Page 9 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
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COMMENTARY SEPTEMBER 26, 2004 Page 5 Autism: Pride, frustration LEAFIDDlCK formation in different ways. better social skills and be- STAFF WRITER Sometimes, 1 have to ask a come much more outgoing! professor to repeat a point be--- Like other people with When you hear the cause it is hard forme to pro- Aspergers, r have traits dif- word autism, what do you cess the information I just ferent than those of other stu- think of? heard and write it down si- dents. I have savant level You prob- multaneously. abilities in English and his- This feature takes a look at till?back issues of The Phoenix and ably think When a class gets to be tory, but I am very poor in highlights student reporting since 1981. Compi/ed by Taylor Headen, about kids boring, as they often do, I math, which is why Iam tak- OS' who stand tend to daydream, and this ing a basic math course this 3 years ago this month ... in the cor- gets in the way if I am asked semester. Also, people with Students and faculty of WMC responded to the terrorist ner of a a question. Also, it takes me Aspergers have limited in- attacks of September 11thoTo help students cope with the inci- room and longer to complete assign- terests. Mine are Star Wars dent, faculty set up a moment of silence and a ringing of the don't utter ments; r have accorrunoda- and Japanese comics. T have school bell. One student spoke of the event saying, "We felt that a sound, or tions that allow me more time learned not to talk about who make strange noises to do work. I still have to get them too much, but I always we were all helpless, but hearing the national anthem, the sound of the bells, and everyone sharing their feelings, it's very emo- and are mentally challenged it done on time, or I get a bad share" if someone is inter- tional. It brings tears to my eyes. I'm glad to be in a school like because they do not speak grade! ested. I take meds to control this. I had all of my friends around; we comforted each other." the way "normal people" Having Aspergers and my emotions; otherwise, J And 18 years ago this month ... do. being a college student also talk to myself and get overly Dean Philip R. Sayre stated in a campus bulletin that alco- While this describes takes a toll on my social life. emotional. :. holic beverages were not permitted in freshman areas. Because autism in the most extreme Because I cannot read social All in all, being autistic the majority of freshman are underage, Rouzer Hall and two sense, there is a whole spec- cues very well, I have a hard is a mixed blessing. I wish I floors-of Whiteford Hal! were deemed "dry." Students were trum of autistic disorders time carrying on conversa- were more social and better asked what they thought of the dry floors and residence halls in that have only some of these tions or making eye contact. at math, but it has made me the 60 seconds feature with a similar range of answers such as symptoms. My name is Lea This makes it very hard to more aware.of others who are "It's pretty lame when they don't trust you before they've even Piddtck, and I am a sopho- make friends. I am always disabled. I have learned a lot met you. Ihate it," and "The rule, in my opinion, isuseless ....Most more with Asperger's Syn- read ing a book so I can es- about myself over the years. other COllegesdon't make such a big issue. I think the dry dorm drome, which is in the spec- cape into my "dream world" To be honest; I would not rule is reallybeat." trum r just described. whenever J feel like it. How- trade being autistic for any- A robbery suspect was sought by campus safety in dormi- As a student with au- ever, Ishouldn't be doing this thing in the world, because tory thefts. The thief hit more than 15 rooms one Saturday morn- tism, Ilearn differently than too much because if I make this is just who .I am. T hap- ing and walked away with over $500 in cash and checks. Stu- others do. Iam not mentally friends, I will not be lonely; pen to be autistic, and proud dents were alarmed because they were asleep when the thief challenged; Ijust process in- and by doing that, Iwill gain of it! entered their rooms. Eight medals weigh more than media everything in the sports com- hype? SARAH BLACK The media portrayed STAFF WRITER plex: the cheering and jeering fans, the still water of the him to be this half man, half Imagine you are Michael beautifuJ50-meter pool, your God creature who was going Phelps, the gifted Iv-year-old opponents. to take over the world of from Bel- You hear the judge's sWlmmmg. ti m o re whistle blow and you step up In the months leading born with on the starting block. You are up to this year's Games in amazing calm and you feel absolutely Athens, where was aI"1the form and no pressure, except for the .. talk of Ian Thorpe that we speed in fact that the media has made saw and heard in the months the water. you out to be this unparal- leading up to the Sydney You have leled swimmer who is all but Games? It is not like Thorpe worked invincible. fell off the edge of the planet, your butt off and sacrificed a When Phelps lost his or just dropped out of the lot of time throughout most of first race to Ian Thorpe, qly swimming world. your life, training vigorously heart went out to him. So where was the men- doing nothing but eating, Why? Because the me- tion of Thorpe? It is as if the sleeping, and drinking your dia started bashing him. media forgot that Thorpe was Phelps spent the day meeting fans. He won eight medals at the' sport. They had made him out still around, and still as big a Olympics in Athens. But now all that hard to be this immortal being that threat as he was in Sydney. work-and sacrificed time has was unconquerable. So when However, Phelps admitted Olympic events at the 2004 should have reported about paid off. You are in Athens, Ian Thorpe cruised ahead of that Thorpe was his biggest Olympic trials; and he how Phelps is not full of him- Greece, you have made it to the Phelps and beat him in the fi- rival. brought home eight medals self due to the media-unlike Olympics, [he pinnacle of nals of the 200-meter The lack of gossip about from this year's Games. He Gary Hall, Jr. Maybe the me- sports. freestyle, the media world powerhouse Ian Thorpe was has accomplished all of this, dia should have reported Now imagine you are seemed to come crashing a major blow to Phelps. The and he is only 19! about how Phelps is a classy Phelps standing behind yOU! down on Phelps, rubbing the media made Phelps' losses to These accomplishments guy, who gave up his spot on starting block, ready to swim loss in his face with negative Thorpe seem bigger than are what the media should the 400-meter relay team to his one of your 17 races, and your article after negative article. they actually were. They have highlighted, not a loss deserving teammate, Ian headphones are on, feeding How do reporters have made Phelps' failed attempt to Thorpe. Crocker. you Eminem's music to get the right do to that to him at beating Mark Spitz's When you take away Basically, the media fo- yourself pumped up. when they are the ones re- Olympic medal record seem the media, the fans, the med- cused too much on the nega- You nonchalantly scan sponsible for creating all the that much more a failure; like als, the swimsuit (don't you tive espects of Michael Phelps' it was too far-fetched, too big wish), what you will see is an for him to handle. average, down to earth 19- career, and as a result, made The media made these year-old college kid from Bal- itself seem like a green-eyed losses overshadow all the timore. monster who wanted to knock him off his pedestal positive achievements of So down to earth that Fortunately, the media Phelps' career. he came back to his home- failed - Phelps continues to Let us review: he is a 12- town, Towson, on September time World Record holder, a 10th (and will be making wow the crowds with his in- credible agility in the pool. 17-time American Record more stops throughout the Whether he wins or loses, holder, a five-time World country) and signed auto- people enjoy seeing Michael Champion and he had over graphs for two hours. He was Phelps swim because he is a 45 1st place finishes in .2003. Fans and even a few McDaniel students wait in line in a Towson parking lot He became the 1st American very gracious (and very beautiful swimmer and be- on September 10 to get a chance to meet Phelps. to qualify in six individual HOT). Maybe the media cause they enjoy seeing him in that little Speedo.
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