER 23, 2004 - Page 8 FEATURES ·The Character Sculpture of Cindy Parker-Katz in each other's arms, /Sazing vidual character sculptures, PATRICK BONADUCE intently into each other's STAFF WRITER from cheerful doctors and eyes. lawyers to docile old folks, Motionless? from punks and bikers to The first thing you notice That's right. You've just when you walk into the gallery been looking at "Punk Lov- kids and angels. is a young couple embracing in ers," a meticu- Some of the sculptures the corner, bliss- lously-crafted, are life-size, while others are fully unaware of life-sized small enough to fit on a book- their surround- sculpture by shelf. But every piece sports ings. They're Cindy Parker- incredibly exhaustive details, Punks-that Katz. down to the wrinkles around a father's smiling eyes and much is self-evi- "Through dent. Black My Eyes," a the tiniest buckles on a li'I trenchcoats, out- tyke's shoes. And each piece rageous hair- gallery exhibit- is imbued with a sense of ing Parker- styles, and a Katz's sculp- doll-like whimsy, a plethora of tures, is on dis- byproduct of the artist's in- ptercings ... yup, play in the Rice spiration. definitely plinks. Gallery in How does Parker-Katz But you can still Peterson Hall do it? She got her start at feel the tender- through Octo- doll-making fourteen years ness and affection as they stand ber 13. It's an eclectic exhibit ago, when her eye caught a fi_gurine that resembled her motionless in the corner, locked featuring two dozen indi- daughter. At that time she Free Press Staff worked with porcelain, but seven years ago, another in- spiration struck: What if these dolls were life-sized? Countless hours of in- Co-Editors-in-Chief tense research and training Katie Martin '06 later, Parker-Katz arrived at Brian Patterson 'as the job she always wanted. Now she sculpts with poly- Art Director Writers/Reporters mer clays and either buys or "Through My Eyes" features various .life size sews clothing for her cre- Liz Matthews '06 Patrick Bonaduce '08 ations. Every piece receives sculptures by Cindy' Parker-Katz. Emily Compton the artist's undivided atten- .... Photos by Sarah Black. News Editor •Lea Fiddick '07 tion for at least a week, but Rob Goeke '07 Eric Fuller '08 the process is tremendously Lindsay Graham '07 fulfilling. Features Editor Mike Habegger '08 "I love it," Parker-Katz Bayley Fannin 'OS Shelly Horn admits. "Every time} try to Leon Mach 'OS get away from it, I always Commentary Editor Lizzie Musar '05 come back to it." Melissa GaUo '07 Geoff Peckham And maybe it's that Jacqueline Pundt 'as very same artistic devotion Sports Editor Kelly Rampmeyer that keeps people coming back to Parker-Katz's galler- Pat O'Toole '07 Rori Rockman ies. Just be sure not to con- Mike Seff '07 fuse that innocuous pair of Copy Editors Stacey Shaffer punks in the comer with your Jesse Feldman Jon Teter '08 fellow observers. Teri Hamer /07 Michael Vyskocil'OS Noura Hemady Melissa Wisner Marissa King . Martine Motard-Noaj' ~ Advertising Manager Page Design Emily Funk '07 Kenny Ditto '06 Professors with the ius:_1- Lindsay Fairchild '08 Advertising Beth McLane '07 Representatives new, something uncomfort- Pat O'Toole '07 Beth Appleton '06 able - like a new language. Christine Beers ELENA KURTZ She likes to help them find Photography Suzane Lester STAFF WRITER their way. Sarah Black /07 "She is the best teacher [en Carter In the eyes of French I have ever had," said sopho- Janet Ephraim Professor Martine Motard- more Kevin Dansler, a French Indira Gonzales '07 Noar, a student with a low major. "Even though she has Taylor Hebden grade point average who a lot'ofstudents, she treats me only wants to get a foreign as if I am her only student." language BLAR out of the Although it is uncom- way is as wonderful as an fortable learning a new lan- The McDaniel Free Press is published biweekly. The opinions honors student who has a guage, Madame Motard expressed do not necessarily represent those of The McDaniel Free Press triple major in French, Span- MOTARD·NOAR makes every class - whether staff. the faculty. or the administnuors of McDaniel College. ish, and Political Science. it is an introduction class at The paper welcomes free-lance sent the For the last sixteen Full of energy and cre- an 1101 level or an advanced The editors reserve the right to edit for clarity, length, and libel and to publish years, the language depart- ativity, Madame Motard is literature class - one that a as spare permits. Please include a nume and phone number for verification. ment has been blessed and passionate about teaching. student would not want to Names will be withheld only by the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief improved thanks to Madame The motive behind her zeal- skip. 711e Mcdaniel Free P.ressdoes nor discriminate based on age, race, ous teaching is her belief in a religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, condition of handicap, or Motard. In return, she enjoys greater cause. Madame Her ideal student? maritalstatus. the camaraderie and commu- Motard explains that when There are many kinds Mail to: nity atmosphere of the pro- of great students, she ex- The McDaniel Free Press fessors in the language de- people are stripped away plained. She said she likes McDaniel College, 2 College Hill partment and other depart- from all that is comfortable, curious students with differ- We:;tminster.MD21157 ments. The community of in particular, their language, ent kinds of worldly experi- (410)751-8600 students and the small school they start to question them- ences. FAX: (410) 857-2729 selves. E-Mail:phoenix@mcdanie!.edu atmosphere also keep Ma- They become vulner- "The perfect student is dame Motard at McDaniel able !is they learn something a student who acts the way I College. used to," she said jokingly.
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