Page 26 - mcdanielfreepress2004
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APRIL 1, 2004 - Page 4 FEATURES Community history absolutely priceless: Barbara O'Brien's work in the McDaniel College Archive MICHAEL VYSKOCIL studies photographs and scheduled for 2005, will co- like. to do-like process the STAFF WRITER incide with the 75th anniver- materials," she said. "There scans yearbooks to obtain background or historical in- sary of Lewis' retirement. are some pieces in the archives The sounds of crackling formation for her exhibits. Photographs and the diary Ihaven't even gotten to yet." tissue and crinkling bubble Scrapbooks are her lat- Lewis kept of his 1892 jour- She tries to keep her du- wrap slice the silence of the est collecting pursuit. ney around the world arejust ties interesting' and her workroom. O'Brien is planning an ex- some of the items that will be workspace organized-label- Rows 'of acid-free card- hibit highlighting the displayed. ing is essential as is carefully board boxes stare solemnly scrapbooks cre- Thanks to new com- packing items using acid-free from the shelves. The archivist ated by WMC puter software, O'Brien will tissue paper, acid-free boxes with the dangling earrings care- alumni that also be creating an online ex- and silica gel for storage. fully lifts a petite 1920s auto- document hibit on Hoover's website of "You really have to re- graph album from its box, smil- life at the William Roberts McDaniel. spect the prominence of the ing like a child at Christmas. college. The virtual exhibit will con- . materials," O'Brien said, clos- Welcome to Barbara 'Snp- tain photos and informa- ing the lid of a box containing O'Brien's office at Hoover Li- books are a tional highlights from the a copy of the June 27, 1863 edi- brary-no ball point pens or unique current McDaniel exhibit at tion of the Philadelphia. In- permanent markers allowed, look at the Library. quirer. "For me, when I read please. social his- and handle the materials from O'Brien, who is in the tory of the past COllegepresidents, for in- middle of her fourth year as the time they stance, Ibegin to understand college archivist, has a passion were cre- more about them and even ad- for history and collectibles. ated," she mire them." From Egyptian artifacts said. One As the caretaker of these over 3,500 years old to an origi- of the treasures, O'Brien considers nal paper lantern used ina 1943 scrapbooks the sentimental and historical "farewell seniors" ceremony, features memora- significance when evaluating O'Brien oversees the accession bilia relating to the speech the collection. and storage of items in the ar- Theodore Roosevelt gave "For a 'small college, chives. According to O'Brien, while campaigning for there's a lot of interesting his- the collection comprises about president in Westminster. tory housed here," she said. "I 1,000' linear feet of material O'Brien is. also couldn't begin to put a price space. working on an exhibit fo- on the value of this collection." O'Brien enjoys the detec- cusing on Thomas Hamilton tive part of her job. She thumbs Lewis-the college's second through alumni directories, president. The exhibit, What's cookin'in GLAR? Many changes implemented James Madison University to Easton. He added that the meet once a month with other at the international station and LAUREN WILSON visit campus to field student tray belt and dishwasher con- dining officials to give requested that it be lessened STAFF WR1TER questions about how to eat a stantly break down, making McDaniel students an oppor- Smith immediately decreased healthy diet while on a col- busy lunch shifts difficult for tunity to present their ideas the amounts of oils used and Maybe it's the chicken lege meal plan: his staff. on what changes need to be posted a sign at that station in- Caesar salads and those deli- Last fall, Smith and his However, he noted, made to improve the quality forming everyone of the cious peanut butter cookies change. available during lunch. Or per- The idea to add a special haps it was that lobster tail din- GLAR FUN FACTS "to go" stop where students ner, but everyone knows some- could quickly grab something thing is going on in Bnglar Din- to eat between classes has also ing Hall. ยท9000 meals per year are discarded onto the tray belt and then thrown away been proposed. Smith has high That something is Over a million meals per year are served on campus hopes to find a space and some Cameron Smith, who was hired -MoOaniel College Student Dining Committee meets once a month to extra money in the budget to last summer as the new General discuss problems and ideas for the cafeteria and the Pub & Grille turn this suggestion into a real- Manager of McDaniel's Dining -Visit the Dining Services website at! ity Services. Since then, students, events.html The next Student Dining staff, and faculty alike have ~Ommittee meeting will be held started to notice the positive In April in Englar Dining Hall changes in Englar Dining Hall and all students are encouraged and the Pub & Grille. team added special features "All things are very safe, very of the Englar experience. to attend and voice their opin- "I have to admit, I'm im- such as non-dairy alterna- clean. We are hospital clean." As a result of these stu- ions. ' pressed. Things are getting bet- tives, a potato bar, and fresh The cleanliness of the dent-based meetings, several "~inally, four years later, ter," said junior psychology grilled chicken at the wrap food handling areas is always changes have occurred just something good," commented major Christina Carbonetto. and salad bar stations. This very important and Englar this month. For example, a senior Jason Hartman, a busi- A local resident of spring, students are enjoying Dining Hall does meet all student inquired about the ness administration and eCO- Westminster, Smith came to the new milk machines, in- Health Department stan- amount of cooking oils used nomlcs major. "It's about time." McDaniel with directorial and creased vegetarian options, dards, stated Easton. culinary experience from other and the special themed events For Smith-though. it's small liberal arts colleges with such as the "Spread the Love" all about the satisfaction of similar dining programs. Valentine's Day dinner and his toughest critics. . Update: After this article was WTitten,studentnews Not only did he arrive "Beach Bash." "Positive student feed- tipped the paper that McDaniel COllege had decided to in- with fresh ideas for the dining According to Jason back makes it all worth- clude. t~e local Safeway grocery store, and Subway and hall, but also with the desire to Easton, Director of Student while," said Smith. He hopes C.lasslco s restaurants, located in the College Square Shop- participate in community ser- Restaurants, the biggest chal- that the napkin notes con- f'mg ~ent~r, a~ a part .ofnext year's meal plan. Upon further vice programs such as "Second lenge in serving the college is tinue to appear on the bulle- tnvesngatton.It was dIscovered that the Student Government Harvest" and "S.T.O.P. Hun- the facility. tin board next to the ~ssem~ly had ~roposed this idea, but with no success. Se- ger" in order to feed the needy. "It [Bnglar Dining Hall] cafeteria's entrance. ruor Br~an Ma,rtm~n~, president of S.G.A. stated, "It's not Student health is impor- was built for 600 students. Smith has organized something we re gIVing up on; but it's definitel oin to be tant to him as well. He has Currently we are serving 1350 the Student Dining Commit- a long term. process." y g g asked for a nutritionist from students on meal plans," said tee, a group of students that
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