Page 23 - mcdanielfreepress2004
P. 23
MARCH 11,2004, Page 11 SPORTS Goggles now required for women's lacrosse Safety precaution could take finesse out of the game RY in the Centennial Conference Vikki Mathers. S~g;:T;~~TER will be wearing the goggles The NCAA website has for the upcoming 2004 sea- noted a 51% decrease in facial rHOTOCOURTESYOF MATI EASTERDAY son. Head Women's Lacrosse injuries at the high school The Green Terror swim team in Florida during their January training session. Beginning in 2005, Coach Muffle Bliss has her level when the protective women' lacrosse players squad wearing the new eyewear has been used. Al- Green Terror swimmers shine across the country will be equIpment this season. though the protective stepping onto the field with "When we make eyewear will prevent those Conference Championship Highlights protective eyewear. The NCAA's we're going to have rare, but vision-threatening eyewear has been mandated to wear them, why not be the injuries,many think they are -The women set school records in the 200 Medley Relay, by US Lacrosse, the national best team with them and al- encouraging a more violent 400 Medley Relay, 400 Free Relay, and the 800 Free Relay. governing body for both ready have it under our belt," style of play. men's and. women's lacrosse Blisssaid. "Our team is playing -Three women swimmers set school records in seven for the 2005 season. When the news of this more aggressive which is events including Cassie Allen in the 100 and 200 Breast, Mary Prior to this new rule, stipulation carne about, play- good and bad ... more players Easterday in the 50, 100, 200, and 500 Free, and Melanie Pulley the only piece of equipment ers and coaches were not are being hit in' the face be- in the 400 Individual Medley. required for women's la- thrilled. Many expressed cause people aren't afraid of crosse players was a mouth concern-that the game would anyone getting seriously -Dan Pickett broke the school records for the 200 and 400 guard. Two states however, lose its finesse and become hurt," said Kirley. Individual Medley and the 200 Fly. The 200 Medley Relay team New York and Massachu- more like the men's game. "It's true. Aggressive of Pickett, Nick Grisby, Matt Easterday, and Erich Bass set the setts, currently have state- "l was apprehensivebe- play has picked up because record for the 200 Medley Relay. I wide rules enforcing the pro- cause I didn't know how it players are more fearless," tective eyewear at all levels. would affect our game. Pretty Bliss confirmed. "Lacrosse -Swimrners that took first overall at the championships "The purpose of the .. soon we're going to have to sticks are also designed to be were Dan Pickett in the 200 and 400 Individual Medley, and protectiveeyewear [is to] pre- be wearing helmets and pads more accurate and players are Melanie Pulley in the 1650 Free. vent rare but catastrophic eye just like the guys," said jun- also stronger and playing -Both teams increased their point totals from the 2003 injury- according to iordefender Katie Kirley. more powerfully.But better championships. The women increased from 328 to 364 points Despite the resistance mandatory goggles than hel- Since the 2000-2001sea- from both players and mets, Bliss added. and the men from 280 to 346. sons, when injuries did occur, coaches, the team has quickly "Helmets would lead to approximately 18% were to adjusted. They have lost no a game that is even more the head, and only 3%,to the pre-season time in becoming physical - and a game where eye, as documented on the accustomed to the new players have even less control NCAA website. While the change. of the ball," she said. "The rule will not be enforced un- "They aren't as bad as NCAA's protective eyewear til January of 2005, it is I thought they'd be. I think rule is a good one because it strongly recommended for all in the long run they will pre- still prevents the women's levels in 2004. vent many facial injuries," game from becoming as ag- The majority of schools said sophomore transfer gressive as the men's." Sports Crossfire In the market used vehicle? for a new or certified AlloW me to reeve vOIAI Ryan Brad and Walter Zalis discuss the major issues in professional sports Call Mark Principe @ today Mark Principe Heritage Honda of Sales Consultant Westminster regarding Previously called "The postseason brought back fans March Madness - inquires and sales of new or used vehicles. Betterfan," this new column to the game of baseball. A lot Brod- My favorites right Main: 41 0-876-1540 I look forward to your call! will cover more issues in less of the excitement stems from now are probably surprising- Cell: 443-838-2855 Ask for MilI:l!.! time. Here are the issues we the New York and Boston off- watch out for Arizona, NC Fax: 41 0-876-8779 discuss: season acquisitions. A-Rod to State, and Oklahoma State. I Email: mark3025@ Steroids in Majer the Yankees is dont think either of the League Baseball- monumental. ..the greatest unbeatens (Stanford or St. Brod- If you look at player in the game on the big- Joe's) will make it to the Final Barry Bonds ten years ago and gest stage in baseball. The big Four. Maryland should be in then today, you have to think questions in N.V. are chemis- the tournament. The Terps 580 Baltimore Boulevard he's been juicing. He's huge! try and pitching. In Boston, beat Florida while they were Westminster, MD 2' 157 His rookie year he may have pitching is the name of the number 1, and a respectable gone a buck eighty-five, an.d game. If Schilling, Martinez, Wisconsin squad. The com- now he's busting out of his Lowe, and Wakefield stay mittee has to take into consid- uniform. r dont think that has healthy until September, they eration that they play in one to do with a strong off-season will give the Yankees a run for of the toughest conferences in workout program. Ican't b.e their (bottomless pit of) college basketball. sure, but it looks fairly obvi- money. The top-heavy AL ZaIis- I have to concur ous to me. If steroids are be- East will overshadow the once again when it comes to ing abused, what do we make offseason pickups in Balti- the NCAA Tournament. Okla- of all the broken home run more and Tampa. homa State does look good, records? Zalis- The Yankees and I also know (as well as Zalis- This story about make me mad. There is no probably just about everyone steroids and MLB has been way a team should have a else) that Stanford and S1. Ices blown way out of proportion. lineup that includes Lofton, are overrated and worn do as Mt:dklt.l Qu.,Hly Stolt"oS C/d.L fOR A"PPOwrr-fENT Sure Bonds is bigger, and he Jeter, Giambi, Rodriguez, well as one may think. As far Prcfession ...1St.apdoU'ds: 410-871-2100 may do 'roids ...but steroids Sheffield, Williams, Posada, as Maryland being involved C()mrMillv~ly Pd~d aren't the only thing that can Matsui ... and the list goes on. this year ... yeah, they should f.V[NfNGS & Wf.EKENlIS pack on the pounds. Your lo- I mean, an all-star like Posada be. Pretty much all there is to cal GNC has products that can is going to be batting 7th or it. ALL do the same thing. Plus, 8th!!That's crazy. The Red Sox NOTE- If there arespe- BODY Bonds is no over night sti!! look tough though and cific topics YOU would like homerun hitting sensation. could still finish first in the to see in Sports Crossfire,feel r I E Il..C I N ~ S He's been an all-star his entire now very tough A.L. east. free to e-mail suggestions to II] Ef1lt1~~ Bt~-d career. 'Have you seen' his With all the action the Orioles rab004@mednnie1.edllordrop WESThtIJ.;S'T'E1l MD had this offseason, they'll still them off in the mnilroom for sWing~ankees/Red Sox- finish3rd. box # 1456. _t~~I!i!o"""''''''I~ Brod- Last years
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