Page 7 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
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POLITICS SEPTEMBER 23, 2004 - Page 3 Politics rev up on campus BRIAN PATTERSON elected]," said Dr. Herb Smith, CO-EDITOR chair of the Political Science de- an organization that-islobby- partment. Did you know .that ing for Senator John Kerry. Both Bolden and Duval there is an election coming "It bugs me that there want to fight the apathetic voter up? On November 2 the are people two and three problem that they have seen on country will be once again times my age deciding my campus. However, they still voting for its commander-in- future," said Bolden. 'That's want to see their candidate in chief, and a few campus lead- not cool." the winner's circle when it's all ers are trying to get the word Both groups will be said and done. out. holding events on campus to "People say that a good "It annoys me when try to spark student involve- people who don't vote com- ment in the election. On Sep- reason for voting for Kerry is plain about different aspects tember 30, the Carroll County that he is not Bush," said Bolden. "That's not a good rea- of politics," said senior Chris- Democrats will be sponsor- son. We need someone in the tina Duval, president of the ing a viewing of the first White House that is not worry- Charlies Angels Photo shoot College Republicans. "We're presidential debate in the ing about war, but domestic is- LilMattheWS going to get out and try get pub. A student discussion sues." students to register." will follow the debate. Duvall gave her reasons Kerry and Bush Republicans are the only es- cans will be holding a mock in support of Bush saying, Right now the College The College Republi- "Bush is a man of character and tablished political student presidential election, as they durability. A man with a plan, gear up for group on campus, but that did last semester when Kerry and someone who will not doesn't mean that the Demo- won in a landslide. at the whim his opinion change "There is more involve- crats are not spreading the of the wind." word as well. Junior Brock battleground states dents who works with the ment on campus now than in students know that their in- Party politics aside, both but it hasn't Bolden is one of several stu- ap- 2000, proached the level of 1992 volvement in the election is News Carroll County Democrats, [when Clinton was first about making a difference. GEOFF PECKHAM Democratic candidate Wanna get laid? Go vote STAFFWRlTER John Kerry isn't giving up, however. The race is very sexy. With the election about a tight, and were the election to LIZZIE MUSAR Commentazy A voter shows responsi- month and a half away, both occur today, the solid states STAff WRITER to speak up. bility and a maturity that can parties are reallocating their re- for Kerry would give him 199 There's an election One website may have be hard to find on your typical sources towards the key battle- electoral votes. coming up in a few weeks, found the solution to our low college campus. Instead of ground states. Bush would only have this much we know. For voter turnout drunkenly stumbling around As of now there are as few 180 votes, according to a re- months, Mem- looking for a beer pong partner, as ten states competitive cent showcase on the Elec- through bers take a pledge to only the voter commands the atten- enough forboth candidates that toral College in Newsweek have sex with fellow voters tion of the room and exudes a they could go either way, which Magazine. A candidate and to abstain from sex com- undeniable sense of power. includes Wisconsin, Iowa, Wis- needs 270 votes out of the 538 pletely if they themselves fail Again, the voter is hot consin, Florida, Pennsylvania, to win. Out of the states sure to vote. Filled with images of and makes an attractive part- Ohio, Minnesota, Nevada, New to vote for John Kerry come pretty people exercising their ner. Finally,what's a better pick Mexico, West Virginia, and November, Maryland is one right to vote and (WARN- up line than, "Yeah,I'm so-and- New Hampshire. of them. ING) ca.rtoon voters graphi- so's campaign advisor, can I Since the Republican Na- While George W. Bush a cally engaging in various buy you a drink?" (voting is tional Convention, President may have a lead in the polls smear campaigns, the aver- sexual acts, advising, right?). Your vote is " George W.Bush has had a lead in the United States, John age, red-blooded American may hold the key to Election clearly the key to sexual satis- in the national poll, giving him Kerry has Bush 2-1in nations has to be residing under a 2004 - Will Voting Get You faction. over fifty percent of the vote. around the world according rock to have missed the elec- Laid? Remember to always In the modern era of poll- to a poll taken by the Pro- tion fervor in the air Well, let's examine the practice responsible voting. ing, no candidate has ever had gram on International Policy Despite the hundreds of average voter. There's a con- Votesober, vote safely with ap- more than fifty percent after Attitudes (PIPA) of the Uni- millions of dollars spent on fident air to their walk. They propriate ballot box protection, Labor Day and lost the election. versity of Maryland. candidate advertising, Rock know that they just played a and always make sure Election Many experts say, however, The election is very the Vote, Vote or Die, and major role in domestic and in- Night activities are consensual. that it is still too early to calland close, and with the issues at countless other drives to get ternational politics. Contrast If you think you need a to not bet that possibility in No- hand, it will no doubt be an out the vote, though, the sad that with the defeated look of little practice harnessing your vember. important one. factis that most of us will stay a non-voter, filled with self- inner voter sexiness before Nov. in on Election Day and ignore loathing and cynicism, it's 2'h, the debates start Sept. 30'h. or forget about our civic duty easy to see voting makes you Happy Voting! National Conventions nothing but pep rallies GE~:~:;,~~AM . and plan their candidacy for Commentary movi~s to insult Dem?crats. ~hen_John Kerry himself even Iwonder what it was like the upcoming election. One of my movies was did his best to attract the crowd when the Democratic and Re- Now they are public ex- primary intention, but they called True Lies, and .thar's using a little flair. "I'm John had to have no doubtconsid- publican travaganzas. complete with ered it in their planning. what the Democrats should Kerry, and I'm reporting for have called their convert- duty!" pop songs and inspiring National speeches to invoke patriotism' These conventions are tion!" He even went as far to Nonetheless, the conven- eon v e n - and get your vote. Not many also turning into pre-game use the term 'economic girlie- tions have passed, and we have t ion s people follow politicsenough slug fests at press confer- men.' It seems Arnold's ad- to wait four more years for the we r en' t to fullycomprehend all the is- ences. like two heavyweights vice to the 1.3million people fun to begin again. pep rallies sues at hand, they just like talking trash about one an- who lost their jobs in the past- l recently ran into myoid to endorse hearing the loud music and other weeks before a big year is to suck it up. AP Government teacher from their party, looking at the bright colors. fight, naturally with TVcam- Not to say that all of it high school. He mentioned that whensena- Even the location of eras surrounding them to was uninspiring. Barack WalterCronkite hasn't watched tors didn't these conventions is becorn- capture every word. Look at Obama's speech, which was a convention in a number of have theme music and bands ing politically motivated. Zell Miller, the Democratic backinJulyatthe Democratic years. I found it interesting for weren't there to excite the The Republican National Senator who ranted on Convention, was just the op- a high profile journalist to crowd Convention was held in New against John Kerry in such an posite; putting emphasis the .avold such events, but then r The original purpose of Yorka few weeks ago. Natu- angry manner it was almost "audacity of hope" he had to thought, 'good for him, he these. conventions was to offi- rally the Democrats accused humorous, if not a little scary. become a senator for the state won't be swayed by the color- dally nominate someone to run them of exploiting 9/11, hav- Then there's good old of Illinois. ful balloons and inspiring pop for President in the election to ing their convention so close Ahhnuld. my favorite Aus- After that it just sort of music.' come that following November. to the third anniversary in the trian bodybuilder turned tagged on, from John But, then again, he's miss- They were intended tobe meet- city where the towers fell. I movie star turned politician, Edward's mediocre speech to ing all the great musical enter- ings for each party to discuss don't believe that was their using references from his the end of the Convention tainmenr.
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