Page 8 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
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SEPTEMBER23, 2004- Page 4 COMMENTARY When enrollment dips, numbers become elusive BRIA!'J'PATIERSON Affairs, nor the Admissions CO-EDITOR, Office knew how many people arrived on the Hill For the first issue of The when orientation began on McDaniel Free Press, Iwanted to Aug. 26. compare Yet back when there the num- was no enrollment dip, when ber ofnew the news was considered students "good," those numbers were this year easy to find. to last Rewind back to August year's to- 18,2003. Note the lead story tal. Last on the McDaniel College year, the website. It confirms that numbers "McDaniel will ring in a were up. Last year the college's record number of incoming long term plan for expansion, students when they arrive on Smooth sail during first days and changes associated wit~ the the Hill Thursday, Aug. 21." name change were heralded by What was the record local papers as good things. number? Four hundred and JON TETER Last year finding enroll- STAFF WRITER tation, Iwas filled with anXiety, fessors that make you read ment numbers was easy. fifty five first year students excitement, and a little fear. countless chapters in one night, and 70 transfer students. This year? Forget it. When the numbers are College. Some say it is Even though I had visited the pages of reports, the infamous The enrollment numbers a chance to further your edu- campus, it still seemed a ell-rughters that drain you en- became as elusive as a parking up, they are there for anyone cat ion, strange and foreign land. Many tirely. who wants to know. When space on cam~us. they are down 20percent like some say it new faces a nd new voices The time came for my first First, I tried to get the cur- is a chance greeted me. Confusion about class, Theatre Appreciation. As rent totals on first year students they are this year, they disap- to meet unloading and unpacking we started class, these stories and transfers from the Aca- pear. When I contacted the new and quickly set in. soon were proven false. The at- demic Affairs office, which is Admissions Office, vice exciting Fortunately, my feelings mosphere of class was inviting. usually the office from which president of enrollment man- did not last long. I felt very r Soon found out that this was people, anyone can get numbers relat- agement and dean of admis- and yet welcome. The Peer Mentors the case with every class. ing to the student body. These sions Marty O'Connell was others say made me feellike 1~lready w~s Professorsare always will- particular figures were not out of town. I was told some- it a part of a great family. The en- ing to help and students ecru- IS available yet because "the one else in the office would chance to tire experience was a great way ally participate in class. Not too school's numbers [for the fall] be able to help, but she could drink and party all night to meet other freshmen and long after that first class. are not final." not. long. So what is college re- upperclassmen. McDaniel campus seemed to Next up was the Admis- Garnes, programs, and get smaller and smaller. Find- sions Office. They seemed like Still, last year at this ally li~rs is a question fac- presentations helped ease the ing my way around the campus the logical choice since they time the numbers were com- ing new freshmen. . shift. For four days, college became a "piece of cake, large were in charge of admitting stu- mon knowledge. Thetransition from high seemed like "da bomb." It was slice!" I know that sound re- dents to the school, but they porting involves rese~rchand school to college can be a dif- a party that never ended. Looking back as I sit here could not provide a clear pic- digging into dusty files. But ficult, challenging, and even Another challenge pre- all settled in, I can say that my ture of how many new students I did not think that J would scary road to travel. For sen ted itself qui~kly. Classes transition from High School to there are. have to dig the numbers out most, it is the first time they started on that first Monday. College went very well. I ex- "As enrollment numbers will leave home for an ex- After going to the bookstore pected a much more drastic are still changing for the fall se- of a Baltimore Sun story. tended period of time. and putting down hundreds of shock corning from a coal region Schools all across the mester, I cannot provide you nation are experiencing en- McDaniel College has a great dollars on more books than I high school in Northeastern with an actual comparison of rollmentdips. There isno rea- orientation program for first- could carry, my nerves began Pennsylvania. With the help of this year's numbers to last son to try to mask the.enroll- year students that helps to race again. I was thinking of the great Orientation team, that year's at this time," was the ~e- ment dip here at McDaniel. make this transition a smooth everythingt~atcouldgowrong shock never happened. I hope ply I received from the Admis- and comfortable ride. and everything that Would be thateachfreshman'sexperience sions Office. There are 105 less first When I arrived on cam- difficult. Horror stories from was just as smooth as mine. If As of Sept. 3, neither rep- year students and, pus for the first day of orien- friends in college kept creeping not, remember that there are resentatives in the Academic this year than last year. Writ- their way into my head. Pro- many people on campus that ing that story was easy, but can help you become adjusted. getting the numbers was not. Steamed Crabs Back in Flu Shot Clinic Season! October 6th & 7th 11-1 p.m. in Ensor Lounge The cost is $15 and you can use your all-card to cover the fee. The first 25 toget the shot at half price. Prizes are 410-876-3550 available too!
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