Page 20 - mcdanielfreepress2004
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MARCH 11,2004, Page 8 COMMENTARY Praise for Free Press Dear Free Press staff, From my spring semester Breslin, who found us a new sabbatical perch in Gettysburg, publisher in Kahn Creative not far from the famous battle- Design, without which the field, I recently received a copy paper's improvements of the inaugural issue of The would be far less noticeable. McDaniel Free Press, previously Next month, when our known as Tile Phoenix. Wow! chapter of the Society for Col- Although Lisa Breslin, interim legiate Journalists hosts its adviser to the paper, had kept sixth annual College Press me informed of the many Day, all the participating col- planned changes to McDaniel's leges will have their newspa- student newspaper, nothing pers spread out on a big table. could have quite prepared me In past years, Tile Phoenix did for the new-name, new-look not always compare favor- Free Press. ably with some of its counter- parts. However, based on the From the attractive and first issue of The McDaniel Personal trainer certification, photo-filled front-page design to the solid back-page sports Free Press, that won't be true this year. Thanks again to all story on our marvelous those involved with the birth not a useless Jan-Term class women's basketball team, I found not just a new newspa- of this exciting student news- per, but a much better one. All paper, and I look forward to discovered. the people who worked so hard congratulating you in person To the editor: student pass" is also false. As with any type of certi- on this first issue deserve a come August. T am writing in re- Out of 24.students this past fication, it costs money to take campus-wide round of ap- Terry Dalton sponse to the commentary on Jan-term everyone has classes or take certification ex- plause, and I hope you can hear Adviser, The McDaniel Jan-Term classes written by passed. As a matter of fact, ams. This organization is one of mine from 25 miles away. Spe- Free Press the Copy Desk Chief, Ashley they just received their certi- the very few out there that pro- Hoover. I have nothing cial thanks, of course, go to Ms. fications in the mail. vides the in-depth core knowl- against people ex- edge and practical in- Free Press Staff pressing their opin- struction required to be- ions. However, I do have a problem when Out of24 students this past come an effective per- people express their Jan-term everyone has passed. sonal trainer, short of Co-Editors-in-Chief Circulation opinions based on un- completing a 4 year de- Katie Martin '06 Ashley Ramos truths or without re- As a matter offact. they just gree, which does not cer- Brian Patterson '05 Michael Vyskocil '05 searching all the facts, received their certifications in tify you as a personal Betel Zigale in which Ashley has the mail. trainer. Art director done. The majority of Liz Matthews '06 Writers If she had done personal training pro- Joe Adelizzi '07 some research, she grams out there are more News Editors Ken Bertkau '05 would have discovered that Which leads me to the expensive and offer UTfLE to Pruzstna Nagy '04 Tori Butler '07 the Personal Fitness Trainer final comment about the $399 NO instruction .. So, I ask the Heather Weisse '04 [eff Cablness Certification class was not cost of the course. This course next time you print a commen- Kiristina Cheek '07 just for Exercise Science ma- is a National Certification tary, you make sure the opin- Features Editor Katrina Culley '06 jors. It was, and will be next Exam and is provided by an ions of the writer are backed by Laura Petersen '06 Bayley Fannin '05 year, open to anyone who organization independent of facts and truths. Lindsay Graham '07 wishes to take the class. McDaniel College, which if Thank you, Commentary Editor Brad Groover '05 Secondly, her com- Ashley would have re- Melissa D. Lachman, Rob Goeke '07 Joe Horrocks '04 ment about "rarely does a searched, she would have . MS.ATC Kim Lowry '05 Sports Editor Lawann Nelson '06 Pat O'Toole '07 Kelly Rampmeyer '07 No love for Nader inthe media Bryan Renbaun '06 Copy Desk Chief Rbbbie Saville,'04 Ashley Hoover '05 Michael Seff '07 Every time you put on dain. For most non-Republi- "[Each party is] dialing for the Amalis Shaffer '07 same dollars." There is no de- Copy Editors a seat belt in a car, you should cans, who have rallied nying that politics have become Melissa Gallo '07 Advertising Manager thank around the ASS (Anyone but more elitist and less ignoble in Bush) cause, the threat Nader Jenifer Evans Jamey Ayers '04 Ralph poses looms large. recent times. Deshawn McNeil '05 Nader It is indisputable that Money talks, and ordi- Every Lauren Wilson '04 Advertising Reps Nader's presence in 2000 nary Americans do not have the Rachel Bryant '06 tim e helped Bush. It can be safely same influence as lobbyists. Layout Design Emily Funk '07 assumed that if the consumer Thus, Nader has a strong point Katie Champion '04 Courtney Norris '07 one is advocate had not been a fac- that he wishes to become Courtney Norris '07 Dirk Sampselle '06 saved tor, a large percentage of the known. But with constituents by the Katie Lyons '04 2.6 million votes he garnered of both parties so polarized, it Beth McLane '07 Ad Design pres - would have gone to Al Gore. is hard to believe that Nader ence of Katharine Strong '04 Erin Duffy '04 an airbag in a car, you should Only a few thousand will obtain much support. Erin Romanski '04 Jeff Goeller '05 thank Ralph Nader. shifted votes in Florida Bush-supporters will view a Photography As Hendrik Hertzberg would have changed the vote for Nader as a vote taken Sarah Black '07 said in The New Yorker, course of history. Nader's away from Bush. Bush-haters main purpose in running is will think much the same, ex- Sham Sun "[Nader] is therefore respon- Indira Gonzales '07 sible for the existence of some. providing an alternative to cept that a vote for Nader millions of drivers and pas- the two parties', who have would take away from the The McDaniel Free Press is published biweekly. The opinions expressed sengers who would other- become, in his view, too simi- Democratic nominee. donot~'\
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